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Topic: Passenger Airbag (Read 144 times) previous topic - next topic
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Passenger Airbag
My D-i-L is a very modern Mama--much more aware of things than I was.  My kids were always in car/booster seats in the back, except for a couple of times we went with my folks in their Pace Arrow Class A, when their seat was tied in with the seatbelt (the appropriate anchoring for the '80s/90's) in the front passenger seat with Grandpa. 

Ari has pointed out what I already knew about the dangers of front seat airbags for little people, but said that for some vehicles there is a switch to disable the passenger airbag.  Does anybody know if the 2005 E450 has such a switch?  If that were possible, the almost-10 y/o could ride with me.

Oh, also, for any in central Texas--Ari found what sounds like a wonderful weekend in Waco.  The first weekend of December they are having a tree lighting & fireworks on Friday night, and then snow machines are being brought in for tubing & sledding...the little one is turning 5 on December 3, so Ari is thinking of that for the birthday celebration (just doing a more low-key family time, rather than the blow-out extravaganazas she did before becoming a single parent going to school full time & working two part-time jobs).  I had suggested taking the LD as a base of operations, which would make it nice if the passenger airbag could be disabled for Lexie to ride with me.

Talked to my aunt in north Missouri this morning & they had at  least 1.5 inches of snow with lots of blowing wind last night.  Yesterday was a gorgeous day here in Killeeen for the girls & me to spend at the nearby creek , but today is gray & blustery.  I've not seen news or weather for four days, but am sending positive thoughts to all of y'all in California for safety & comfort in these ongoing challenges.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Passenger Airbag
Reply #1
I have  a 2007 MB and went through a lot of hassle to try and get a switch installed to disable the  front passenger seat seat air bag so my granddaughter could ride there as well. I had to write and get approval from some government agency which I can't remember the name of because it has been about ten years now. After I got that I called several Ford service centers and no one would install the switch because of liability issues. I finally gave up and she rode in her car seat in the dinette seat.  It was frustrating because we had that switch on our other vehicles. It may be different now. Good luck.
2007 MB

Re: Passenger Airbag
Reply #2
Hi Lynne; I don't know about the legal aspects, but in my rig, there is a pair of wires that come out of a seam in the carpet that go up into the seat. Inside the seat is a switch that tells the Ford SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) that there is an occupant in the seat, and to fire off the passenger side airbag, if someone is there during an accident. The 'Fed's' don't allow anyone to 'legally' disable the airbag, unless a key operated switch and warning light (that the airbag is intentionally disabled) on the dash is present.  There is also a wire pair going to the seat belt support, where the seat belt plugs in. That lets the SRS know that your seat belt is connected.
    The cable for the passenger seat on my '99 passes just under the front part of the seat, and the white plug is attached to the framework of the seat. I used a small screwdriver to push in on the white locking tab, to disconnect the two halves of the switch wiring. You do get a blinking yellow icon for the airbag on the far left side of the dash, but after awhile the light stops blinking. Easier to ignore that way. But no buzzer. Your much newer 2005 might have more persistent warnings.  Make sure to plug that connector back in when your 10 year old isn't in the seat. Any liability would, of course, be yours.  RonB
RonB (Bostick) living in San Diego
Original owner of "Bluebelle" a '99 TKB

Re: Passenger Airbag
Reply #3

Thanks for asking the question. I needed to figure that out also, but for another reason. Next 24ft rig is going to loose the passenger seat. It's a waste of space, as this solo hasn't had anyone in that seat in 8 years of ownership. Since they don't make the 24FL anymore, I need to MaGyver the dinette version for 2 crates and my recliner.

Lori Y
Lori Y
2011 24FL

Re: Passenger Airbag
Reply #4
Thx, sgskyway & Ron. 

Unfortunately for this application I have no dinette (I really do much prefer the much maligned barrel chairs & flip-up table), and though I'd give adults the option to choose the seatbelts in the barrel chairs & sofa (knowing the many caveats & warnings discussed in many previous threads on the topic), I'd never consider putting a kidlet there (with or without a child safety seat)--I've learned at least that much since the '90s.  I'll talk with my D-i-L & her mechanic friend to see what they think about disconnecting under the seat, but I suspect it will be a dual transport event.

Lori--good luck with your planned customization...will look forward to seeing it when I make it back to a Ladeze gathering--I've not done any serious moon-howling since Moab & am missing the great fun & learning opportunities (maybe there's a MaGyvering workshop that will address how to disconnect unnecessary safety devices in the future.

Thx, again, for these & any additional thoughts--

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm