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Topic: How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic) (Read 520 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from Photos of LD showing ...
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How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic)
These photos give you some idea of my investigation.

Ouch! Although I feel bad about the problem, I feel good about the way you posted the link. I used to think I was reasonably computer-comfortable, but I've tried my darndist to set up a share site like you did. I'm going to sell my Lazy Daze and have some really nice photos. And photos are really needed. If you or anyone else who reads this has advice, I'd sure appreciate it.

I did put together a FaceBook site; it's OK, but sure needs more cleaning up.
Cheers and best wishes,


edited to add quoted post - Michelle

Re: How to put photos on line?
Reply #1
Sarah, I didn't put the photos on my website, it is an album I put on Flickr. I have kind of let websites go, the effort to maintain them is too great for me. And Facebook kills me! Good luck with your sale, this forum and a Flickr account (or one like it) are a good start.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic)
Reply #2
Sarah, I saw your Facebook page to advertise your rig. Nice work! Good luck with the sale.
'92 Mid Bath

Re: How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic)
Reply #3
Sarah, could you post a link? I would like to send it to a friend who might be interested.


Re: How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic)
Reply #6
I see the page and see the 4 small thumbs of the pictures. However, when I click on the photos to show them all get an error that page is not found.

Jim, they come up for me. 

I'm not sure what the problem is, but wonder if you are logged into your Facebook account when you try to view the pictures? 
Linda Hylton

Re: How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic)
Reply #7
Linda, it's odd. I usually use Chrome as my browser and that is the one it didn't work on. Just tried it on IE and it works fine.


Re: How to put photos on line? (Split from end cap topic)
Reply #8
I could not get to the FB pictures on my home computer last night but had no trouble this morning.  I use Safari as a browser on an older iMac.  There was no difference in approach other than time. 

Nice pictures. Good luck wth the sale. Some one is going to get a special rv.
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath