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Topic: Hit by a bear. (Read 212 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hit by a bear.
I've never hit an animal before, not even a squirrel. (Not counting bugs.) Heading to Ladeze, northbound on narrow, two-lane Hwy 101, just north of Klamath CA, a full size black bear leapt out of the woods, crossed the southbound lane, and smacked into the side of my MB at the rear wheelwell. It skidded back along the side, about 18" above the ground, and pushed in and broke the electrical cord compartment door and frame.

There was no place to stop, no shoulder, no pullout nearby. And who wants to stop and deal with an injured bear, anyway? We finally saw a Forest Service office, where a kind young ranger was able to calm the jittery nerves of a couple of Ladeze. She recommended a call to California Fish and Game, and they reassured us further that the bear was probably all right, and they would alert the local Ranger to be on the lookout for a possibly injured bear.

We surmise that the bear was escaping a nearby fire, as there were several of those in the vicinity. These awful fires are particularly hard on wildlife and their habitat as they can't look up Cal Fire for the latest updates. All critters large and small must be milling around in a frightful panic, our bear being one of them.

Hoping to get to the factory for repairs next week. I am lucky, the damage could have been much worse.

What's the biggest or weirdest animal you've ever had a run-in with?

Kathy Lautz
1999 MB
1999 MB

Re: Hit by a bear.
Reply #1
For me personally, a coyote on a dark stretch of Hwy 166 in my little Kia.  I did not stop either.

Your post reminded me of this scene from "The Middle."

Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Hit by a bear.
Reply #2
"Who wants to stop and deal with an injured bear, anyway?"

Not I!!! You'd think the bear would have seen your blue LD and avoided smacking into it. Perhaps he was wanting to ride along with you. lol 😂
Glad to hear your alright after the run in 🐻 and your LD can be fixed up llke new.
Daughter of the first Lazy Bones
Hitting the road on my own and with a friend 🚐 while reporting back to the Lazy Bones at home 🛋

2 Lazy Bones - Home

Re: Hit by a bear.
Reply #3
As noted by Stephen Colbert, godless killing machines.  Bears, not the LD.

2000 Front Lounge

Re: Hit by a bear.
Reply #4
On dark night, a few years ago, I was heading home from my MIL, driving my GMC Acadia down a rural Western PA road.  Suddenly, out of the bushes on my left, a doe jumped out right in front of me.  I hit the brakes, laid on the horn, but the deer turned and ran down the road directly in my path.  She didn't get far.  Front wheel went over her, then the rear wheel.  I frantically managed to keep the car under control.  I called 911 (mostly to alert the local LEOs), that a likely deer carcass was somewhere on or along the road.  The 911 operator asked me if I saw where the deer went.  I replied no, since I was trying to keep the car on the road.  Approx. $1800 for repairs, covered by insurance except for the deductable.

Another time, my youngest was driving her car down a local road in the afternoon.  A doe came out of the bushes on the right and ran right into her car near the right rear wheel.  The deer bounced off and continued her journey, likely with a head ache.  Minimal damage to the car.  I have taught my kids that if you need to hit an animal, it is far better to do that and maintain control of the car, than to try to avoid the animal, lose control, and lose your own life.  It happens around here not infrequently.
2011 MB