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Topic: Adding Attachments and more (Read 630 times) previous topic - next topic
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Adding Attachments and more
One of the great features of a community forum is the ability to include pictures, videos, files, with your post so folks don't have to go hunting. 

There are several ways to include images to a post, so I'm going to go over a few of them here.

1) As an Attachment:  Attachments will appear below the text of your message, just like an email attachment.  To add an image (or pdf, doc, xls, etc) there is a input box located just below the text box where you type in your message. From there you can select files or drag and drop them and they will be added to your post.  Here is a short video of that in action.


Images can be viewed full size by clicking on them, where files can be downloaded by clicking on them.  Attachments are the best way to add images and files to your post.

2) As a Link: To add an image from another site, say Google Photos, you just select the image icon from the tool bar in the editor.  If you hover your mouse pointer over the icons they will show what they do.  When you select that it will ask for the location of the image to insert. As an example for Google photos it will look like this when you are editing  (blame Google for the link!)
Code: [Select]

But look like like this when you are viewing the post.


But say you have a real fever and need even more cowbell, well then instead of showing it as a full sized image, how about we show it as a thumbnail instead?   The img tag supports both width and height modifiers, so lets set the width of this image to 128px like this
Code: [Select]
[img width=128]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/G__s0mUhxD-IGK5K3JmicFylfu8u2WtIzIBb6qwMYej04BSfcyFw9y60LmWbwwTJnN0o7qsfLi_yfdFx3xSRcpANhmrQwQTbMpi9_6qA9ioROpD2pGQK5WZPWl7TVOhgpsO4NvCk8v7wIjivi25GIez1HkaE-U4ThixmGVSLhOnq6XWN2PC9cJoTqrmIhnd2MUKCGQtXa24IwG4ulhsgRiMjtT3EdaLYMtG23JFdInC2RFsRYF3XBcSH6mHy2f8oZsG6fqAF3VzGbft3TC96DNJim_IelvN1vCSe37y5uA1f6lEjTS1koi16sbTioVD7RqlweKKaRK1De2SBcCQRykfuM4g1TVDohfTJ7uyPfF80esr45sFmq8V3Tf6aIUKRR3vzS2lfkbSgNAlmRxDbyINPbkEc8zDfFEcK5iOHHgBcuIvg8cYFVbvciqdatJ-VWxf5A1ZtlcDWBPY_Z-PGyhz1CxkYa_TY4XuOaKLCkR51I0_Oh2Ad3Pd5nYHBYDBsTd3iQm_i-n2G4xAV8RIwMBBQ7OZaWx3dRgoam5UmPU286UF0Gar9H5d-oLQj_3Xdk5z6=w822-h616-no[/img]
this will now appear as a expandable thumbnail image which is much nice to look at in a post, plus its inline with your text.

3) From Albums: The site supports user Albums where you can upload images (and files) into albums.  Think of Albums as directories, you can have many, and have sub albums as well.  It all depends on how you want to organize your stuff.

Lets say you have an Album, or just want to use a picture/file from a group Album.  When you view items detail, or hover over and item, you will see an area that says BBC embed code, this is the easy way to add the image.  Just copy that code, it will look like this only with different numbers
Code: [Select]
[smg id=368]
just place that code, brackets and all, in your message and it will appear as an (Sorry, but you are not allowed to access the gallery)
image in your post.