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Driving Course Completed
Today was my RV Boot Camp driving class which was about 7 hours long!

Here's a little overview (all done without the backup camera... it was never turned on):

PowerPoint Presentation explaining the high points of the class and its goal which is to help me never have an accident. BTW, the instructor was impressed that I knew what GOAL was before he explained it... I, of course, gave all credit to this forum for that knowledge. :-)

A safety check of the RV where he showed me how to check all the fluids under the hood. We walked around the RV in a counter-clockwise fashion (to avoid turning my back to traffic) and checked all the tires and bay doors.  I had already purchased a mirror on a stick and he showed me how to check behind each tire and between the duallys with the mirror. There was also a mini check inside the RV to make sure nothing was going to go flying as we drove around.

My RV is parked in a pretty large RV storage place, so I was able to practice backing up at the storage facility. He helped me get my mirrors adjusted properly and pick out landmarks along either side of the RV to help know where my rear axel was. The driver side was easy but the passenger (blindside) was hard because the entry door frame blocked my view of the landmark I needed. I ended up having to use the door handle as my landmark and kind of guess the distance to the axle.  After straight back up practice, I also parallel parked the RV a couple of times. I'm going to be a solo traveler and would not attempt this move without a spotter (plus I'm towing a car and can't do it anyway).

We then hooked up my Jeep so I could tow it for the first time. I'm very glad that I had an instructor with me because we had to troubleshoot a couple of issues. The folks I purchased my Ready Brute Elite surge brake system, towed a 4 door Jeep Wrangler and I drive a 4 door Jeep Liberty. Even though they are about the same size, the Wrangler had a custom front bumper which required the main breaking cable to be a bit shorter than I needed for my Liberty. We came up with a solution that worked well. We drove around the facility a few times then hit the streets.

My instructor used to live in the area where I am staying so he was very familiar with the roads. He made sure I drove on a variety of road types. Wide boulevards, 2 lane roads, tight curvy neighborhood streets with lots of stop signs (I even had to stop at a stop sign uphill on a steep grade... kinda scary), the freeway and hilly (up and down) curvy country roads. At one point I needed gas and asked to stop so that I could get experience at a gas station with the Jeep behind me. The first gas station we went to looked good but we opted to abort just as I was about to pull up to the pump. Though easy to get into the spot, it would have been difficult to get out with detaching the Jeep because of the way cars were parked along the curb. We found another station that had one pump area for large trucks that I could get into and out of easily. I will be using Flying J type stations as much as possible when I do hit the road next week.

We returned to the RV and I detached the Jeep and he showed me a better way to back into my parking spot (which is very unlevel).

Inside the RV, I filled out a couple of forms confirming that we went over everything the course required that related to my RV type and my review of the course.

He felt that I was a good driver and that there were no red flags that he was concerned about. I felt more confident except for one thing. Towing the Jeep with the wind hitting me on the sides was difficult. I really had to work because steering felt a little squirrely. The instructor said, that when I'm out on the road and I feel uncomfortable, pull over at the next rest stop or other reasonable exit and stay until I feel ready to go again. Also, don't feel pressured to go faster than I'm comfortable with.

It was a good day!
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #1
Whatever the cost,  money well spent.  Call it an investment.  :)
I learned some, just reading.
Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #2
Deb, thanks for the report.

You said " He helped me get my mirrors adjusted properly and pick out landmarks along either side of the RV to help know where my rear axel was. The driver side was easy but the passenger (blindside) was hard because the entry door frame blocked my view of the landmark I needed. I ended up having to use the door handle as my landmark and kind of guess the distance to the axle. "

Do you have extra mirrors to help you see those spots?  Some came with our rig and one points directly where the RV rear tires are - it is really nice to be able to see them on both sides.  Round mirrors, about 3" mirrors, attached to the regular mirror.  I might try to take some pictures tomorrow.

I still get nervous backing up and don't try to get precise (no backup camera) and while one time a stranger helped me backup that didn't make me feel a ton more comfortable (it was a stranger that I was relying upon but I really needed help in that spot, too many moving objects and close quarters).
If I was driving by myself, I would be doing a lot of GOAL to back into a spot where I would have to be more precise (e.g. jump out every 2' or so and look again).  If I have several feet leeway on either side, I just do one or two GOALs.  I would probably be fine with a good backup camera and the mirrors.

I worry about kids or pets (or adults that just don't get it) suddenly appearing behind me where I can't see them.  Our 89 TK does a obnoxious beeping when we back up - DH has wanted to get rid of it cause it is so obnoxious and when we pull into a place late (between 9-10 pm) I feel a little guilty making so much noise (we try to make as little as possible, often pulling in forward then reparking the next day).  But I like that it tells children and pets (and their caretakers) to stay out of the way.

Jane & Scott
Currently have a 1989 TK  LD we did a lot of upgrades on.
Bigfoot 25RQ Twin on order with early summer 2024 ETA

Our smartphone autocorrects into very poor English.
 We disclaim the illusion of ignorance this creates as we have enough ignorance we rightly claim.

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #3

Do you have extra mirrors to help you see those spots?  Some came with our rig and one points directly where the RV rear tires are - it is really nice to be able to see them on both sides.  Round mirrors, about 3" mirrors, attached to the regular mirror.  I might try to take some pictures tomorrow.


While the rig was at the Mothership getting the roof resealed, I had Vince upgrade my mirrors. I originally had regular mirrors with a little circular parabolic mirrors in the corners. Now, the new mirrors are normal on the top [about 2/3] and parabolic on the bottom [about 1/3]. Much better viewing angles. I feel like my eyes don't have to adjust as much.

I hate backing up even in my car. I just go much slower in the RV. 😉
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #4
Sounds awesome, Deb! May we ask what the instructor charges? Do you have a web link?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #5

I use Taffic Cones as a backup tool.  Use GOAL set the cones and backup like I know what I'm doing.


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2014 Twin King

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #7
I use Taffic Cones as a backup tool.  Use GOAL set the cones and backup like I know what I'm doing.


I have some collapseable cones with battery operated flashers that can be placed on top.

One thing I learned was that I have been storing the cones on the wrong side of the RV. They are currently on the driver side when they should be on the passenger side. This is so that we do not have to be out in traffic when removing them from the storage bay. All tools should also be on the passenger (in this case mine are already on the passenger side).
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.
My wheels:
2003 MB
2012 Jeep Liberty

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #8
Really good idea that more people should consider when new to the sport. Years ago when I went to a weeks long training course to get a CDL the instructors commented several times that it's strange how we were required to have such extensive training when any Joe Blow could buy a forty foot motorhome and tow a vehicle behind it with zero training.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #9
I think $450 is inexpensive insurance, Deb. Sounds like you learned a lot!
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #10
I think $450 is inexpensive insurance, Deb. Sounds like you learned a lot!
That wouldn't pay my deductible for backing into something ignorantly.
Though easy to get into the spot, it would have been difficult to get out with detaching
Considering your exit route before entering is a lesson well learned early.  That alone is worth 1/3 the class cost!

Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: Driving Course Completed
Reply #11
Joel's recommendation to consider the exit route is good advice.

While it doesn't work for everyone, when the exit rout is questionable, I usually back in,especially with the trailer.  If I can get in backward, I can always get out frontward.

Having my skilled co-pilot outside and watching my progress is a big help, especially when we are in contact with the cell phone.  If children or dogs are helping, all bets are off.
2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life