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Topic: Might be Camping in the Driveway Tonight (Read 144 times) previous topic - next topic
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Might be Camping in the Driveway Tonight
As some may know so cal has had some wild weather the last few days. Originally we planned to try camping this weekend at Saddleback Butte SP, but my husband tumbled down a set of slippery stairs yesterday and injured himself. Then around 5pm last night the power went out at the house! We went out to dinner hoping it would be back on by the time we got home, nope. So out into the pouring rain we went getting our portable genny going, it's on a hitch rack of the LD and not easy to access.

But 2400 watts isn't much power for a house, we've got it running the refrigerator, the fish tank, a few lights and the TV for the kid. But it's kind of cold in the house and the genny isn't big enough to make any difference there. We're approaching 24 hours without power and Edison won't even hazard a guess as to when it will be on. Most of our neighborhood has power it's just scattered blocks that are affected. If its not on soon I guess I will prep the LD for a night out there, at least it has heat!
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Re: Might be Camping in the Driveway Tonight
Reply #1
Oh dear--weather & slick steps & no power...not the fun weekend you were planning.  Good luck!  At least your baby is near at hand. 

I've thought about something similar when the snow has taken out power to my neighborhood, but LDy Lulubelle is six miles out of town, down a gravel road, & so far I've never taken her out of her machine shed nest "just in case."  I have given thought to a supplemental generator that I could keep in the back of the pickup (& have juice at the house or the farm).   I would have someone do the work, but I'm interested in what you did to your service panel in the house so you could use the one you brought in from the LD.

LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm

Re: Might be Camping in the Driveway Tonight
Reply #2
No tie in to the panel just a bevy of extension cords and a power strip. Pulling the fridge out from the cabinets was the hardest part. The weather here doesn't demand permanent solutions so we're jury rigging it here. Glad we have the option, we offered our neighbors some power to make up for the sound but they decided to leave for the day.
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