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Topic: Stolen Catalytic Converter (Read 2101 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Stolen Catalytic Converter
Reply #50
The Cat Strap I use is very reasonable in cost. Prevent Catalytic Converter Theft | Catstrap | United States

My combo kit included the Cat Strap and the Cats Eye for about $200 but the Cat Stap itself is about $100 without the Cats Eye.

Installation is easy enough if your willing to slide yourself under the rig. For my Sequoia (2 catalytic converters) I purchased 2 $100 Cat Straps and paid my mechanic $100 to install the system. I’ve had that one for about five years and it is still working.

The nice thing about the authentic Cat Strap is that all the exhaust components are still accessible. That makes it an easy fix for those pesky oxygen sensors the State requires. Makes my mechanic happy as well.

One thing I’d like to mention is that the owner of the Cat Strap company answers his phone quickly and answers all your questions in easy to understand language. That’s a big plus for me.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Stolen Catalytic Converter
Reply #51
I drove our rig to the mechanic today to get our stolen converter replaced. Boy, it was loud! My wife followed to take me home and said she could hear it. I had visions of being stopped for a too loud exhaust,  but made it OK.

George & Jo Ann
1999 MB
George & Jo Ann
2017 MB

Re: Stolen Catalytic Converter
Reply #52

For the rest of us, there is a universal anti-theft device called a CatClamp that should provide more peace of mind. Amazon.com: CatClamp Standard Kit: Automotive If you read the comments, it seems that it’s best installed on a lift and then welded to prevent rattling. The multiple stainless steel cables make it hard to saw off fast, so thieves are inclined to move on.


I put that CAT Clamp on my sisters Honda Element about 7 years ago when thefts were big then.   That cable sure took  long time to feed back and forth but I thought it was a pretty good product then.  Her bill to Insurance was $2500 then.   I need to study the CAT strap a little more.  Its nice to have options.
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
2000 Mid-Bath
2012 Lance 830 Truck Camper/2006 Cummins Dodge Ram Megacab
1985 Multi Plan - Donated to the American Breast Cancer Foundation.

Re: Stolen Catalytic Converter
Reply #53
I put that CAT Clamp on my sisters Honda Element about 7 years ago when thefts were big then.  That cable sure took  long time to feed back and forth but I thought it was a pretty good product then.  Her bill to Insurance was $2500 then.  I need to study the CAT strap a little more.  Its nice to have options.
A neighbor had the cat converter stolen from her 2005 Honda Element and USAA totaled it out. She wound up buying another 2005 Element.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB