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Topic: Grounding Solar Panel or Charge Controller or neither? (Read 170 times) previous topic - next topic
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Grounding Solar Panel or Charge Controller or neither?
I haven't seen much information about "grounding" solar systems around, and my father in law who is an electrical engineer was confused on this topic for the RV as well. Was wondering if anyone could shine some light on this topic?

I'm installing the Victron MPPT 100/30 Charge Controller, which has a grounding port. However on the manual it mentions that if the Solar Panel is grounded then this is not needed.

Then the Solar Panel (Rec Alpha) of course has a grounding location as well; but not much details about it in their installation manual.

Our Lazy Dazes already have the negative cable from the housing battery grounded, and this negative cable is connected to the Solar Charger. In that case, is using the grounding port on the Solar Charger needed?? Wouldn't that ground it twice?

Or perhaps I am confused on the grounding port from the Solar Charger, and that works ONLY as a grounding for the panel? In that case should I connect the grounding cable (green one from the fuse box which is connected to the negative as well) there?
1995 23.5 Rear Lounge

Re: Grounding Solar Panel or Charge Controller or neither?
Reply #1
While the aluminum shell of the LD is effective as a Faraday Cage, it is not a reliable low-impedance ground. As far as handling currents at solar-level voltages, the positive and negative leads from the panels to the charge controller, and from the charge controller to the power distribution panel, are all that is needed. Any additional grounding may help reduce the possibility of damage from weather-induced static discharge, but is not needed to complete any circuits.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Grounding Solar Panel or Charge Controller or neither?
Reply #2
Hi Tom. You could ground the frame of the panels to the roof of the LD. The mounting brackets already do that. I see no advantage or necessity.  The battery negative lead is grounded to the frame, and essentially grounds everything powered by 12VDC. The terminals of the solar panels go directly to the PV input of the controller, and Must not be connected to anything else. Doing so will fry the controller. (HPV-22, or SB-3000i)  Page 6 of SB3000i:   "Do not connect BAT– and PV– together external to the unit. To reduce risk of electric shock or product damage, remove all sources of power before installing or servicing."     RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Grounding Solar Panel or Charge Controller or neither?
Reply #3
thank you Steve and RonB, this clears up what I suspected  :)
1995 23.5 Rear Lounge