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Topic: Change in MPG when towing (Read 572 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Change in MPG when towing
Reply #25
So far we really only had trouble when we had just a day in Quebec City and discovered it is definitely not RV friendly.

Sure agree with that. We did not tow at the time we visited, and did fine with bus service from near the cg to downtown. However, wanting to see the changing of the guards, it turned out there was no bus service at that hour. We drove around the city frantically looking for a spot, and finally found one on a street at the end of a metered row, where our 23.5' rig could just squeeze in. Then a frantic 1/2 mi dash thru a park got us there JUST in time for the event...

It's one of those places that has plenty of room for bus parking, but specifically excludes RVs.

2004 FL
2013 Honda Fit

Re: Change in MPG when towing
Reply #26
"Judie,  You better be careful if you travel back up here to the Pacific Northwest (Washington State, the only REAL Pacific Northwest, sorry Oregon and Idaho).  Our "progressive" legislature has passed a DUIE law. (Driving Under the Influence of Electronics)  It outlaws use of any handheld electronic devices, even at stop lights, railroad crossings, etc.  It's a Primary Offense, meaning they can pull you over for it, with the first offense = $126 and the second = $235. Isn't progress wonderful?"

Wowsers!  I had no idea!  We haven't been to Washington since 2006, but if we are ever lucky enough to get back . . . well . . . caution will be in place.  Being law-abiding citizens, I would probably find out what is actually allowed, and then conform.

I could ask my iPhone to call my husband's phone, and we could then use the speakers to converse, yah?  But wait - I just updated my phone to iOS 11, and it looks like there is an option to shut out receiving incoming calls while driving.  Not sure how it tells if I am driving or a passenger, though.  And this may not apply to outgoing calls.  Also, looks like it is optional. 

I put my phone up on a stand that is permanently attached to the dashboard of our car, but not clear if this is then no longer considered a hand-held object.  I have no such a stand in either the Lazy Daze or tag-along Sportsmobile.

Those lovely hanging baskets in downtown Sequim may have to wait to be photographed until I can figure this out!  ;->

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Change in MPG when towing
Reply #27
California has similar 'electronic device use' laws (California Vehicle Code Section 23123.5.). In my experience, the prohibitions are routinely ignored, rarely enforced, and about as effective at preventing 'distracted driving' as a car alarm is at preventing vehicle break ins.

I am certainly not advocating texting, using a hand held cell phone (or yakking on the cell at all when driving), or fiddling with the GPS or any other gadget that happens to be in vehicle (or reading a book/map/newspaper, putting on makeup, shaving, or any number of other 'alternative activities to paying attention while driving'), only saying that all these practices are so common, widespread, and taken for granted that any enforcement consequence is unlikely. I've seen quite a few people using hand-held cell phones when driving all over the northwest, including Oregon, but maybe Washington state is more diligent in enforcing their vehicle laws than California is?

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Change in MPG when towing
Reply #28
What, there are cell phone laws in California?
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Change in MPG when towing
Reply #29
I guess the biggest difference between our law and California's is that ours is a Primary Offense with a fine of over $100 as opposed to $20 in California.  In addition, WSP regularly has "emphasis patrols" where they go out looking for violators.  I'm personally not opposed to getting distracted drivers off the road, but this law does nothing about eating, drinking (like coffee, pop, etc.) makeup etc. all of which I think are more distracting than use of a handheld walkie talkie.
Former 2000 MB- Now Bullet Crossfire 1800RB trailer pulled by a Chevy 2500HD

Re: Change in MPG when towing
Reply #30
By the way, I understand that they also made it a "reportable" offense, meaning that your insurance company will know about it.
Former 2000 MB- Now Bullet Crossfire 1800RB trailer pulled by a Chevy 2500HD