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Topic: Napa-Sonoma County Fires (Read 546 times) previous topic - next topic
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Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Thoughts and prayers sent out to those affected by the fires in the Napa-Sonoma areas.  The 101 has been closed in Santa Rosa and some hospitals and shopping areas in Santa Rosa, as well as several neighborhoods, have burned. 

My son lives just north in Windsor where they have shut off the gas and internet service. Power is out all around but he still has power at least. Since he works for the City of Santa Rosa, he has been ordered to report to the EOC but not sure if he can make it at this time due to the road closures.  A brother lives in Sonoma but they are not near the fires, thankfully!

Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #1
We recently got chased (like others) from Idaho by the overwhelming smoke. Now in San Francisco on grandbabies duty and am breathing (trying to, anyway) it all over again as the prevailing north winds are blowing the Napa smoke this way and blanketing the whole Bay Area. Maybe we'll go to Hawaii for a breath. -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #3
We recently got chased (like others) from Idaho by the overwhelming smoke. Now in San Francisco on grandbabies duty and am breathing (trying to, anyway) it all over again as the prevailing north winds are blowing the Napa smoke this way and blanketing the whole Bay Area. Maybe we'll go to Hawaii for a breath. -- Jon
The two of you have have a tough summer, wherever you go, it burns...hmm.

You are missing a strong Santa Ana wind event, it's warm, dry and windy, perfect firebug weather.
Living next to the open hills, I get a little nervous whenever this happens, it has burned to the fence line twice, in 21 years, always during a Santa Ana.

On fire watch
2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #4
Late updates on multiple 'North Bay' and Napa, Sonoma, Lake, etc., fires:

SFGATE: San Francisco Bay Area - News, Bay Area news, Sports, Business,...


It has been a catastrophic fire season in much of the west; losses of life and property and habitat have been devastating, and continued warm weather, winds, and no rain means that it will likely continue.  :'(
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #5
My childhood town is going up in smoke. I spent the whole day in ftont of the tv and on phone contacting relatives. My Mom and brother evacuated at 4am. Called her best friend. Her home was in Coffey park area. Don't know for certain but all indicators point to total loss.

It hit my side of the tracks and now we wait. Hopefully our home of 42 years will weather this event too.

Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #6
Lydia, sorry to hear about your old neighborhood.  Coffey Park has indeed been devastated. The good news is the winds are lessening now.

 Found this posting on Facebook:

Frank Somerville KTVU
CHP Golden Gate Division posted this picture.
This is the Coffey Park neighborhood in Santa Rosa.
There is nothing left.
Hundreds of homes gone in a matter of minutes when the fire came roaring through pushed by 50-60 mile an hour winds.

10 people have now died in the fires including 7 in Sonoma County.
And that number is expected to go up.
“Numerous” people are injured.
And there are reports that 100 people are missing.

Santa Rosa has now instituted a dusk to dawn curfew for the mandatory evacuation zones.

I think this quote sums things up.
The acting Police Chief in Santa Rosa said:
"It's been a horrific and terrifying night."
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #7
Thoughts and prayers to LDOs in the affected areas.
2011 MB

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #8
Lydia, I am so sorry..like you I grew up in Sonoma Co., Forestville, Rohnert Park, Sebastopol, Santa Rosa...this is beyond tragic..so many, so much destroyed. Hoping all are at least safe. My friends in those areas are at least safe from the fires..not so much their homes. And it's not over.

At 10:28 PM 10/9/2017, you wrote:


My childhood town is going up in smoke. I spent the whole day in ftont of the tv and on phone contacting relatives. My Mom and brother evacuated at 4am. Called her best friend. Her home was in Coffey park area. Don't know for certain but all indicators point to total loss.
It hit my side of the tracks and now we wait. Hopefully our home of 42 years will weather this event too.

