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Topic: Toilet Leak (Read 464 times) previous topic - next topic
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Toilet Leak
So thanks again to Duro and others that helped me replace my worn out shower diverter and shower head.  Installation was easy and quick, and we are back in business.  I love it when it works that way!  And I *hope* you can help me out the same with my next topic.

So, the toilet has been working great -- holds water perfectly.  But a week or so ago we noticed the toilet was slightly askew, a degree or two out of alignment with the wall.  Since then, we've noticed some "dirt" around the toilet, and we have some toilet odors.  Note -- it is still holding water just fine.  So it seems (to me) that whatever the seal might be between the commode and the tank has become loose or damaged.

But then, I don't know how the thing really works.  So I'm looking for anyone's helpful tips or suggestions of what to do next.

Subsequent addition:  I should note, I tried to re-align the toilet to be 100% in-line with the wall as I assume it once was, and cannot move it back.  It rocks a little bit, but otherwise is immovable.

I did do a search, but most of the articles were about the toilet not holding water.  Given that works fine, everything is flushing correctly, can you diagnose the problem I likely have, and suggest its remedy?

Oh, and if it could be quick and easy like the shower, that would be a bonus ;-)

Thanks in advance -- someday I hope I can return the favor to some other beginners.

Appreciate all inputs.

Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #1
I haven't had to do any toilet repairs. But looking at the owners manual it sounds like the flange seal has gone bad. At least that's what I would check first.
Lynn and Lori

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #2
"Oh, and if it could be quick and easy like the shower, that would be a bonus ;-)"

Well, for temporary fixes there's always duct tape!   :D
Greg & Victoria
2017 Mid-Bath  “Nocona” towing a manual 2015 Forester
Previously a 1985 TK
SKP #61264

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #3
In my 1988 MB, my toilet is mounted on a box structure.   I can remove the panel between the converter and the water tank  to access the water pump and look all the way to the rear into the box structure and see the toilet waste line. 

The plastic toilet flange mounted on the box structure.  Then toilet gasket and toilet held with toilet bolts.  Hopefully the RV toilet gasket dried out an shrunk, or the toilet bolts broke.  More likely the toilet flange aged and cracked. Get an RV gasket, not the wax rings used in sticks and brick homes.

If mine leaked on the road,  replace the gasket and seal the cracks with shower silicone, and keep the Black tank below 3/4 until i get home.  The repair glue,  shower silicone,  ABS glue might lock the TF into the waste line if it is threaded.

The repair at Home Base,  Hopefully the toilet flange is threaded into the Waste line going to the Black Tank,  Remove toilet, remove screws holding the TF to the box, un screw it and replace.  Often screws are rusty and locked int the wood.  I had to cut the flange off the toilet flange to remove the screws with visegrips then  un screw the toilet flange on the last one I replaced on a Class B van.

1988 Mid Bath

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #4
Hey folks, thanks for all the suggestions. 

Duro, I guess I really should RTFM each time ;-)  At first I thought you mean the LD manual, and I was thinking "boy they really cover everything in that manual" ;-)  But now I see you meant the Sealant manual, which I have now downloaded.

Hilola, I am a big fan of duct tape -- even bought the all weather stuff.  I think this might be a job even too much for that ;-)  But any port in a storm, as they say.

Rodney, great suggestions of what to try and tackle on the road, versus at home base.  Given rusty bolts, etc, I think I will take your advice!  We can try a caulk for now and see if that does the trick.

Indeed, I noticed in both the LD and Sealand manuals, the recommendation for adding 8 oz of toilet chemical each time the blank tank is flushed.  I must confess we have not been doing that.  We are religious about not putting anything in the black tank except human waste.  We even baggie up all toilet paper, so we thought additional chemicals weren't needed.  But that may be wrong and contributing to the odor (which is not that bad, just something we had not noticed at all previously). 

Does anyone want to comment, pro or con, on the need for toilet chemicals?

Thanks -- always learning from y'all.


Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another - this time, toilet issues - No Chemical
Reply #5
We don't use "chemicals" per se.  We use dish detergent and some borax powder every time we dump the tanks.  We add about a half cup of dish detergent and about one fourth to half a cup of borax powder.  Some people use Calgon powder instead of plain borax.  We never add bleach, because it is bad for rubber seals, etc.  We have been using this method for many years and in our last two RVs after suffering through every chemical there is in our first eight RVs, and I do mean suffering.  If the rare odor begins to occur, we just add some more detergent and might throw in some more borax powder.  Works very well.  Oh, and we use quick-dissolving tissue.  You can check that by putting some tissue in a jar of water and shaking it.  The tissue should dissolve almost immediately....
Terry Apple
2013 RB 27 Baby Blue Bentley

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #6
Thanks Terry.  That sounds like just the kind of way we would like to handle things too.  We will pick up some more detergent and borax at our next resupply stop.

I do love this group!

Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #7
Steve when you say the toilet is crooked. Do you mean like the attached picture? I hope that is normal because the picture is mine and it is not square to the wall. Mine was that way when we bought it and it doesn't move.
Lynn and Lori

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #8
Steve and Carol, if you have fluid leaking around the toilet, and the toilet holds water, I doubt that you have a problem with your bowl or base seals.  Here is my thinking.  A leak above the flush dome means water would slowly drain out of the bowl.  A leak below the flush dome would simply drop to the black tank.  Nothing is held high enough to leak out of the drain.  SO - I am looking for another source.  What I come up with is either the flush valve, where the flush pedal attaches and pivots at the toilet base, or the rear plug where the water flush line plugs into the back of the toilet.

Try this.  Get a few pieces of white paper towel.  Place them below and surrounding the area below that flush valve, as well as at the very back below the plug connection.  Try and get toweling close enough so that a trickle down the side of the bowl, rather than just a drip, will be found.  Now, cycle the flush valve several times, with a minute or so between flushes.  Check the paper towels for any wet spots.

Trying to think outside the box (or the bowl) I am also wondering if something about the bowl connection to the base is letting the toilet leak above the flush dome when body weight is on it, but at other times, it holds water.  That would account for the "dirt" and smells.  If the first test shows nothing, remove the trim ring and surround the base with paper towels.  Lift the flush pedal to bring in a quantity of water, then have a seat.  Sit a while and do some weight shifting and wiggling, then flush and check the paper towels.

Let us know what you find, and we may have some ideas at that point about causes and remedies.

Ken F in NM
'08 MB

Re: If it isn't one thing, it's another -- this time, toilet issues
Reply #9
Duro, thanks for sending that picture -- that's exactly what ours looks like.  So you have removed that variable for me.

Kenneth, thanks for your input.  We will try that and see if we can isolate any leak.  Who knows, may that was a false alarm, and we are just dealing with some odor issues.

We will keep taking a look see.  I'm glad to know the toilet has not shifted as I feared.  Maybe the mounting bolts are a little loose.

Thanks again,

Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...

Re: Toilet Leak
Reply #10
Steve, I hope you don't mind if I changed the topic title to "Toilet Leak" to make it easier to look up in the future. It's a useful thread in that several posters are contributing their expertise in analyzing the problem. Surely someone will have the same issue in the future and may want to visit this thread.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Toilet Leak
Reply #11
Of course not.  I will try to be more straightforward with my next inquiry (and it is coming soon ;-)

Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...

Re: Toilet Leak
Reply #12
Hi folks so just a quick update regarding the toilet.

As noted by Duro, it is supposed to be slight off angle, so that wasn't itself a problem.

And as noted by Kenneth, we are indeed seeing some leak near the flush pedal.  I have not opened things up to see that is going on yet, and that may wait for another couple weeks when I am at my sister's house and have easier access to tools and supply parts depending on what I find.

We also just did a complete dump, refill with fresh water and dump (twice), and have added 1/2 cup of detergent and some water to cover the base.  We will see if that addresses the odor, and we are only dealing with a small leak.

I will keep y'all posted, and thank you very much for your inputs and helpful suggestions.

Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...

Re: Toilet Leak
Reply #13
(After repairing any leaks), you might try using plenty of water with each flush of "solids", and a bacteria/enzyme product; Pure Power is very good, as is Eco Save and a couple others. Avoid any commercial product with formaldehyde; ditto "home brew" concoctions containing bleach or caustic "cleaners". (It's a good idea to read the MSDS on all products.)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Toilet Leak
Reply #14
Probably no one needs the reminder, but one other thing that pops out of my lizard brain . . . Upon dumping, it is probably advantageous to replenish the fluid in the tank with a couple of gallons of clean water as a "landing platform" for sticky stuff, and for the bacteria/enzyme product to have a home to do its chores.

   Virtual hugs,


Re: Toilet Leak
Reply #15
Thanks Joan, Terry, and Judie regarding good black tank management.

We've been away from any usable cellular signal for a few days, hence the late reply.

Joan, we do have some sort of leak, which I hope to fix that when we land at my sister's on the 23rd.  It's not *too* bad so we will make do in the mean time (sorry if that might seem like a pun ;-)

We are managing, and using some of the dumping and additive tips we have received. 

Thanks much to all that responded.

Steven & Carol Crisp -- 2000 26.5' Blue Mid-Bath named Thistle Dew Too
Our RV Motto:  "No place to be ... and all day to get there"
2024 Adventure: The Great Eclipse Escapade!  HI(Air),NV,AZ,NM,Mason,TX(Totality!) ...