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Topic: Re: FB groups? Why? (Read 558 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: FB groups? Why?
It's likely that there are people who subscribe to both LDO and the FB LD groups, but I am (sincerely) curious as to the reasons that someone interested in LDs, either as an owner or "seeker", would choose a Facebook group instead of LDO.

I acknowledge that I don't subscribe to FB, and maybe my question is not "answerable", but if anyone who subscribes to any or all of the FB groups (and LDO, obviously) would like to share their thoughts about why one might prefer one group over another, go for it.

YMMV, as always.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #1
Joan - I'm on both (the LD Fan group NOT the Buyer/Seller one)

I like the FB page because lots of folks share photos of campsites they are at (it's very easy to post pics/videos there) which we appreciate.  You do find duplicates sometimes of folks asking or sharing technical issues that are already on this site.
2013 31' Silver Twin Bed
Semi-retired 6/21....

Re: Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #2

Quote from: Joan  -  5 hours ago
I acknowledge that I don't subscribe to FB, and maybe my question is not "answerable", but if anyone who subscribes to any or all of the FB groups (and LDO, obviously) would like to share their thoughts about why one might prefer one group over another, go for it.

To me, it's a waste to have two separate groups when the LD world is so small, to begin with. The LDOF has been in existence for over twenty years and has the archives to search as well as a group of very experienced LD owners available to answer questions.
Other than the social nature of FB, I see no good reason for its existence other than it might allow 'hot button' discussions, something we do not allow here, limiting the discussions to LDs and travel-related topics. We try to maintain a friendly, non-controversial environment where everyone feels comfortable.


Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #3
I am in both groups, and the Lazy Daze Caravan Club FB group as well.  I learn about everything about Lazy Daze from the people of this forum, as the posts are more informative and the membership is much more knowledgeable (and helpful to boot!).  I like the Facebook group for seeing photos of what people are doing with their LDs, (e.g., decor, day trips with an invitation for anyone in the area to come and join) - things that might clutter up and not add anything of value to this group.   I agree that technical questions are best directed to this forum rather than Facebook, although there are a few of the same knowledgeable people there. 
2003 RB “Lulu Boo Berry” The Blue Ghost
2008 Jeep Liberty “Mr. Toad”

Re: Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #4
I was a member of the LD Fan group but recently deleted my fb account due to fb’s censorship policies.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #5
I was also was a member of the LD Fan FB group. But last month I removed myself from that group due to several member's ignorant, uniformed, and hostile comments and attitude. And also because FB censored me for responding. I only  keep my FB account to stay in touch with family and close friends. My wife refuses to go on FB.


Harvest Hosts + Boondockers Welcome #23975
Escapees SKP #138195
2007 23.5' Twin King

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #6
I do read the Lazy Daze Facebook groups in addition to every post in this group.. Maybe it is because I have been addicted to all things Lazy Daze for the last 19 years.

The FB group seems to have a different set of dynamics with many folks who are buying older units and remodeling them with no prior RV experience. It also offers a much more visual experience than this group does. I suspect that the age group is younger too. There appears to be quite a few younger women who are "fulltiming" or work camping in the FB group. I admire their bravery but know that some will have big struggles.

I have also seen quite a few folks from this group posting to the FB group; some of them using a different names. It isn't difficult to figure out who is who. In this group many folks are referred to the search function or the "Companion" to find answers to questions. On the FB site there are almost always answers offered with no expectation that you go searching for the answer. Often though the FB moderator will refer challenging questions to this group or the Companion. One common trait is that it seems most folks never share their followup story; they just drift off to the next challenge.

I think some of you want to make FB a political issue so avoid it. I don't maintain a page or "friend" anyone. But I do utilize various FB groups for my other hobbies of birding, photography, and fishing. To just dismiss it outright is a bit short sighted in my opinion. If I hadn't extended my reach on the internet in 2002, I doubt I would have ever found this helpful group or even discovered Lazy Daze.

As one of our wise mentors often states, YMMV!

Steve K

Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #7
I don't know about 'political' reasons for deciding for or against FB, but their reputation for identity safety is abysmal - as is most social media. Also, while once a FB subscriber, I found that it would require spending countless hours trying to keep up to date with posts to just my OWN page, and filtering through reams of friend requests from folks I have never heard of, and I just do NOT have time like this to waste. Perhaps things have changed in the past decade or so, but I have no inclination to find out.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #8
I’ve been here for almost 20 years, thats how long I’ve been wanting a LD once I retire, verifying this is the RV I want now that I am retired.   Now I’m figuring out what options, and what extra requests I can get away with from the Mothership.

I joined the FB group a couple years ago, because why not?   I trust much of what is said here more than FB, but it is more information, which is good from my point of view.   Have also periodically pointed them here.

I happen to like Star Wars AND Star Trek, never really believed in liking one excluded you from the other kinda mentality.

2017 TK

Re: Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #9
I threw Facebook away, until I found out about the LD group there, and now primarily use it for that.

Apart from the picture friendliness mentioned by others, it feels more fluid and active with all level questions and sharing of events.

One main thing I like about the FB group is notifications. I usually hate them, but when it's Lazy Daze related I'm super excited to get them.
1995 23.5 Rear Lounge

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #10
I am not a member of the LD Facebook group.   The only problem that I have is that it uses Facebook.
My late wife had a FB account and about 4 friends.  One of them was a Russian woman with a Chow dog.  When Mary died, I disconnected her page and deleted it.  About 6 months later,  I created a FB account to follow the activities of the local political Central Committee.   I received nearly 1,000 friend requests from Chow owners, mainly Russian and Ukraine.   The only commonality with my wife's months-old deleted account and my new one is that they shared an Internet address.   Facebook pushed 'friend requests'  based on that very tentative link.   As a former IT professional and network security worker,   I found that behavior extremely disturbing.   I limit my facebook exposure to an absolute minimum.   That excludes FB LD group.
That was long before I watched Netflix's THE SOCIAL DILEMMA
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #11
"I limit my facebook exposure to an absolute minimum."

I would not join any of the Social Media groups unless I could watch hell freeze over. Pure Poison!   :D
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #12
I would not join any of the Social Media groups unless I could watch hell freeze over.

Reminds me of the quote…

    I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.  - Groucho Marx

😊 John
Fulltimer with a 2021 MId-Bath “Babe”, 1996 Cherokee “Scout” and “Bandit” the wonder dog 🐶

Re: Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #13
It's been fun bashing the mega-billionaires' social media toys, but perhaps it's time to move on to something more LD/RV related.



Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: FB groups? Why?
Reply #15
Joan, I’m on FaceBook mainly to keep in touch and share pictures with friends and relatives across the states. I feel it’s where a lot of people begin their search for their LD or seek help once they’ve found one. If someone hasn’t already shared the lazydazeowners site, I refer them to it. I’m not sure why but they’re both surprised and excited to know about it. I always say the wealth of information is here!  I’ve emailed copies of my old LD manual to help several genuinely thankful people. -pj
Not all who wander are lost...

1991 22' RL