2006 30IB AE

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire "CHERRYOTTE" our litte red home on wheels "Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."
Gini Free and Junah, canine xtrodinaire
"CHERRYOTTE" our little red home on wheels
"Growing old is mandatory. Growing wise is optional."

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #9

Our house is ok thus far. Power came back on around 740pm. My family is back in the house. So are her neighbors. The official evac is still in place.

Our friends and Thierry neighbors house survived.

Now the fires on the east seem to be conspiring to meet. By going around Anadel park.

This map us the best I've seen for detail of what has happened even though it is updated once a day.

ArcGIS Web Application

Winds are expected to shift. So the red flag went back up.

Indeed not over for so many.

Current: 2020 JLUR w 15’ Squaredrop
Former: 2006 30IB Anniversary Edition

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #10
Lydia, glad to hear your house has survived thus far, and thanks for sharing the map as well!

Gini, glad to hear your friends are safe!

These fires have been very devastating from what I've heard from my son.  They had a smaller fire close to their home in Windsor at one point and were preparing to evacuate but it was put down. They are are still without gas, cable and internet but do have power.  Between the lack of hot water and the poor air quality, they have decided to head up to his wife's parents home in Crescent City for a few days.

They are one of the lucky ones.  Several of their friends and co-workers have lost everything!  Very sad. The effects of these fires will be felt for years. 

Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #11
Lydia , Gini, & others with family/friends facing these disasters--

Words seem so inconsequential in the face of such great loss, or the continuing threats that shift with the wind.  Like the folks in Houston/Florida/Puerto Rico/Virgin Islands/etc., y'all seem to get repeatedly kicked by Mother Nature.  Living in Tornado Alley, where we can usually get underground & ride it out, doesn't seem as bad by comparison.  "Sorry" & "sympathy" don't convey how heavy my heart is. 

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #12
Our house is ok thus far. Power came back on around 740pm. My family is back in the house. So are her neighbors. The official evac is still in place.

That's great news, I had visions of your mother and brother having to move in with you.
Disaster averted.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #13
Just spoke with my brother who lives in the northern part of the town of Sonoma.  Fires are within 2 miles of their house and they have evacuated under advisement of local authorities. They are all safe in Sacramento. He said fires just spring up randomly and the firefighters are in life saving mode. They don't have the resources to save property at this point. Devastating!

Edit:  Fire map here:

Live map of wildfires burning in Sonoma, Napa counties | The Press Democrat -
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #15
Just wanted to share this eye-opening blog post from a local Santa Rosa cartoonist who lost his home in the fires.  Thankfully, he and his family survived:

The Fies Files: A Fire Story, COMPLETE
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Napa-Sonoma County Fires
Reply #16
That was a cool link.  Thanks, for sharing.  Peanuts cartoonist Charles Shultz (sp?) was a Santa Rosa resident, so in a way this is an apropos if not poignant link.

Regarding the jumping into a pool thing.  Don't do it.  My oft-referred-to-on-this-forum brother-in-law happens to be a retired Santa Rosa firefighter, and CalFire heavy equipment operator prior to that.  He has spent his entire career fighting fires in Northern California (and has now retired to a peaceful farm in Oklahoma).  They never train their folks to jump into a lake or river to avoid a passing firestorm.  Those things create their own suction as they pass over water.  While under water one avoids the horrific heat, but when one surfaces for a breath of air, there often is no air because the fire has consumed every available atom of oxygen.  Many of such folks actually die from oxygen depleted suffocation.

A very dear friend of mine lost his home up there.  Burned completely to the ground, and took with it his small collection of classic cars (which he had not insured).  His experience and that of the cartoonist are very similar.  John awoke to a eerie, smoky silence.  He looked outside and saw the neighborhood ablaze.  he and his wife grabbed the dog and fled. 5 minutes later he looked back and his entire home was raging fire.   They barely made it out.   He purchased that property following retirement because of the few fruit and old-growth redwoods trees that were growing on the property.  All were destroyed EXCEPT the old-growth redwoods!
2017 RB