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Topic: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong (Read 435 times) previous topic - next topic
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buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
So...Sold my dream home of 23 yrs to be debt free and buy LD and for one yr travel with my husband of 33 yrs.  we live in GA, found our dream unit after 7 mos of shopping..it is across the states in Oregon.  we Paid deposit bought an airline ticket, seller sent uber to pick up my husband who insists on going to purchase after inspection (not taking sellers word for it) and UNIT IS GORGEOUS!  However, upon further inspection...generator not working..so couldn't check out other items, leak behind toilet, and fogged back window( which seller said was not), seller sends to Scotts RV for another inspection..(they had listed consigning for thousands more than we agreed with seller/owner)  UHOH, now the transmission is not right (or is there another buyer offering thousand more than we were contracted for.  HMMMM, now my husbands paid $900 out on hotel and uber costs, air fare and (needing return flight as well), He's diabetic and is sleeping in hotel cause the stress has sent him ill.  (and mama bear not there to see he eats right),  I'm sad that a husband's desire to make his wife's wish come true with a red 27' immaculate  unit with only 40K miles, Is going down the toilet..They let him see/inspect it, and making excuses why he can't test drive and wire $ to  seal the deal.  Not the end of the world, back to shopping/sq 1, Another adventure and "had a bad day" to turn around.   Thankyou for prayers the hubby makes trip/flight  home safe...and recoups the embarrassment (since extended family are excited for us ,anticipating him driving it home),  Trip gone bad!

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #1
So...Sold my dream home of 23 yrs to be debt free and buy LD and for one yr travel with my husband of 33 yrs.  we live in GA, found our dream unit after 7 mos of shopping..it is across the states in Oregon.  we Paid deposit bought an airline ticket, seller sent uber to pick up my husband who insists on going to purchase after inspection (not taking sellers word for it) and UNIT IS GORGEOUS!  However, upon further inspection...generator not working..so couldn't check out other items, leak behind toilet, and fogged back window( which seller said was not), seller sends to Scotts RV for another inspection..(they had listed consigning for thousands more than we agreed with seller/owner)  UHOH, now the transmission is not right (or is there another buyer offering thousand more than we were contracted for.  HMMMM, now my husbands paid $900 out on hotel and uber costs, air fare and (needing return flight as well), He's diabetic and is sleeping in hotel cause the stress has sent him ill.  (and mama bear not there to see he eats right),  I'm sad that a husband's desire to make his wife's wish come true with a red 27' immaculate  unit with only 40K miles, Is going down the toilet..They let him see/inspect it, and making excuses why he can't test drive and wire $ to  seal the deal.  Not the end of the world, back to shopping/sq 1, Another adventure and "had a bad day" to turn around.  Thankyou for prayers the hubby makes trip/flight  home safe...and recoups the embarrassment (since extended family are excited for us ,anticipating him driving it home),  Trip gone bad!
Laura, thanks for sharing this unfortunate experience with forum members. We have many folks who join this group and ask about how to buy a used Lazy Daze and how to do it from a distance. The worse thing that could have happened was for you to discover all the problems AFTER you brought the LD home. An inspection before committing $ is always the wisest thing to do. There should be no embarrassment here; you did the right thing and saved a lot of money. There are other LDs waiting to be bought. Positive thoughts headed your way for your husband.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #2
The worse thing that could have happened was for you to discover all the problems AFTER you brought the LD home.

Let's say $500 was spent on a mini-vacation out west and $400 was for the educational experience. IMO, that's amazingly cheap
 given the high learning costs many/most buyers/owners experience.

Now, the OP will remember to consider that (some/many/most?) LDs leak when they resume their search. It's actually not a deal killer as long as leaks are isolated and fixable, but perhaps more importantly, reflected in the asking price. Secondly, focus on the chassis/drive train: motor,  tran, suspension & brakes. Third, internal appliances.

Other than that, items that can be repaired/fixed are ok as long as the total cost is incorporated. If you have a shifty seller or eager, less informed buyers competing for the same rig, it's time to cut bait and walk.

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #3
Tell DH  walking on a bad deal is not something of which to be embarrassed.  We bought a travel trailer that looked, and was, too good to be true.   What you spent on the trip is what I spent on tools to fix the dry rot, etc.   Still have the tools, experience and learned lessons.  Keep looking.  You learned new things to look for and questions to ask.  Congratulations on a wise choice.


Joel & Terry Wiley
dog Zeke
2013  31 IB   Orwan   / 2011 CRV Tow'd LWEROVE

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #4
Embarrassing? Not really. Good fodder for campfire stories. One of our best yarns is the time we spent 8 hours drive by to see the “perfect “ Chinook class B+. Looked at the outside, our hopes went up, we were thinking of what our offer would be. Took one step inside and left. It took us days to get the reeking smell out of our noses. On the way home I stopped in a cool diner in a small lumber town. Had the worst meatloaf ever eaten. Loaded with salt, gravy from a watery mix, water based instant mashed potatoes. What an adventure!
'92 Mid Bath

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #5
So sorry you both had to go through that.  There are good used ones out there and it is just a matter of patience till you find one.  I found mine 60 miles away from my home in New Mexico.  I got it through the Lazy Daze forum classifieds and it was well cared for by a really nice couple.  I still remember them fondly.
 2001 TK “Dazi”

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #6
"The worse thing that could have happened was for you to discover all the problems AFTER you brought the LD home. An inspection before committing $ is always the wisest thing to do. There should be no embarrassment here; you did the right thing and saved a lot of money. There are other LDs waiting to be bought."
A disappointing and frustrating learning experience, to be sure, but as Chris and others have said, better to have discovered the "warts" before bringing the rig home!

Some sellers don't really know how to assess a rig's condition, but some are less than forthcoming about known defects in a rig; good that you didn't get snookered on a bad deal!

I've posted this link several times, but the "how to" inspection information is always current and valuable. Yes, there are a lot of "evaluation points " to consider, but getting the best bang for one's buck often requires kissing a lot of frogs before finding the prince!  ;)

RV Inspection Checklist
2003 TK has a new home

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #7
Thankyou JCT, hubby had the list printed out to refer to, a good checklist to go by

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #8
Well, wish your husband had a better experience in the PNW but at least you can put this is lessons learned cheaply.    Don't lose faith there is a LD just for you.   The more you see and kick the tires that better you get at finding the 'prefect' one for you.
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #10
Your husband is a RockStar for trusting his experience and passing on that hot mess, high pressure bad deal, here is his trophy 🏆

He can post here when he is considering/inspecting any future ones and we will all chime in the help you both!
Nov 2023, 2012 31’ IB, white/green swoops & swirles, 2009 Mini Cooper, racing green convertible, toad 🐸

We ordered white/gray  2018 27' mid bath 1/3/18 and we are hoping for a July 16th 2019 delivery, sold, and tried a Lithium Travato, wish  I would have kept the Lazy Daze 27’

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #11
None of those things are necessarily deal breakers. I would suggest others in the future have a plan to have the RV inspected by an inspector they designate if they go to pick up an RV remotely. Even have the inspection done before traveling.

- Generator - should still be able to test most functions in RV - especially if plug in. Generator fix is likely very minor if low hours.

- Leak - happens - the key is to inspect for long term water damage. Could also be very minor.

- Fogged window - wouldn't stop me at all. Fix at home or down by the Mother Ship at their glass place.

- Transmission - this sounds like a copout by the seller. I would demand to drive it myself.

Simple decency would have demanded that they made that RV road worthy as was described immediately. I hope Yelp has a good description of their service.
1996 Twin King

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #12
I saw it on line its a 2004 with 39000 miles and they wanted almost $40000 for it way to much with all that is wrong with it so its good it didn't work out and they can keep looking for there dream lazy daze.
2009 Kodiak 32 foot Island Bed

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #13
Sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience but very happy to hear that your husband was strong enough to walk away from the sunk costs.

If there is one thing I would suggest it would be spending hours every day performing research on this forum. There are centuries worth of knowledge and experience right here at your fingertips. I learn something new every day!
Chet in Yorktown, Virginia

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #14
I would be suspicious of buying an LD from an RV dealer. The ones in good shape go quickly from the owner. Only the junk seems to get to dealers.
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #15
"Only the junk seems to get to dealers."

Not always true.  We bought our 2005 RB with 7000 miles in March of 2009 from a dealer in San Diego - Holland Motorhomes.  It was exactly as specified, and in perfect shape.  It came immaculately clean inside, and sparkling clean and waxed on the outside - and with no problems.  They even delivered it to us in Sierra Vista, Arizona, and picked up our trade-in at no additional charge.  We got what we considered to be a killer deal to boot!  I did the entire deal from the computer in my living room!

Fast forward to now (over nine years later) - we have had no problems of any kind with the Lazy Daze itself - not even the generator, which had almost no hours on it.  This is a precious jewel, and still looks brand new apart from a tiny bit of wear on the kitchen cabinet door by the sink.

We seldom use it, but plan to rectify that after Labor Day!

   Virtual hugs,


Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #16
Another small reminder/tip:  when you have an LD you think is right, ask people here for their comments.  You will get plenty, and I’m not aware of anyone here “poaching” an offer.  You may even find someone who personally knows the RV in question.  Just one more benefit/support from this forum. 
'92 Mid Bath

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #17
Holland Motor Homes has a good reputation on other TV/Bus forums I follow
Nov 2023, 2012 31’ IB, white/green swoops & swirles, 2009 Mini Cooper, racing green convertible, toad 🐸

We ordered white/gray  2018 27' mid bath 1/3/18 and we are hoping for a July 16th 2019 delivery, sold, and tried a Lithium Travato, wish  I would have kept the Lazy Daze 27’

Re: buying red LD on ebay gone wrong
Reply #18
Julie, thanks for that..so glad you got a jewel, there are honest people around us..and we shouldn't let the inconsiderate ones get the best of our faith in human kind.  for sure Scott's RV has more than a few bad deals in their court. (according to his feedback on BBB)I hadn't seen the connection, with the owner/seller..not sure what the connection but hubby's home and resting. stress can take it's toll  on an old kind heart.