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Topic: Hurricane Harvey (Read 363 times) previous topic - next topic
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Hurricane Harvey
We sure want to wish all the LDO's, family and friends the best who are in the path of Hurricane Harvey.  As weather watchers know, this hurricane is developing into a catastrophe storm with some areas predicted to receive 30" of rain and a 10' storm surge.  All of Texas is sending First Responders to various staging areas.  This storm is predicted to ruin many areas and many lives.   Our prayers and sincere wishes for the safety of all those folks in the hurricane path.

P.S.  If any LDO's are heading north from the Texas coast and need anything at all, please call us at 817-713-4313.

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #1
Our Texas TV stations are continuously reporting on this increasingly colossal disaster along the Texas Gulf Coast as are news stations elsewhere.  Some areas will receive more than 50" of rain.   Cities around Texas are sending more help, more people, supplies, boats, etc.  Many, many Texas cities are setting up emergency shelters to include the area we live (Dallas Fort Worth).  There are thousands of First Responders making their way in convoys to the Gulf Coast.   There are countless churches, civic groups, non-profits, hospitals, offering help and sending help.  Area restaurants are offering free meals to Evacuees.  It's  an overwhelming amount of rain, water, and tragedy.  Overwhelming.

We continue to hope we hear from our LDO amigos who live in this area and we hope you're safe.    It's simply heartbreaking.

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #2
Our thoughts and prayers to those affected by the storm. Looks like Harvey is regrouping to take another shot, unfortunately.
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #3
I've accounted for all of my family members on the Gulf Coast, Grandson and his Mother were at ground zero, + one Cousin in Corpus Christi and another in Houston.

My Grandson has/had a 'beach house' out on Matagorda Island but they will not be able to ascertain it's condition until it's safe to put a boat in the water.   :o
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #4
I'm trying to get my head around this really horrible thing that nature is tossing into Texas.  

I'm going to cut and pasted an article from the AP News Wire .....

"The 9 trillion gallons of water dispensed so far is enough to fill the entire Great Salt Lake in Salt Lake City - twice! It would take nine days straight for the Mississippi River to drain into Houston and equal the amount of water already there. If we averaged this amount of water spread equally over the lower 48 states, that's the equivalent of about 0.17 inches of rain - roughly the height of three pennies stacked atop each other - occupying every square inch of the contiguous United States. Imagine one downpour large enough to cover the entire country!

This amount of water could fill 2.3 percent of the volume of the mountain range containing Mount Everest in Nepal and is enough to occupy 33,906 Empire State Buildings, from basement to penthouse.

"But here's the kicker: Just how unprecedented is this? Well, remember the flooding that New Orleans experienced with Hurricane Katrina? Most places saw about 10 to 20 feet of water thanks to levee failure, inundating about 80 percent of the city. Now, if we took the amount of rainfall that Texas has seen and spread it over the city limits of New Orleans, it would tower to 128 feet in height -- roughly reaching as high as a 12-story office building."

Only one word WOW!!!!

And to think more rain is coming.

personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #5
Update on my Texas family...

While most of the family is concerned about the big trees that inconveniently fell across their cattle fences and are out with chain saws to remedy that situation, my Grandson took a different approach.

I don't mind saying that GS is a pretty good cook and a buddy of his has a food truck, so the two of them have forsaken the home front, driven down to the gulf coast at Port O'Connor and have set up the food truck offering free meals to the folks  who were displaced by the storm. I'm giving the kid kudos for having a good heart.   O:)
Steve S.
Lazy Bones & Cedar
2004 30'IB (Island Bed)
Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery
Live for the day!

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #6

I'd also give "the kid kudos for" putting to good use the upbringing he had...sounds like an "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" kind of guy.   :)   Thx for sharing a "good news story" out of all the mess down there.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Hurricane Harvey
Reply #7
Yesterday we drove the LD from Paincourtville, LA to Nacogdoches, TX.  Fueled up at Natchitoches, LA then took Hwy 6 to TX Hwy 21 into Nacogdoches.  Fueled up about 5 miles before Nacog and see that some stations in Nacog are out but there are no lines at stations with fuel.  Plan to take 171 to I-20 west. 
Our friends in Nacog said the only problem is some gas stations are intermittently out and fresh bread is hard to find at times.
2004 26.5 MB
Enjoying retirement traveling, Rzr riding, photography, and of course the 2 grand girls!