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Topic: A Pet Ramp For Humans (Read 158 times) previous topic - next topic
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A Pet Ramp For Humans

Our friends have an older dog that can no longer jump in the RV. They got a ramp for the dog.  It works for humans too.
It could be carried in a "long bin", but I can see that someone could engineer it so that it could be stowed under the coach right behind and below the step on an MB. And then pulled out to allow pets and humans to walk up the ramp to the step.

It would need to hang down from the chassis frame, to clear the leaf spring. But would be no lower than the muffler.

Just another one of my ideas that will go nowhere. But, I can dream.

Solvit 62320 Deluxe XL Telescoping Pet Ramp

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Don & Dorothy
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Traveling Dorothy

Re: A Pet Ramp For Humans
Reply #1
Let me know when you get all that figured out, as I use the same ramp when I have an older dog. I also found it easier on my ol' knees. In my 24FL I lay it in the entrance way when I'm travelling.

Lori Y
2011 24FL
Lori Y
2011 24FL