Freezer Storage February 17, 2020, 04:29:25 pm Just ran into this nifty freezer storage gizmo that is available through the Lazy Daze portal on Amazon.Over the weeks before I went in for the hip replacement surgery, I made up a bunch of single-serving baggies (size as shown at Amazon link), but it was a problem to freeze them flat. I put them on a large foam meat tray for the most part, but even after they were frozen, there was the problem of where to store them in the freezer so that NOLA Boy could find and identify them!I stuck as many as I could on the door, but it wasn't really an ideal location. This unit appears to solve both sides of this equation! If it fits into a Lazy Daze freezer at 8" x 8" x 8" . . . all the better. Virtual hugs, Judie <-- Sierra Vista, Arizona Adventures of Dorrie Anne | Photographing the West Today: Red and White Bus *************************** 2 Likes