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Campground Full
We left the southland three months ago and have just made it to Oregon. All this trip we have seen campgrounds close to capacity. Aside from Yellowstone, the places we have been to are not top destinations. And even in Yellowstone, the place we parked was not desirable to most as it did not have hookups.

When even private campgrounds are full, something has changed.

Are you seeing more campers this year?

What do you suspect are the causes? Cheaper gas, cheap RV's, not that many people working?
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Campground Full
Reply #1
10,000 boomers per day turn 65. Gas is under $2 gallon. These are the 2 biggies in my opinion.
Todd (and Steve)
'17 Winnebago Minnie Winnie and '13 Honda CRV
(Former '99 RB owners from 2012-2016)

Re: Campground Full
Reply #2
European tourism down >12%. Could assume more US citizens staying home, more international travelers switching US for Eutopean travel. Here in France attractions, campgrounds, restaurants, hotels look like it is October, not July.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Campground Full
Reply #3
10,000 boomers per day turn 65. Gas is under $2 gallon. These are the 2 biggies in my opinion.

The economy is booming for most. Stock markets on a roar.
 People have some extra money to spend on toys.
When we ordered our '08 LD during the  heart of the recession, lead time was about 90 days!!
Now it's over a year.
Times are good.

Re: Campground Full
Reply #6
I agree with the previous posts completely. I'd throw in the following, with the hope that others that are out in their coaches more than I'm out in mine would share their thoughts on this.

I have always preferred USFS campgrounds when out west. I've often driven a few miles out of my way and had a FS campground nearly to myself. It seems to me over the past several years (or more), as the FS has contracted out much of the day to day management of the campgrounds, that there are fewer open at all than there used to be, and of those that are open, many close too early in the fall, even in places in the SW where weather isn't really an issue. This must put greater pressure on the campgrounds that are open, only compounding the strain on the system by the other points already made.

When the FS was looking after campgrounds, there were FS personnel in the area anyway, so they could look in on these campgrounds and care for them.  For contractors, perhaps keeping them open has been cost prohibitive because of low volume, but now with more folks apparently out camping, maybe that wouldn't be so true anymore.


2003 -- 23' FL
2003 -- 23' FL

Re: Campground Full
Reply #7
Gas dropped to $1.94 today (Costco) and is dropping below $2 at other places too. Twin Cities MN. Camping has always been very popular here in MN and we have lots of camping options. So finding sites isn't too difficult. We try to hit popular destinations off season to avoid the crowds. That has worked well in places like the Jersey Shore, Mrytle Beach, and Yellowstone. July and August we tend to be on the North Shore of Lake Superior or home in Burnsville where we can escape the heat.
Todd (and Steve)
'17 Winnebago Minnie Winnie and '13 Honda CRV
(Former '99 RB owners from 2012-2016)

Re: Campground Full
Reply #9
For those of you lucky people with on time restraints like my Dad, just rolling down the road in search of a camp spot is great. I on the other hand still work and have time limitations and like to reserve my camp spot prior to arriving at my destination. I look forward to the day I can just roll with it.  ;)

Daughter of the first Lazy Bones
Hitting the road on my own and with a friend 🚐 while reporting back to the Lazy Bones at home 🛋

2 Lazy Bones - Home

Re: Campground Full
Reply #10
Airlines reporting profits for last quarter are showing headwinds (pun alert) due to decreased traffic. 

This could indicate more people staying domestic.  Together with the demographics and other pressures on campgrounds, we may be in for more crowding.

On other threads here this series in RV Daily Report has been cited. This installment speaks to reduced campground capacity.

Gonna be harder to find solitude and quiet!!
'92 Mid Bath

Re: Campground Full
Reply #11
We havn't noticed any problems looking for places to roost for the night or the week.   I'm sure it's the style that we use.   When we hit the road for ourselves (not family or grandkids outings) we tend to go 'off season'.   We like the fall, winter, and spring seasons.  <smile> yes we accept the bad weather (however you define it).  

But to your point -- I don't think it a baby boomer issue as much as a cheap RV issue.   A young family today can afford a cheap trailer.  That combined with cheap gas and a great outdoors experience is a no brainer for most folks. 

<old man mode on> when I was a young pup with a growing family all I could afford what a large tent and a lot of cheap gear from the local army surplus store.  Although a great experience for me I don't think or need to impose that on my kids or the young folk today.  <old man mode off>. 

My dream is the various goverment agencies (BLM, COE, Forest Service, various local and state agencies)   in charge caring for the lands would be funded so they could make the outdoors experience similar to the one I had growing up.   I understand and know this is a continuos  topic.  But maybe ll fees paid for using goverment land should be used for the upkeep of said lands.   Rather then throwing the fees in a big bucket to lets other more powerful groups fight over the money.   For example  in Oregon the state park system is almost complete user fee supported. 
personal fine art photo stuff
TF Mack | Flickr
It's all good .......
2014 Twin King

Re: Campground Full
Reply #12
This "campground" was not full. Just us spending a peaceful night on the shore of the Walden Reservoir in Walden, CO.

Re: Campground Full
Reply #13
My first fill on the way home from L.A. in Oct 2012 was at 5.49/ gallon. When the total got to $250.00, the pump clicked off and I had to enter a 2nd card. Gotta love this two buck gas.
We don't' mind full campgrounds as long as there a spot for
us! :)
Todd (and Steve)
'17 Winnebago Minnie Winnie and '13 Honda CRV
(Former '99 RB owners from 2012-2016)

Re: Campground Full
Reply #14
What I noticed in Watchman was a lot of rental Class A's & C's. Only a handful of pop-ups and quite a few tents. But, the ones I noticed most were the rentals.

Many sites were occupied for only a night and though it would empty a bit after 11am, the campground was once again full by sunset.

Serrano in Big Bear is the same way. Though as we see during the off season, the mid week is sparclely populated. Come Friday & Saturday the place is packed. Ok by me. I enjoy watching the kids riding and running about.

Heading back to Serrano in August with projected temps in the mid 80's. Expecting a lot of happy campers.

2015 27' RB "MissB.Haven"

Re: Campground Full
Reply #15
Thanks to JCT for the link to the article on the USFS and concessionaires, and to Paul for the link to the commentary on 'Campgrounds Losing Capacity'.  Both provide interesting information, though neither are encouraging. 

2003 -- 23' FL