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Topic: Lazy Daze Gals group? (Read 370 times) previous topic - next topic
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Lazy Daze Gals group?
I just watched a video on Cheap RV Living and a LD full-timer was featured and she mentioned that there's a group of Lazy Daze gals who gather each year.  Anybody know how to find this group of gals?

2004 31' Twin Bed

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #1
I, too, would be interested in a group of Lazy Daze Gals.

Dottie Tice
2004 MB

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #2
The bunch you are asking about call themselves the "Ladeze of Lazy Daze" and someone who is heavily involved is Joan Taylor, a member of this forum, who, if I know Joan well enough will respond to your query's as soon as she is able.   8)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #3
The contact for the Ladeze is Laurelee Scholes; send her a request to get on the list! The email address is: ladeze.lazydaze@gmail.com

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #5
FUN, FUN, FUN bunch of Ladeze, if I do say so myself.  Always have had fun with the "gang"!!!
2005 RB

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #6
The Ladeze group of women get together once a year, usually in September and usually in a western state.  As Lisa said, it is a fun group of women and we learn a lot from each other. 

We encourage any woman who owns a Lazy Daze to join us.  If you want to be added to the email distribution list, contact me at 

I will be announcing this year's gtg soon.

2013 MB

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #7
"I will be announcing this year's gtg soon."
I heard a rumor, but will wait for your 'revelation', Laurelee!  ;)  (Please pick a place that's not on fire; thank you!)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #8
"....someone who is heavily involved is Joan Taylor..."
These days, I just attend the Ladeze gtg when I'm able; if I can 'contribute something', I do, but I'm no longer involved in the planning. Laurelee is doing a great job, and I encourage LD women to get on the email list and join the fun!

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #9

"....someone who is heavily involved is Joan Taylor..."
These days, I just attend the Ladeze gtg when I'm able; if I can 'contribute something', I do, but I'm no longer involved in the planning. Laurelee is doing a great job, and I encourage LD women to get on the email list and join the fun!


Joan is much too modest!  The Lazy Daze Ladeze women-only group had it first get together in 2004 and has been meeting annually since then.  We do indeed have a LOT of fun, but we also learn, bond, support one another, have a LOT of fun, and often enjoy outings out of camp (river trips, etc.) . Before retiring as wagonmistress four years ago, Joan as co-wagoon mistress brought her unlimited expertise to the group teaching, supporting, and singing.  YES!  singing! (ducking!)

I  always left a Ladeze outing having made new friends, and full of newfound confidence that I had learned something new about the care of my Lazy Daze.  Women are encouraged to bring their particular skills and knowledge to round table discussions; shared meals and the occasional wine tastings are five star; if we're lucky, Joan will do another confidence-building presentation; and we've been known to do fun things with water balloons!

I'm "sitting by the "phone" anxious to hear Laurelee's announcement for 2018's get together -- I know she'll do another fantastic job organizing an outing I look forward to every single year!

(In rainy Coarsegold)
2003 RB

Re: Lazy Daze Gals group?
Reply #10
I’m super excited, because there is a chance I will be able to attend this year!   Although it will seem a little weird to be driving my LD by myself!  😳

Rebecca in WA
2016 mid-bath