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Topic: Holiday Greetings (Read 93 times) previous topic - next topic
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Holiday Greetings
During the last few years, this LDO Neighborhood has been of immeasurable help to Margee & I.  In fact, this Forum has made our LD Experience more enjoyable & safer because we have LDO Friends to backup us up when we've needed your help.  It's comforting.

We don't have anything to offer you as a token of our appreciation.  We can't share a sip of wine, a batch of homemade cookies, a heart-felt hug.  On the other hand, we can share one of our favorite songs that really captures the Holiday Spirit for our family.  So we offer you ...


Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2019.

Re: Holiday Greetings
Reply #1
I agree,  to a newbie RV'r you have all been helpful, friendly , courteous, kind and all of the rest of the Scout Law.
This is my Christmas card to you.  My favorite band.


Sand Castle (Theresa & Everett) Surfside
01'  26.5 Mid Bath,   2018 31IB
Michigan born and starting to explore the US with my  spouse and our furry friend. Enjoying joining LD group rallies.