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Topic: How do I post pictures (Read 883 times) previous topic - next topic
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How do I post pictures
I recently had some cabinet work done in our LD and want to share the results. How do I posts pics of the work from my camera? Thanks John in Bend
John in Bend, OR

Re: How do I posts pictures
Reply #1
John, I don't know what camera or computer system you use, so my advice is generic. Start with reading the other posts here about that question, and some of the others too.

It sounds like your photos are still in your camera? If your photos are still in your camera, and it is not a smartphone, you will need to get the photos into your computer first. I can't remember how that works with Windows. With Apple you will need to put your SD card into the computer or plug the camera into the computer via a cable. Then your Photos or iPhoto application should open up and begin importing photos from the camera to the computer.

Once photos are in your computer, select the forum you want to post into, in your case probably Lazy Daze Renovations & Improvements the select the "New Topic" button on the upper right area of the screen. You will see the "Start New Topic" box open, where you begin typing your post . Scroll down below the area you type in, and there is a box below that is titled " Add files by dragging & dropping or selecting them" select on the words "selecting them" and follow the instructions.

This is one way. There are many ways to skin this cat, so for better help, please tell us more specifics about your situation?

When I have a large number of photos I put them into a Flickr album, then link to the album. Another process.

Is any of this information helpful, or have I misinterpreted your question?
'92 Mid Bath

Re: How do I posts pictures
Reply #3
Thanks to all, I have a Mac and will give it a try tonight. John in Bend
John in Bend, OR