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Topic: Overcab rot repair (Read 162 times) previous topic - next topic
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Overcab rot repair
Hi group, so we’re now getting into overcab repair and as suspected there’s rot from water damage so clearing it out and we’re going to reframe along the windows. For anyone who’s done this before - how did you replace the ply wood on the curved part? I read Kenny’s pinned post and watched his videos and they’ve been super helpful. I’ve also seen some other videos where they add curved framing like he did (which is not how LD did this) along the curve and then screw the ply into that. However, were concerned that if we glue the framing on to the aluminum curve without screwing it in that the glue might heat up and detach. Also did you use 1/8” ply or layer on 1/32”? Thanks

Re: Overcab rot repair
Reply #1
This type of repair is not in my playbook, but floorplan and vintage info would be valuable to include for the most pertinent replies.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit