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Topic: Hell's Angels (Read 345 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hell's Angels
Yesterday, I pulled into a gas station off Highway 5 and , as usual, clogged up the entire pump lane with the Lazy Daze and towed Jeep.  The Hell's Angels rode in, in formation, and took all the other pumps.  I darned near hit a guy as I was driving up to the pump and he was riding through the pumps from one side to the other.  He wasn't pleased.

I pulled the Lazy Daze forward a bit and got out and asked if one of the guys could get close enough to the rear-most pump to fill his bike. He moved in next to the Jeep and fueled his bike.  I ended up walking around and talking motorcycles and a little bit about the club.  Many years ago one of my childhood acquaintances joined HA, but they didn't know him.  He is probably dead. Back in those days I was buying bikes, fixing them up and selling them for a profit and sometimes bought "used parts" from guys who had HA connections. I have had a less-than-pleasant interaction with Mongols, and we shared our mutual dislike for that club.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The guys were all pretty friendly and well behaved.  Only a few wore black leather (it was hot), although all wore vests with full patch black and red.  The leader was riding a new BMW, the rest were on Harleys.  As a group, they looked kind of like mainstream older motorcyclists (with knives).

All the guys were pretty friendly and everyone well behaved.  Cyndy did not need to bring down the shotgun.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #1
Oops.  Sorry.  I said "shotgun."  My deepest apology to anyone offended.

2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #2
My dad rode Indians. And though I had Triumphs, a Norton and a BSA I’ve been smitten with antique Harley’s my whole life. My favorite was a jock top hand shift ‘49 FL that I rode for years as a primary vehicle. For a while it was the only vehicle I had.

Glad to hear that all is well. I sure miss the old bikes, and the days before dealerships turned into boutiques. The desert picture is my last Triumph, on a ride through Wupatki. The old picture is me in the middle with the pan.

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #3
My dad rode an Indian and I too started with old Harleys and later rode a BSA Victor 441, an old Ariel Red Hunter,  and three different Triumphs, all bought not running. Ironically, the britbikes with Lucas electrics were more reliable than the Harleys. I picked my wife up for our first date on a Bonneville. The first BMW I rode had 96K miles on the clock and ran better than any of my other bikes with less than 1/4 of the miles.
 As for new dealerships resembling boutiques;  the owner of the BMW dealership in San Diego and I have been friends for over 30 years. When he recently remodeled, I want into his office and told him that a motorcycle dealership should smell like oil, a little gasoline, and new tires. The little perfume squirter on the wall made the place smell like it had been visited by a cheap prostitute. He said that BMW corporate dictated the new look and smell and suggested that I might keep my opinion to myself.
It's a gift.
2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #4
Morty, Great photos!
2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #5
“A Gift” indeed, ha! Brand X thought they had the tiger by the tail and decided the quick, fast buck was more important than their long term enthusiasts. Now they can’t seem give them away. 

I had an R80 for a short while. A lovely little coal black machine that was great fun to ride but a wee bit too neat and tidy for my delicate sensibilities. That, and there was no kick starter. It was like going from vinyl albums to CD’s. I missed the ritual of it all...

I suppose that’s why I’m drawn to Lazy Daze. There is that whole nostalgia factor. Hand crafted. By enthusiasts for enthusiasts. That means a lot to me.

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #6
"My dad rode Indians."

'Round these here parts . . . we have our own "Nostalgia Alley" called Lowell, Arizona. 

If you need to get your Indian worked on, this here be the place.  ;->

Reminder to self:  Go there with your camera!!!

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #7

It’s been awhile since I was in SE AZ so had to look on the map. I’ve ridden through there! Have you been to Lake Pena Blanca?  I spent 10 years or so roaming around eastern Az and western NM. Back when the speed limit was 55.

Sorry to hijack the thread...but my goodness the memories. I’ll be back there again!

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #8
"My dad rode Indians."

'Round these here parts . . . we have our own "Nostalgia Alley" called Lowell, Arizona. 

If you need to get your Indian worked on, this here be the place.  ;->

Reminder to self:  Go there with your camera!!!

  We love Cochise County. Have a good meal at the Bisbee breakfast club, then take a walk back through time in Lowell!


Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #9
All I got to say sure glad there wasn't an internet when I was growing up ......  most all the things I did are just old stories with no evidence to hunt me.   

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #12
Those clowns are pretty cool until you cross them. They are dirtbags who harbor and enable other dirtbags. They are involved in corruption of all sorts. They're not cool because one walks away from an interaction with them without getting gutted like a fish.

1996 Twin King

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #13
Those clowns are pretty cool until you cross them. They are dirtbags who harbor and enable other dirtbags. They are involved in corruption of all sorts. They're not cool because one walks away from an interaction with them without getting gutted like a fish.

I've previously posted my early 70s experience with the then president of the Hells Angels Sonny Barger. I'm not entirely sure I'd call him and the few others Angels I met through him dirt bags but then again I wouldn't argue with someone who did.
My winter long experience with Sonny was a positive one due to the circumstances of our meeting which I won't bore everyone with a second time. I definitely saw his dark side though when he stripped his GF naked and shoved her out in the snow to walk several miles out  to the highway down a very remote snow covered dirt road in the dead of winter. That was an ugly incident.
Later in life I read a book about him and learned he was known for living by a motto of "treat me good I'll treat you better treat me bad I'll treat you worse". Looking back I could definitely see that rule applied in my interactions with him. He definitely operated outside the norms of society and if you crossed him you would  find yourself in a world of hurt.
I'll always remember one time sitting in his cabin drinking beer with him and a couple of Angels when I innocently said I had a cousin in a motorcycle club. Everyone and everything immediately stopped, time itself seemed to stop and someone said what club, what's his name? I replied that I didn't know which club and said my cousins name. They all looked at each other and nobody seemed to recognize the name. One of the Angels got a bit belligerent and demanded to know what club. I got nervous. Sonny piped in authoritatively "he said he didn't know, he's not in this thing". The Angel immediately backed down and I was immediately relieved and felt the tension in the room dissipate. That was the last time I hung out in that crowd. Kind of scary.
Sonny was an interesting man really but if I wasn't young and naive at the time I would have  steered clear of him instead of considering him a friend as I did at the time.
Discuss anything with anyone and disagree agreeably. Always be polite and respectful.

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #14
As for gas station interactions and many others as well, I've found that if you treat people with dignity, respect and courtesy, they are generally decent to deal with. Not always, but mostly.
Besides that, when there are 20 of them and one of me, it is a good Plan A.
With the LD and the pack of HA, it held true one more time.
2014 27 MB
Towd: Either the Jeep Wrangler or trailer containing the BMW R1200GS and 2 E-bicycles
Happy wife=Happy life

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #15
Any mention of the Angles on this site should be removed.   They don't deserve to be recognized as "nice guys".   They aren't.
They are, first and foremost, criminals and should not be legitimized as anything more.    Frank
plan B - 2023 Travato

Re: Hell's Angels
Reply #16
Hell's Angels triggers differing opinions. Time to shut this down. Thread is locked.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB