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Topic: It’s Becoming Difficult  (Read 237 times) previous topic - next topic
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It’s Becoming Difficult
Our RV travels have slowed down in recent months, which is causing me (and Margee) no end of frustration.  I have a bit of arthritis, Sciatica, and a bone spur in my lower back.   All that makes trip preparation to include maintenance, cleaning, waxing less than enjoyable.   I must admit that climbing on the roof is a chore.  Fortunately the actual traveling isn’t too uncomfortable.  

So far physical therapy has offered some relief for a few days.  Nevertheless, we’re leaving on Monday for East Texas for a week.  The Rig is ready and my roof shines which always makes me smile.

On another note, our granddaughter has made nearly every summer RV trip with us for the last 6-7 years.  Now that’s she’s 16 years old, it’s sadly less.  As most parents and grandparents know, that’s kinda of normal.  But for grandma (aka Yaya), it doesn’t make it any easier.   It also makes Papa sad too 😔.  So now we’re empty nesters once again with a few more aches and pains.   On the other hand, we have an 8 month old puppy that keeps things lively!    Our RV adventures are going to be a little slower and a little different but still exciting. 

And that our RV news. 

Re: It’s Becoming Difficult
Reply #1
Hang in there, Ed! It does get harder every year, but based on the appearance of your roof, you're still doing so well with the RV maintenance. I just finished washing and waxing my rig, a process that takes about 5 days. And my roof, although it looks good, doesn't look *excellent* like yours!!!
Jan Forseth
2007 27' Midbath named Footloose