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Topic: Proposed New BLM Rule (Read 250 times) previous topic - next topic
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Proposed New BLM Rule
Here is a view on a new rule, one that is troublesome as terms are not defined.

You may be aware that some well financed and lawyered up organizations are always seeking to block access to public lands to common folks like me. This is the most recent effort.  Enact the rule, then define the words.

Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

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Re: Proposed New BLM Rule
Reply #1
Looking into who the UPLA are comes their mission statement:  “The Utah Public Lands Alliance was formed in Spring of 2014 to represent users of public lands in their efforts to keep public lands open to multipurpose use including 4x4, UTV, ATV, Equestrian, Dirt Bike, Hikers, Campers, Rock Hounders, Rock Climbers and many others”.

In this respect, one can see how they would be against any land use restrictions, even those that may damage the environment through overuse. 

Somewhere in the middle maybe there’s agreement…. even if both sides lawyer up.

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Re: Proposed New BLM Rule
Reply #2
The new rules may have been a reaction to the increased number of boondockers, including vanners and overlanders who have no concept of wilderness etiquette.
We have noticed more trash and dirty campsites over the past few years all over the West.

Two years ago, we met Joan Taylor two Junes ago in Lone Pine, on the Eastern Sierra and explored the surrounding area vainly looking for wildflowers.  We found the Alabama Hills, one of our favorite areas, totally trashed, every cove had trash scattered, most with multiple campfire \pits. Not long after, BLM closed much of the area to boondocking.
I can see this soon applying too much of the Sierras. It's heartbreaking to see such beautiful areas misused.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Proposed New BLM Rule
Reply #3
<smile> This is a topic where folks have very strong opinions.   Here in Oregon folks have had shooting stand-offs over 'rules'.  Hopefully, there is a compromise in the end.

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