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Topic: Posting multiple pictures using an iPhone 5 series. (Read 601 times) previous topic - next topic
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Posting multiple pictures using an iPhone 5 series.
This might apply to other phones but I have no way to complain about their performance as I only have the one phone.  I tried to post a couple pictures while on the road to do a topic like "A Lazy, many Daze, southeast rambling ride".  The problem is most likely me or my phone.
It is my understanding that the photos must be hosted, so I did not try to post from the phone.
I have a iPhone5S with current software on a Verizon package
My photos are on Smugmug.com (most recent, You'll Need a Newer Browser to See This Page)

When I try to post photos on a web discussion my work flow is to open the discussion borad (LDO in this case) and in a second window open the pictures in Smugmug.com.  This works fine when I have access to a laptop or computer (have used both Apple and MS). The problem occures when using my iPhone and I want to post more than one photo. 
I would like to share (ok show off) the pictures with better resolution if there is a work around. 
Thanks in advance.

fixed topic title typo - Michelle
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Posting mutipal pictures using an iPhone 5 series.
Reply #1
At my old job everyone in the second and third level help desks knew my name.  That may not be a good thing.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Posting mutipal pictures using an iPhone 5 series.
Reply #2
It is my understanding that the photos must be hosted, so I did not try to post from the phone.
You can upload photos as attachments or to a media section (and then use them in a post) on this site.  You do not need to host them on a 3rd party site to have them seen here.   This will works fine with a phone.

Photos that you upload to this site are resized/compressed to save space and bandwidth for those viewing them. The thought being is that most are simply viewing images and don't want/need the full size to manipulate or output to a photo printer.

Note that attachments have a somewhat smaller allowed WxH size, the media section allows somewhat larger photos.

If you want to post/link to a smug mug photo, I believe you need to enable embedding for that photo on smug.  This will then show a BBC embed link in the share section that you can use use on this site (or any discussion site really).

Not sure I've answered you question   :(

Re: Posting mutipal pictures using an iPhone 5 series.
Reply #3
Thanks Steve.  Yes you did answer the question and solved the problem I was having.  I normally don't push my cell phone snap shots to the smugmug site.  I was mistaken about needing to host the pics.  I should have read much closer the instructions posting pictures.  I have a bad habit of sometimes reading just what I want to see instead of what is printed.  Very useful being able to post directly to the site and a nice service for the users.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath