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Topic: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?! (Read 293 times) previous topic - next topic
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What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
STill considering a Lazy Daze and just happened to see this in the Orlando Craigslist.  I live in Bradenton, FL.  Its older than we would be considering because the last thing we need is a vacation w an engine problem (one reason why we keep bouncing back to our Airstream dream option).   What is anyone else's thoughts on this 1999 that just listed (26 ft rear king-twin - powder blue)??  1999 LAZY DAZE 26FT CLASS C MOTORHOME FORD V10 LIKE NEW  Thanks in advance on any thoughts you can provide?  Just for kicks... what would the ball park range be for dropping new motor in and anything else that one would expect in a 'well kept but '99 LD?   I know that is a reeeeally open question, but roughly. 

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #1
Based on the photos, this rig looks worth checking out. Do you know how many miles it has on it? And why are you concerned with replacing the engine?

Based on my experience with the Ford V-10, if properly maintained, it is a durable engine. This is a 1999 so I would check to see if the sparkplugs had been replaced and if the maintenance had been properly peformed.

Since it is fairly close to you, why not give it a thorough inspection? You have the advantage of living in the area and should be able to find a trusted mechanic to makean informed decision.

Good luck,
Steve K
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #2
Ok.  What would we ask beyond maintenance records, miles, why are you selling?  Look for leaks (in a 1999 I suppose that means what leaks were fixed and how?)  Is there a list on the LD site here that has concise way of looking at a unit?  Assuming it was in great condition (and average miles for a 99 - whatever that means), What would a fair counter be (a bit ahead of myself here... I know).  Thank you for your prompt reply! Very helpful

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #3
It appears that ad has been removed from Craigslist.  My .02 advice for potential RV buyers who are not mechanical or RV knowledgeable is to arrange for a survey.  The cost for a reliable survey is relatively small as compared to buying a RV which has significant problems.  Best of luck in your search.

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #4
I am not sure if this will be helpful since it appears the listing you were interested seems to have been removed. Perhaps it got sold?

As for shopping for a used rig, we knew exactly what we wanted. That had been decided after a kind couple in our area had bought one and graciously allowed us to see it. Then we made a trip from Ohio to the LD factory to look at the various floorplans.  We knew what we wanted but didn't realize how hard it would be to find.

Each of us has different priorities; price, miles, floorplan, size, color? You have to decide what is important to you.

You posted that this LD you were asking about was close to home. If it were me, I would have called and asked about the miles and if there were any known issues; the answers would tell me if I wanted to make an appointment to see it. For those of us who do NOT live in CA. having a unit close to home is a rare luxury. You want to go see it ask the other questions.

You seem to making assumptions that this rig has had leaks or needs an engine. If I were selling a rig and a prospect was insinuating those things to me, especially without even seeing it,....well, I would be offended.

There are guidelines somewhere in the LD forums for how to shop for a used unit. And pricing guidelines too. I knew how to find them on the Yahoo group, but I haven't got a handle on this new site.

You have mentioned Airstream; we just investigated new ones. They seem to offer very high quality at very high prices. The few things we would like to improve about our rving life over our LD midbath, would not be solved by an Airstream.

Good luck,
Steve K.
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #5
Thanks all.   Seems I may have missed out on the LD in Orlando.  I didn't want to call (yet) because we are still in this 'overly calculated' phase of making sure we know what we should before going to next stage of actually calling specific units.  I have to be truthful and say I am not sure owing an RV (even thought it would be an LD due to what our homework has revealed) is SAFE.  I know... I'm an RN (level 1 Trauma Division ER).  I actually fear that all those interiors can come flying down in the event of a collision.  Then again, towing isn't the 'safest' either.  I must say, I see far less about safety and more about comfort, quality, etc in all articles, 'google stuff' I have ever read.  Thus, the pendulum swings between an "LD" and an Airstream.  I know many of you have had years in RVing and in more than one classification, so what can you offer about safety?  I know one shouldnt be moving around in there and should be belted (granted, some quick conveniences are far from 'odds n' probabilitys, so I get that).  I hope not to offend anyone who owns something different like a class A or a "Winnebago because the cabinets are bolted', but what are your thoughts and how you did you decide that RVing was safe for you and your fam.  I think this is the number one reason for not moving on an LD and moving more toward an Airstream for us (even though I still LOOK for an LD)!

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #6
Hi Doree.  First, let me say that no matter what kind of vehicle you are riding in, if you don't feel safe you won't enjoy your time spent riding in it.  That goes for cars, RVs, and airplanes.  So, I would strongly encourage you to try before you buy.  Rent an Airstream and tow it around.  Rent a Class C for a couple of weekends and determine if you feel safe.  No matter what we say about how we feel, it won't translate directly to your feelings or emotions.  You should enjoy the RV of your choice, not dread going down the road in it.

Now, about a Class C.  Most Class Cs, and certainly most newer ones, have many of the same safety features a car has.  Crash protection in the front, especially with the big engine there protecting you.  Most have dual air bags up front.  The truck has a driver door and passenger door for quick egress if necessary, plus other exits in the rear.  My guess (because I don't have data handy to support this), is that any significant accident that could cause injury in a Class C, would likely cause the same damage to your tow vehicle when towing.  And certainly, you should never be in a trailer while moving down the road.

As for the cabinets coming down, it is possible of course.  But, with respect to Class Cs, the Lazy Daze is argueably the best constructed Class C on the market. 

So, what is the greater risk?  Driving a car in the traffic of Tampa Bay area, living in a hurricane prone area, or driving a Class C down the road?

Best wishes on your decision, and thanks to you and other nurses doing what you do.

2011 MB

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #7
It is difficult to place ones hands on safety information on RVs.  The government or insurance industry does not test them like they do cars. 
Riding in the front seat of an RV has several things going for it.  Mostly the mass of the RV.  I feel that a bigger part of what makes a Lazy Daze (LD) safe is construction materials and construction method.  When I first started looking at RV some seven or nine years ago Lazy Daze was one of a couple RV's that had never lost a person in a accident.  The aluminum and wood construction I believe is a big part of the why.  Wood splinters and aluminum tears.  These properties are very good for energy absorption.  I always was a fan of Airstreams and was strongly considering a trailer but along with expense (we would have had to buy a car to pull it as well) the fear of jack-knifing a trailer because of my driving was high on the list (I witnessed a bad accident, I understand my fear is unreasonable and unfair to trailers).  There are stories of side impact crashes into a LD with only the impact area damaged.  Other class Cs with metal frames would not have with stood that because of the way energy gets transferred.  Finally the box construction that forms the house frame is a incredibly strong construction system as long as it is cared for (kept dry).  The interior walls and such are common to several manufactures but what is not common is the amount of glue and staples.  If you look at the logs about repairing something in a LD taking shelving or walls apart is a huge task.  That is part of a design that helps the body of the house part of the RV absorb energy in a accident.  Absorbing the energy before the energy is transferred to the occupants is a key factor on how one vehicle performs in accident survivability.   

So that is one of the "whys" or "how comes" I settled on a Lazy Daze.  The windows were just icing on the cake. 

By the way, those years we were looking? We were car camping in a REI back packing tent I had purchased just after our wedding in the early 90s.  We, me mostly, had long ago quit backpacking and were just car camping.  The REI tent was like a favorite pair of shoes, even though worn out,  I still pitch it for when family or friends with kids come by - it has to many good memories to trash as long as there is room in the camping closet.  So don't worry about the amount of  time it takes to look and decide what is right for you guys.  It took us five years or so.
07 MB 
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: What are your thoughts on this LD right near me?!
Reply #8
Through the years, while visiting the Mothership, I have seen several badly crashed LDs, in for repair work.
In all the units  I saw,  the coach remained intact and interior cabinets still in place.
A big hazard I see ALL the time is loose gear, left sitting on countertops and tables. They become missile in case of a bad collision, please, folks, put loose things away.

The safety part few talk about is the inadequate seating in the rear of any of the coaches. Even though seat beats are installed on some seat, none of the seats are a safe place to begin a crash, especially the seats where the occupants are sitting sideways.
This problem is not limited to LD, instead all RVs are built with no regulation pertaining to passengers.

The front cab is a safe place to ride since it is engineered for safety and conforms to Federal safety laws.
The cab and chassis are built of good old fashioned heavy steel, not the thin, lightweight sheet metals our cars are made from.
I feel secure driving our LD in almost all conditions, including bad weather.

Lets not run into each other.
2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze