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Topic: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV (Read 232 times) previous topic - next topic
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Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV

I’ve been on a mission to prepare my RV for a new chapter in our lives. My husband and I are now empty-nesters, so we have plans to use our RV differently than we have in the past, with more day, weekend, and special event getaways. Over the years, the RV has collected a lot of stuff, so I started going through all of the storage areas and ask myself these questions:
Is it a duplicate?
Do we need it and use it?
Does it serve our needs?
Does it need to be replaced?
Does it make us happy?
It’s amazing what I found in my process. I uncovered a lot of things that haven't been used in years and many I thought had been lost and had been replaced again. Have any of you experienced the following? I’m usually the one that packs most of the stuff for our trips. Our RV has its own set of frequently used items (towels, bedding, toiletries, tools, etc.) so all we need to pack are food and clothing. However, my spouse feels the need to grab everything he uses daily and pack it in. Then we are stuck in a loop of packing in and out. What I mean by this is he brings all of his house toiletries into the RV, even though there is a set already in the RV. I will see his extras and take them back to the house. He will then see them back in the house and think he forgot to pack them and repeat the process. I finally broke this cycle by putting an empty grocery bag in the RV and when we are just about to leave, I go through and pick up all of the duplicates, put them in the bag, and put the bag out of sight in a closet in our house so that it gets left behind. During my sorting, I found I had things we have never used that were taking up a lot of space, and I never really liked but felt obligated to keep them because someone gave them to us. So, those were donated, along with the kids’ stuff that was still there. I also went through all of the maps, camping guides, and paperwork we’ve been carrying around and eliminated all the duplicates and outdated stuff. The sheer weight and space of all the stuff I was able to eliminate was worth the time invested. I still need to go through the wardrobe and outside bins removing anything we no longer use, but I’ve already freed a lot of space, and my RV is getting more organized and ready for some new things! How do you keep your RV organized? How often do you go through your storage areas? What's the heaviest item you store inside?

SoCal-Gal  (Tracy)
1991 26.5 RB
Previous 1988 22’ LD Multi plan
Previous 1992 Six-pack Camper
Spare the sealant, spoil the job.
Travelers: Tracy, spouse Anthony, Coton de Tulear, Gabby and parrotlet, Indigo

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #2
I watched the video over a year ago and used the Kondo method for all the drawers in my bedroom dresser, and they have remained nicely organized. Has anyone else followed this method? Read her book? Watched the video?
SoCal-Gal  (Tracy)
1991 26.5 RB
Previous 1988 22’ LD Multi plan
Previous 1992 Six-pack Camper
Spare the sealant, spoil the job.
Travelers: Tracy, spouse Anthony, Coton de Tulear, Gabby and parrotlet, Indigo

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #3
"How do you keep your RV organized?"

There are items in 'our' LD of which I've known since day one! But, despite the lack of use it still gets a free ride year after year. For example, there is a shade cloth, custom made with grommets and hangers, designed to be attached to the awning. It's hasn't been used more than twice is sixteen years.

Then there is a folding table, same age, that doesn't get used because I'm too lazy to dig it out despite it's usefulness at potlucks.

I believe that most of us are guilty as charged!  ::)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #4
Empty nesters too. I have a half dozen board games stashed in the LD. Our routine was to play a game or two each night with the kid before bed. They don’t get used at all anymore but I just can’t get myself to remove them. Too many memories I guess.

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #5
I lived 7 years on a motorcycle before getting my Lazy Daze.
That taught me a lot about what is needed vs. what is wanted.
If I hadn't used something in a 6 month period, out it went.
Now, I can hoard just about anything I could dream of having.
But I don't.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #6
Empty nesters too. I have a half dozen board games stashed in the LD. Our routine was to play a game or two each night with the kid before bed. They don’t get used at all anymore but I just can’t get myself to remove them. Too many memories I guess.

I’m also trying to part with a lot of sentimental things that are taking up too much space but trigger cherished memories. I’ve started a photo album called “Memories” where I’m collecting pictures of those items. It’s making it easier for me to part with the physical things because I know it’s the memories I cherish, not the items. 🥰
SoCal-Gal  (Tracy)
1991 26.5 RB
Previous 1988 22’ LD Multi plan
Previous 1992 Six-pack Camper
Spare the sealant, spoil the job.
Travelers: Tracy, spouse Anthony, Coton de Tulear, Gabby and parrotlet, Indigo

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #7
"How do you keep your RV organized?"

Then there is a folding table, same age, that doesn't get used because I'm too lazy to dig it out despite it's usefulness at potlucks.

Steve, We have one of those folding picnic tables in our garage that came with the LD from the previous owners. It’s never moved from where we stored it. Thanks for reminding me because it’s time it finds a new home.😉

And we have a never used flush port-a-potty from the camper we had in 1997 that my husband has refused to part with. I think that’s kind of weird...
SoCal-Gal  (Tracy)
1991 26.5 RB
Previous 1988 22’ LD Multi plan
Previous 1992 Six-pack Camper
Spare the sealant, spoil the job.
Travelers: Tracy, spouse Anthony, Coton de Tulear, Gabby and parrotlet, Indigo

Re: Leaving the past behind - clearing the excess from my RV
Reply #8
I take care of the hardware store, the wife takes care cooking eating sort of stuff. Every time I go through the junk drawers I find something that should go, but I just don't have the heart to do it. Memories.
Our motorhome pretty much gets emptied after each trip. Toiletries stay in, laundry gets rotated.

I have a friend who carries so much stuff on his snowmobile that he has made up laminated lists for each bag. Not a bad idea I guess.

1994 MB