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Topic: Numbers after mentions, media, etc. (split from Re: How do I...?) (Read 412 times) previous topic - next topic - Topic derived from How do I...?
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Numbers after mentions, media, etc. (split from Re: How do I...?)
I'm not sure what [1] in blue between "Mentions" & "New Posts" refers to because there are lots more than a one (& likewise [3522] after "Media."  HTH

After "Mentions" it means someone liked one of your posts.  Click "Mentions" to see who (and what post).  Once you've "seen" a mention it comes off the list and the number goes down.

After "Media" it's how many items in the Media albums you haven't seen.  Now, all the Yahoo Group ones will show as new, too, since this forum has no idea if you've seen any of them.  If you want to reset that number, hover over "Media", click "Unseen", then "Mark all read".


Re: Numbers after mentions, media, etc. (split from Re: How do I...?)
Reply #1
Thx, Michelle   :)
LDy Lulubelle, Green '05 31' TB
Lilly, the 4-Legged Alarm