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Topic: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale (Read 30 times) previous topic - next topic
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Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Yahoo Message Number: 149094
Hi out there.  We just posted our Lazy Daze for sale.  We haven't sold anything in a long time and have heard there are many scams out there.  Does anyone know of the safest, most secure method of accepting payment when we get a buyer?  Thanks for any info you can provide.

Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 149096
Certified check or cashier's check from a well known bank made out to you.   Also get the phone number of the bank from where the check is issued.  You can call the bank for verification if you want when the check is handed to you.

Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 149099
In a message dated 10/20/2014 1:41:19 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  lifewithalazydazerv@yahoogroups.com writes:
Hi out there.  We just posted our Lazy Daze for    sale.  We haven't sold anything in a long time and have heard there are    many scams out there.  Does anyone know of the safest, most secure method    of accepting payment when we get a buyer?  Thanks for any info you can    provide.

When I bought my 2003 MB  26.5 LD in May 2010,  I paid by personal check.  Once the check  cleared I received the title from the seller.    Escondido,    CA      John
John in Escondido,  CA

Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 149107
It's odd that this thread is current to a situation I'm having.  I very recently bought a 1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath) and just got home yesterday from picking it up.
 I'm in the process of selling my 1985 Toyota Dolphin and got a "strange" e-mail from a "prospective" buyer.  They wanted to pay ONLY through Paypal and I smelled a scam.  Sure enough, a couple of clicks from Google verified my suspicions.
 Using Paypal to purchase a vehicle, apparently is not covered under the Paypal buyer/seller protection.  My buying/selling payment choice is a cashier's check.
Cheryl (a.k.a. Desert Diva)
1998 Lazy Daze (26.5 mid-bath)
2002 Honda CR-V

Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 149112
It is still wise to not turn over the title & keys until the check has cleared and the $$$$ is in your bank. There have also been problems with some (so called) cashier's checks.
2010 RB "Monty"  & currently: 2021 RB "Villa Verde"
2004 Born Free 26'
1998 Beaver Patriot 33'
1992 Barth Breakaway 28'
1982 Fleetwood Jamboree 23'
1982 Dolphin/Toyota 22'

Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 149120
Depends if there is any level of trust between the seller and buyer. If there is zero trust, then the only secure procedure is to hire an escrow agent, attorney, whatever to handle the transaction. The agent gets the payment and holds the title. Once the funds are certain, the title is delivered to the buyer and the cash to the seller . Much like a real estate transaction.
Or the buyer and seller go to the buyers bank together. With both parties present, an official from the bank hands a bank check, or cash, to the seller who simultaneously delivers the title. Essentially the bank is the escrow agent.

All other methods rely on some degree of trust between parties.

With no escrow agent involved a crocker  sack full of cash is good as long as you verify its not counterfeit or tainted with a white powder.

Wired funds from the buyers bank to the sellers bank is also a secure way if a face-to-face meeting isn't possible.

Paper checks are less secure then any of the above methods.

Now if the buyer is a prince from the Belgium Congo  all bets are off.   :-)


Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 149121
One issue not mentioned was if there is a lien on  the RV.
If so, the sell/buy transaction is more complicated.
The lender will be very involved.

The buyer needs to carefully verify that there are no liens on the vehicle they are buying.


Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 149122
Try this: Go to DMV for state LD is being licensed in. Have them run VIN to make sure no theft, liens, etc. on Vehicle and have them validate Title Of Ownership (Pink Slip). Then do all cash deal with Notarized Bill Of Sale. An all cash deal will sometimes save you sales tax or use tax as they call it in CA.

I did this and registered LD in my state of residence (NV) that was purchased in CA. Easy transaction.

Bob 01 23.5 TK with toys

Re: Safe & secure payment for Lazy Daze sale
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 149123
When I bought mine the buyer and I both went to my bank. The bank transferred the funds electronically from my account to his account. He signed off on the title at the bank and both of us received paper proof that the funds had been received by his bank.

Hope this helps.
