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Topic: Smoking Tires (Read 405 times) previous topic - next topic
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Smoking Tires
We just received a 1995 Lazy Daze RV in a work trade.  We drove it across town for a couple miles to bring it to the house. We then parked it for two weeks while remodeling our house.  Yesterday, we were driving it to go get the smog, it drove fine around town, but when we took it on the freeway at a higher speed the steering wheel started shaking, and we smelled a burning smell.  It wouldn't go over 45 mph.  We immediately got off the freeway, parked it, and saw that there was smoke coming out of both front tires.  We let it cool down for about an hour, and drove it home 2 miles.  All the way home there was a loud sound coming from the right front tire. 
The friend that we received the RV from had paid for a total brake job, at 3,200.00, 2 months before, but had not driven it since.
Any advice?  We love our little camper, we were so excited to get it, and now are super bummed!!
Crystal & Tommy
Crystal & Tommy
1995 Chevy TK G30 22'

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #1
 :o  I suspect that 'frozen' brake calipers are at the top of the 'smoke, shake, and shimmy' list, but Larry and others will likely see your post and offer information and advice. As an aside, whoever did the brake job on this rig is probably one to avoid for any future 'service'.
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #2
Crystal & Tommy,

Sad to hear your tale. There is good news in this as you discovered the issue before you got out and about for a road trip.

I’m no expert in brakes and refer such work to the professionals especially for such a large vehicle. The first step, I believe, would be to contact your friend and determine how to get your Nu-To-U LD back to the brake shop (or a better one...right you are Joan).

Off hand it sounds as if the calipers have seized up. This may account for some of the things you noticed while driving on the freeway. I’m only guessing. Others here on LDO are much better at this, but seeking out professional repair is undoubtably your best recourse. Stating the obvious, right?

LD’s are wonderful rigs but everything RV is a labor of love and dedication. Time to start doing a complete systems check.

Best of luck with your current situation.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #3
Just a thought: when you mentioned the shaking, my first thought was a suspension problem. Perhaps something there broke, allowing the right front to turn at an angle and "scruff" (not roll, but abrade until you stopped. That would definitely lead to overheating of that tire).  Maybe the mechanic didn't repack the bearing properly and one seized? Is there any abnormal tire wear?
Former 2009 MB owner

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #4
If you have the receipt from the brake job, see if the master cylinder was replaced.
$3200 is a lot of money for brake job, a lot of parts must have been replaced.

A stuck caliper usually only effects one wheel, not two.
An improperly adjusted push rod, between the hydraulic booster and at the brake's master cylinder will cause the brakes to lock up as the vehicle is driven and the brakes warm up. 
If driven long enough to smoke the brakes, you may have damaged a caliper or?
No way to know without a detailed inspection.
Whatever the cause, it needs the attention a good mechanic, preferably one that is familiar with hydraulically boosted brakes, normally found on trucks.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #5
We just received a 1995 Lazy Daze RV in a work trade.  We drove it across town for a couple miles to bring it to the house. We then parked it for two weeks while remodeling our house.  Yesterday, we were driving it to go get the smog, it drove fine around town, but when we took it on the freeway at a higher speed the steering wheel started shaking, and we smelled a burning smell.  It wouldn't go over 45 mph.  We immediately got off the freeway, parked it, and saw that there was smoke coming out of both front tires.  We let it cool down for about an hour, and drove it home 2 miles.  All the way home there was a loud sound coming from the right front tire. 
The friend that we received the RV from had paid for a total brake job, at 3,200.00, 2 months before, but had not driven it since.
Any advice?  We love our little camper, we were so excited to get it, and now are super bummed!!
Crystal & Tommy
What model LD is it? I hope you can resolve this with the mechanic.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #6
Like Larry, I would suspect the master cylinder - when the job was done on our '83 the wrong unit was installed, and when releasing the brakes, the air bleed hole was still covered, allowing pressure to build up and apply the brakes. Installing the wrong master cylinder is a common error in the G-30/3500 hydroboost system.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #7
This is a somewhat common problem with 'newly-back-on-the-road' sports cars like mine from the 60s.  The two usual culprits are a malfunctioning vacuum booster device that fails to un-boost after being called on to boost, and separately, deteriorated flex lines to the calipers, that swell internally. Brake action is enough to squeeze fluid thru them to the calipers, but upon release, there's no backflow so the brakes stay mildly 'on'.  Once the cycle starts, it's literally hard to stop. 

So, two other things in the lineup of usual suspects, in addition to those mentioned above.
2000 Front Lounge

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #8
Hi All,
Sorry I'm not familiar with how to post, was trying to respond individually but didn't realize it wouldn't show up on the blog.
Thanks Joan for that tip!  Here is some more info on our rig.

It's a Chevy Van 30, 454 Engine, 1 ton cutaway van.  22 feet long.

Thanks everyone for responding to our post.  We did take the LD to our mechanic, (Marteen) and he said that yes the brake calipers were not opening.  He suggested possibly they were faulty or not installed correctly.  When I called the mechanic who did the brake job, (Leo) he said that there is another hydraulic brake system on the RV?  He said that he replaced all rotors, brake pads, proportioning valve, and master cylinder, replaced all brake lines and brake oil.....this job was done initially at the tune of 2800.00.  After this did not fix the problem, my friend then took the RV back to him and he replaced the calipers, brake oil, and put brake cleaner in it, 350.00.  I agree with Joan, I do not want Leo to touch our LD!  But now we are wondering if we should replace the calipers, or do we need to look into the hydraulic braking system?  So much appreciate any help or advise.  We really want to join the LD community and hit the road!!

After reading Larry's post, I think it is a good possibility that he has figured it out, because the master cylinder was replaced, and I don't think Leo knew what he was doing, and it affected the hydraulic boost system.
Crystal & Tommy
1995 Chevy TK G30 22'

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #9
Sounds like the guy was a parts changed and not a mechanic. Find someone who can actually determine the problem. Sadly you may have to change those parts again but like Larry says with both wheels involved something is applying the brakes. Not real complicated for someone that knows what they are doing.
Still may be expensive.

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #10
But now we are wondering if we should replace the calipers, or do we need to look into the hydraulic braking system?  So much appreciate any help or advise.
After reading Larry's post, I think it is a good possibility that he has figured it out, because the master cylinder was replaced, and I don't think Leo knew what he was doing, and it affected the hydraulic boost system.

The likelihood of the calipers causing the problem is miniscule. The master cylinder is the problem. Checking if the air bleed is blocked is simple. Bleed a small amount of fluid from the master cylinder, and if the brakes release, that is the problem. Either the master cylinder is the incorrect one , or it has been incorrectly installed. The hydroboost system will not cause this problem if malfunctioning either.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Smoking Tires
Reply #11
If after you confirm the correct master cylinder was installed have a mechanic check the slider pins.  These are usually assumed working when replacing/servicing the calipers.  On an older truck such as yours the slider pins will build up crud and fail to slide smoothly, and possibly jamming the calipers.  It is a simple fix but I had to specify to my mechanic that I wanted them pulled and cleaned to new condition.  Apparently, on a brake service that involves new calipers the pins do not get cleaned up.  Or maybe it was just my mechanic.  But it is a common failure and simple to correct.

2006 RK