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Topic: Replacement housing source for parallax 7345 (Read 248 times) previous topic - next topic
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Replacement housing source for parallax 7345
Hi all,
It’s been ages since I’ve posted. Haven’t been in the LD in more than 8 months. She misses us.
And then told us all about it.

The AC portion of our distro box is destroyed.

The dual 20 breaker loosened enough to heat up and trip under air conditioner load today. While figuring that out, the entire buss bar behind the breakers pulled out and cracked.

The neutral buss bar failed years ago and was replaced. So frankly I’m done with this unless someone knows of parts suppliers that might carry rebuild kits.

Else what are my options?  I put a PD in it last year and would hate to buy a brand new 7345 to simply rip it apart and put the PD back in.

Thanks for any info you might have.

Lydia and Robin
Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Replacement housing source for parallax 7345
Reply #1
It's been a long time.
You might check with Best Converter about repair parts. RV power devices are his specialty.
BestConverter - Converters, Inverters, Electrical Supplies, Electronics

The other possibility to check E-Bay, looking for someone parting out an old RV or is in the RV salvage business.
The power center's shell has been used in a lot of RVs, buy a decent used box and either switch it out or cannibalize it for the needed parts.

Say hi to Robin.
2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Replacement housing source for parallax 7345
Reply #2
Hi Larry.
They have some parts listed online that I’d throw into an AC rebuild but no housings listed.

Guess I’ll call tomorrow.
Robin says hi to you both
Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Replacement housing source for parallax 7345
Reply #3

Best Converter does sell power distribution centers (link here). It appears as if the Parallax 80D (link here) might be a match for the 7345's upper section. Link to an 80D installation manual is here.

Randy at Best Converter has helped me out over the phone several times.

Mark H.
Former owner, 31-foot gas Class A
Former owner, 1997-8 mid-bath

Re: Replacement housing source for parallax 7345
Reply #4
Wanted to post a conclusion to our issues.

So many delays and misinformation over two months. One company buyout (parallax)
Parallax part numbers turning into unobtainium.
Dealer ends up being Camping world and delivery either impossible or interminable.

Despite the fellow at best converter who insisted that an 80D would not fit, sold me a piece of plastic crap to replace everything and got hosed in shipping. (Credit pending a ups battle)

I took the plunge on an 80D. All AC breaker box components were a drop in replacement.
I bought brand new breakers on Amazon.
She is buttoned up and going great guns now.

Almost three months.   So lesson. Get the 80D if you have issues in this area.

Else. Don’t make your coach lonely. It ain’t worth it.

Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition