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Topic: Cost estimates request (Read 11 times) previous topic - next topic
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Cost estimates request
Yahoo Message Number: 151492
Hello All We looked at a used coach today that was in overall very good condition, but hasn't been used much over the last year.  We spent quite a bit of time testing all the systems, and two 'failed'.  So.... , the questions are 1) the generator did not fire up, and there appears to be a leak in the gas line, what might be an estimated replacement cost for the generator and lines?  and  2) the battery did not charge well (or hardly at all) with a idling engine, or after 1 hour plugged into shore power.  If it is the converter is at fault, how much would a likely replacement cost be?  The batteries are 2 years old and were almost totally without charge.
The coach will be taken to a RV service center tomorrow.  We are trying to do our 'homework' tonight.
It would be best for us if we can make this work, so 'run away' is an unpleasant choice for us.  However, we would heed that advise if we must! Thank you all in advance for your expertise! Kristen and Tom

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 151493
We've been reading the LD Owner Manual for the unit - it appears that there are many reasons why the batteries might not be working.  We'll let the repair shop diagnose that problem and not jump to any conclusions regarding the problem on THAT tonight.

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 151494
"the generator did not fire up..."

Can you describe what happened when you tried? Eg., no sound or motion at all? Turns over slowly but doesn't catch? Turns over rapidly but doesn't catch? A more detailed description of the symptoms can help us suggest possible causes.

"there appears to be a leak in the gas line"

Engine gas line, or generator gas line? What symptoms indicated a leak?

What year is the LD? Models built during the early 2000s were prone to cracking generator fuel lines. There are plenty of posts in our archives describing the symptoms and cures, but in a nutshell, the generator turns over vigorously but doesn't catch, or catches only briefly and then falters and dies. A clattering sound sometimes can be heard, indicating the generator's fuel pump is running dry, sucking air from the cracked fuel line.

Replacing the deteriorated portion of the fuel line (which lies in an all-but-inaccessible area above the fuel tank) is likely to cost several hundred dollars in labor. Replacing the generator is likely to cost several thousand. But I'd suspect the fuel line first.

"the battery did not charge well (or hardly at all) with a idling engine, or after 1 hour plugged into shore power."

Idling the engine doesn't charge the battery very efficiently, especially in older models. Plugging into shore power doesn't either, due to the low-tech converters in older models. Either of these causes could result in poor charging. A replacement converter (recommended: Intelipower 45 amp) will run one to two hundred bucks. It'll do a much better job of charging--both faster and gentler on the batteries--than the factory-installed converter, so it's a recommended upgrade in any case.

In a rig that hasn't been used in a year or more, you should also make certain that the batteries (all three) have adequate water. If possible, check the individual cells with a glass-float hydrometer (available for ten or fifteen bucks at any auto parts store). All cells should show very similar readings. If the batteries were completely uncharged, they may be dead due to sulfation or other causes. Replacement Trojan T105 batteries cost a hundred bucks apiece or thereabouts, as I recall.
 Weak house batteries could also result in inability to start the generator. If it turns over slowly, this is a possibility. In that case, try running the engine while trying to start the generator. That provides added power and may get the generator going.

Hope this helps. Good luck, and keep us posted!

Andy Baird
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 151495
Thank you Andy - This information is very helpful.  The unit is a 2000.  The generator made a rapid clicking sound, and on the third attempt, it seemed to almost catch, but didnt.  We didn't try again when we detected the leaking fuel right at the generator.  We did try to start the generator when the engine was running,  thinking that perhaps the generator didn't turn on the first attempts b/c there wasn't enough juice in the battery.
We were not able to addess the water level in the house battries b/c is had a 'tending system' and it would have involved more tearing apart than we were willing to do to evaluate the system.  Since we have now done some reading from the user manual for the unit, we see that there are other possible reasons for battery failure (diode isolator, loose or rusted nuts, tripped breaker).  Perhaps the tending system doesn't work.
We hope the RV repair facility which had serviced and maintained this unit for years can evaluate the problems.  We are hoping to have more information Monday morning - before our return flight home.  Your insight gives us some thoughts in preparation for the conversation with the mechanic.  We'd like to make this work, so we are hoping some patience, persistance and pleasantly pushy will get us there ! The numbers and cost estimates are very helpful.  Will keep you posted.
Kristen and Tom

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 151497
Don't forget to check the tire date codes. If more than five years old, you'll need new ones, and that will cost you $1,500 or so.

Andy Baird
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 151499
Easiest.  Make sure the fuel tank has at least a 1/4 tank full.  If not fill gas tank.
Manual says this fact.  Boogaloobob

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 151500
Based on reported fuel leak at the gen and low batteries , I would first get the battery issue corrected then Check fuel line connection. A starter will make clicking noise like you described when the voltage to it is too low.
 If fuel line is leaking at a point where it is accessible and can be cut and spliced, even if temporarily, you might fine that the generator is OK and will start and run.  This might save a lot of work and cost without having to drop the fuel tank.  There may be acceptable/safe ways to repair a leaking fuel line; Google it.  I would want to know for sure what the problems were prior to initiating high cost actions.

Jim NC

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 151503
Thank  to everyone for their responses.  This group is great.  You provided us with just the information (in a timely way too!) that we needed for the out-of-town trip we took to see the unit.
The tire ages have been identified to our satisfaction.  We have agree to purchase the unit and the owner is arranging for the repairs of some identified items.  We have spoken to the mechanic who will be performing those repairs, and everyone is on the same page.  Mechanic was able to identify that the batteries were shot, so those have been replaced. We may consider upgrading the converter (on our nickel - not the owner's).
The mechanic is going to clean the generator carburetor and if that doesn't solve the problem, will assess the fuel lines and pump.  He sounded like he knew what he was doing, and he has maintained this unit for years.  The unit has generally been well cared for, although neglected recently.
We are scheduled to take possession early May.  Will keep all posted! Kristen and Tom

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 151543
I should have addressed the battery problem.  When the batteries get too, dry , mine did, they will not usually hold a charge even if it shows they are fully charged.  Had to replace the, way too soon so I popped, for, sealed at Mothership for sealed AGM...now I do not need to worry about watering the,!

Re: Cost estimates request
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 151544
a few years ago I too had a gas leak from the lines.  Had all of the fuel lines replaced the cost because they had to empty the gas tank and drop it was around $500