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Topic: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere (Read 1163 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #25
The hole in my heart and the well of tears have been mitigated some by the steadfast friends who have kept my fingers busy with messages and good conversations.  And for that, I am very grateful.

I am undecided about how to move forward.  I need only one motorhome, but there seem to be three of them taking up space in my life now.  Do I even want to travel on my own?  I always thought I would, but now I am not so sure.  These are weird times because of COVID, and I don't see a clear path.

I envy you, as you had a true and steadfast love in your life.  Gary's (Nola Boy's) passing will never be easy, but rest assured in the love that you two shared is eternal.  I'm sure it's difficult for you as you always had Gary by your side to help and guide.  There are those of us who have never experienced "that kind of love" and devotion. 

Recently, I've been encouraged by Judy Reinheimer (an Escapee Boomer and organizer of the Escapee Boomer group at the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta this year.)  I admire her for her "widow's courage" - having lost her husband in 2019.  She "jokingly" refers to herself as a "warrior widow."  

You just lost your husband - you don't have to make a decision on how to move forward today (or even tomorrow or the next day).  Eventually, you'll "do" what feels right for you (whatever that may be).  It's OK if you decide to "sell all the rigs" and not travel any longer.  However, in time I suspect you won't do that.  Be gentle and patient with yourself and do what feels "right" to you.  You'll be amazed at the people ready to support you in any decision you make. 

Speaking for myself after have both hips replaced in 2019 and being "home alone" for some time due to the global pandemic, I find myself "angry" for "wasted time."  I need/want an "adventure" and find myself happiest when I'm traveling meeting new people and experiencing new places.  After the advent of Covid-19, there's a "new world order" and one that we need to learn to live safely and securely in.  The loss of my oldest brother due to Covid-19 in a care facility in Indianapolis in May 2020 "colors" my view and makes me somewhat fearful.  However, with proper precautions and safeguards I plan to continue to "live my life" to the fullest. 

The bottom line is "you're stronger than you think," and eventually you'll find your path...
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #26
"Do I even want to travel on my own?  I always thought I would, but now I am not so sure."


I've been waiting for a while before I pulled the trigger, but now you have given me the impetus to follow through.

My wife and I shared a life together over the span of 45 years, mostly good but some not so. The military kept us apart some of the time. We raised two children, one of which was taken from us by a genetic disorder.

Then the long awaited 'Retirement' came along. Travel was our common passion and after many miles with four different modes of transport we purchased a Lazy Daze. The delivery date was Nov. 2004. She got to make two short trips and was actively creating a nice nest in the RV. The following May she was gone!

So, there I was, a nearly new LD and no travel companion. What to do? I could sell it... and then what? I could leave it set in the side yard gathering mold and rust! But no, I filled the tank and the fridge and hit the road. She rode co-pilot in my mind and I went on to make more friends than I'd ever had before. It's a long time to eternity! Sorry for your loss!
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #27
Yes, Steve.  I remember your story about losing your wife so close to the time you acquired your Lazy Daze.  Counting on my fingers, this was 17 years ago.  Seventeen years ago, I was a youngster of 61, and still able to do a lot of things that my 78-year old current self is less capable of.
I have plans to give it a try, though, with the most positive of projections.  My dilemma is to choose what size rig I think I will be able to handle without getting into too much trouble.  My Lazy Daze RB (16K miles) is perfection for boondocking (thanks, Larry and AM Solar), but so very long compared to the Pleasure-Way at 20'4" (40K miles), or the Sportsmobile at 17'8" (75K miles).  I feel most comfortable in the Sportsmobile, but it is 23 years old, and there have been many safety features added on vehicles over these years.
Not that I would mind learning the ropes all over again; it has been a long time since we took any trips.  I just need to have fewer choices of vehicle so that I can concentrate on learning those ropes on only one vehicle.
Any and all input on this subject is welcomed! Virtual hugs,


Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #28

I am very sorry for the loss of your NOLA Boy.  I have followed your "Adventures of Dorrie Anne" for awhile now and always have enjoyed your tales of NOLA Boy and your life in Arizona.

Today was a sad day for me as I just discovered Ken Fears and your NOLA Boy are gone. 

He was lucky to have such a wonderful lady as you in his life.

Jan Marker
2005 Mid Bath

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #29
Hi Jan -

How very sweet to hear from you.  We had fifteen years to prepare, but the end came so swiftly that we didn't even have a chance to say good-bye.  I am incredibly sad; much more so than I had ever thought possible.
But with that in mind, I will be going over to Elephant Butte State Park for the last part of January and the first part of February and the next two weeks in Caballo Lake State Park, doing some camping with Jan Forseth.  If you knew Ken, you probably know Jan as well.  I had hoped to meet up with Ken over there; we had talked about it on occasion, but it just never happened.
Are you the folks with the airplane(s)? Thank you so much for your kind words.  It has been three months now, but seems like only yesterday judging by the pain level.  Sorry to whine, but it is more devastating to my ability to RV than I thought it would be.
Virtual hugs,


Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #30

Yes, we are the folks with the airplanes and we still have our Lazy Daze Mid Bath.  Right now it is being a part-time "hangar queen" in Blanding, UT.   We flew one of our airplanes there last weekend and spent the weekend enjoying our LD "home away from home" and doing some flight-seeing during the daytime.

We also have a hangar at Truth or Consequences so will be at South Monticello Point at various times this winter with our LD and an airplane.  Best of both worlds!  Camping in style and flight-seeing our beautiful country.

I hope we can meet up with you when you are there! 

2005 Mid Bath

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #31
Beautifully written Judie! You must know Gary feels your pain and will help you through this decision making process from heaven above.  There will be signs...........

Best regards,

Gary J
2007 30' TB

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #32
"Beautifully written Judie! You must know Gary feels your pain and will help you through this decision making process from heaven above.  There will be signs..........."

Thank you, Gary.  I am sure it will all come back to me - eventually - with some guidance from friends near and far.

Gary's idea of pleasure was to be in the out of doors with his beloved trees to hug, hills to climb on his bicycle, trails to meander up and down, venues to place his tripod for that perfect photo, and in earlier years, ski trails to cross country on.  And, of course, his special thrill was to help others by sharing his skills with the computer, RV'ing in general, rig maintenance, and his incredible knowledge of the in's and out's of the Sierra that we enjoyed for so many years!

Am I up to the task?  Well, not thrilled with traveling alone, but am willing to give it a try, while still searching out bumper buddies here and there.

So much to see; so little time!  ;->

   Virtual hugs,


Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #33
Something I have heard, don't make any major decisions you don't have to make for at least 6 months.
Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #34
You, my Dear Lady obviously have many real friends here.

Please reach out to any and all of us - and continue your love of your Lazy Daze as long as you are able.

We welcome you in any way you can attend or participate.....and love you for it!


Tony R. (aka codefour)
Tony R
2010 LD RB - Sold to another happy LD Family

Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #35
"Something I have heard, don't make any major decisions you don't have to make for at least 6 months. "

Yes, Steve, I agree.  It's been three and a half months now, but I don't feel qualified to make any permanent decisions apart from what to eat for each meal. 

Thankfully, our love of food has seen me through.  I have been experimenting with foods, and photographing the results, but have not returned to my blog to post them.

I hope to return to blogging soon with the original intentions (food and traveling) taking the forefront.

Everyone here is so lovely; I am truly blessed to be part of this family.

   Virtual hugs,


Re: IN MEMORIAM: Gary Villere
Reply #36
Yes, virtual hugs.
Steve and Jill, Steve posting
1999 26.5 Mid-Bath