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Topic: Seniors Living and Working in Vans (Read 1072 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #25
It's already difficult for the forest service and other agencies to enforce the rules in place now.
Budget cuts are coming, and with them will be less enforcement, so I think the problems are going to get worse.
At some point, closing certain forests might be the only option available.
Washington state has an annual parking pass for all state lands. That may be everyone's future. I hate it but after reading this thread I can see where the additional funds could help.
The west side of the state is having all the problems California and elsewhere is having on its public lands.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #26
From what I've seen, I agree with Jota: rules won't help if they're not enforced, and the BLM and Forest Service lack the personnel and funding to enforce the rules. The "host" programs are intended to alleviate this, but I've seen both good and bad hosts.

For example, some years ago a camper threatened me when I asked him (politely) to shut off his extremely loud construction-site generator at 11:30 pm, well after quiet hours. I reported him to the campground host the next morning and he was asked to leave. So far, so good. But he moved to a nearby BLM campground, where he stayed for several months, in defiance of the two-week rule--and he wasn't the only one. The host there, who lived in a ramshackle trailer surrounded by junk, did nothing about it.

The only thing that would help improve the present situation is more funding and more personnel for the BLM and Forest Service, and as Jota pointed out, that seems unlikely.
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #27
About 10 years ago I had a pleasant run in with a Coconino forest enforcement officer.
I had been using a spot near Bellemont, west of Flagstaff off and on for a few years.
One day enforcement came back and told me I was in a closed area, had been for a few years.
I asked how I was supposed to know it was closed since there was no signage saying so.
That is when I learned about the MVUM maps used to show what was open or closed.
They are free and updated every year, which has to cost a fortune.
Anyway, he let me go with a warning and information on how to get the MVUM maps online.

So, I'm sure with the current influx of new to boondocking RV's, many have no idea if an area is open to camping or not.
I did see signage at A-1 mountain this year showing it closed. But that has to be an exception.

When I meet new folks I always remind them about the MVUM maps and finding places that are open.
Educating the new Rv'ers isn't my job, but they need it from someone.
96 23.5 FL

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #28
"That is when I learned about the MVUM maps..."

So exactly how does one acquire these MVUM maps while on quarantine lockdown?   ::)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #29
"That is when I learned about the MVUM maps..."

So exactly how does one acquire these MVUM maps while on quarantine lockdown?   ::)

They are available online at the forest of your choice.
There is a link for Motor Vehicle Usage Map under additional links.
Then you can download a PDF to have on your computer.
Here is a link for the Coconino forest.
Coconino National Forest - Projects
96 23.5 FL

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #30
"Then you can download a PDF to have on your computer."


Fantastic! Thanks so very much... proof that old dogs can learn new tricks.  ;D

I immediately zeroed in on my favorite forest, Stanislaus, and placed the PDF file in my favorites.  :D

I'll make sure that LazyBones2 is appraised of this, I'm sure she will put it to good use.  ;)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #31
Jota, thanks for helping educate us.  Input that in with my trip planning info.
Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #32
Just finished the book Nomadland by Jessica Bruder.  Interesting take on people living in their rigs and working to survive.   A movie based on the book has just been released and gotten good reviews.
2016 MB "Idyll Daze"

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #33
I found out about Lazy Daze from Cheap RV Living's site.  They interviewed a woman who had a 27 Mid Bath and I couldn't believe that rear lounge and all the windows -- and all in the same size as a friend's Winnebago with very little outside views. (Why do people want RVs with little windows?)

Then I found your wonderful website on all the modifications you've done on the two LDs you owned, Andy, and through that found this wonderful group.

I wish I could find the woman who was interviewed.  She moved from a 24 TK to a 27 MB, and I'm deciding between the two, and would love her input.

Hi Kat,  I think you will find her if you contact ladeze.lazydaze@gmail.com.  Also many of us were inspired by Andy Baird, he also went fulltiming from a TK to a MB, he may be able to offer some insight.  Small windows come in useful in very hot climates, but other than that, I have loved my large windows!
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #34
Just finished the book Nomadland by Jessica Bruder.  Interesting take on people living in their rigs and working to survive.   A movie based on the book has just been released and gotten good reviews.

Trailer for the movie was released. 


2003 MB

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #35
That looks like a must see!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #36
Kat --
I believe that was Jeanne Bold that was interviewed. Actually, she went from a Front Lounge to Mid-bath. I saw the interview also; and saw her in both rigs.
Pleinguy : Full-Timer
2004 Twin-King "Tardis"

Re: Seniors Living and Working in Vans
Reply #37
Trailer seems dark and depressing to me. Doesn't exactly inspire me to watch the movie.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.