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Topic: MCD roller shades installed (Read 32 times) previous topic - next topic
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MCD roller shades installed
Yahoo Message Number: 148991
After 12 years of service, the pleated shades are gone! While they looked great when new, they have been a continuing maintenance problem with numerous broken strings and a material that doesn't clean well.
We had seen the MCD shades at the Pomona RV show a couple years ago and had liked them.
https://www.flickr.com/photos/lwade/sets/72157648323763417/show http://mcdinnovations.com/

Ordering is simple, using an online form to list each windows measurements. The Factory will call you to confirm the order, answer questions and take your credit card information. The width is the most important number. I ordered the Lounge shades 1/2" under the measure width, to fit inside the valances, and that was fine (do measure each several times). In about two weeks the new shades arrived in a heavy cardboard box, each well wrapped in foam.
Already having heavily tinted windows, we saw no need to spend an extra $500 for see-thru screen shades so we bought the Platinum Solo line, getting just the lightproof shades.
The quality is good. the shade material looks like a slightly textured cloth. The look is different than the pleated shades, lacking the dimensionality of the pleats.
It  looks very much like the shades in our 1983 LD.

Installation was time consuming.
I installed the mounting clips on 1"X2" pine boards and then screwed them to the ceiling.
This was way easier than trying to screw the clips into the ceiling in a straight line with my head upside down. Also avoided a few sessions with the physical therapist.
More details in the link.
The Lounge valances needed to be removed for a couple of mods to let the shades roll down smoothly.
The rear, sloping window is a bit of a challenge. With the roller shade hanging straight down, the shade lands on top of the bathroom faucet. We had discussed possible fixes on the forum a month or two ago.
I mocked up a set of wood valances but didn't like the way it looked. I still may try some variation of this in the future. Bumper suggested stainless steel rods, with Teflon covers. I mocked this up using 5/16" dowels. Looked good but the shade starting draping itself around each dowel, showing the need for a wider support. I then tried 1-1/2" wide aluminum bars, wrapped with plastic contact paper. For the time being, this is what we are using.
Wrapping the aluminum bar is important since bare aluminum will produce a thin, surface oxide that will soil the shade. The plastic covering will help keep the shade clean and intact.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze