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Topic: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propane ta (Read 13 times) previous topic - next topic
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Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propane ta
Yahoo Message Number: 146514
Hey everyone! Happy Memorial Day Weekend!   I recently ran completely out of propane and after refilling the propane the check light keeps coming on after a couple of minutes.  I changed the circuit board a year or two ago, so I don't think it's that.  I think it must have to do with running out of propane...
 Does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this?  I'm not plugged in to A/C.



Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 146516
I'm assuming you're referring to the refrigerator, and that you're running off of propane rather than 110VAC (or 12VDC).
 If the check light is coming on, that generally means one of two things: - propane isn't available ie tank empty, line clogged, etc - electronic igniter is failing to keep the pilot flame alight
 Since you mentioned you think the propane source itself is ok, then that would tend to suggest problem #2. As it turns out, the second item is where one typically starts investigating any cooling failures once you've determined you have propane being delivered to the pilot valve.
 First of all, turn off your refrig. Secondly, open up your cover and take a look inside. There is a small cover plate that acts as a shroud for the pilot light. It has 3-4 small sheet metal screws that are very easy to remove. Take that off and take a look at the pilot light assembly. Then, go inside and turn your refrigerator back on.
 If the pilot light either not coming on, or is coming on, and then going out, then you've found your problem. Go back inside and turn off your refer, and then, if you don't have the original docs, start searching for a service manual for your specific make/model.
 Once you locate one, it will go over some very specific steps necessary to dis-assemble and clean the various parts of your pilot and flue assembly. They will most likely warn you NOT to just take an air hose and attempt to blow out cobwebs, etc.
 The reason I'm familiar with this process and the steps outlined above is because I had the same exact problem. My pilot wasn't staying on because my flue was dirty. Once I carefully cleaned everything, the reefer went back to operating like a champ with no annoying check light coming on.

Good luck.

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 146517

You don't mention which check light, i.e. water heater or fridge.  Perhaps it doesn't matter.  But, if you now have air in your gas lines, you need to run your stove burners for a while to flush the air out.

Alex Rutchka, SE #4 '05 MB

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 146518
Hi! Thanks for the advice.  I will do what you suggest.  I have the owner's manual.
 Since everything was working just fine before I ran out of propane, I was thinking it had something to do with air in the lines, etc.

I'll report back when I get it working again!


Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 146519
Hi Alex, I ran the stove burners for a while, but maybe not long enough.
How long do you suggest? Kathy

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 146520

It seems like 5 minutes would be enough.  It depends on how the pipes run and if the stove is at the end of the line.  If not, keep starting the water heater or fridge until they fire up OK.


Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 146521

You said you ran the burners. Were they lit or did you just open them trying to bleed them of air?

It could be something simple. Did you check to see if the tank valve is open. I just got propane a few days ago. Asked the guy if he reopened the valve. He replied yes. Later I discovered both my fridge check light on and my water heater would not ignite. Yep he did not open the valve. Once I opened the valve everything got back to normal.


Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 146525
Hi Ed, Yes I lit the burners when I opened them.  Yes, the valve is open.  I ran the water heater and furnace, too.
I am going to check out the pilot light situation now!

 PS.  I forgot to open the valve before!  I wish it was just that simple this time!

Re: Dometic fridge check light
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 146527
I'll second Alex's suggestion to run the stove burners for a few minutes as the first thing to try. Most likely the only problem with the fridge is air in the propane lines--that can easily happen when you run out of propane. Running the stove will help get rid of it, and then it's just a matter of retrying the fridge a few times until the propane gets to its burner.

By the way, just to avoid any confusion, only very old refrigerators--'80s vintage or earlier--have pilot lights. Anything installed by Lazy Daze in the last fifteen or twenty years has electronic spark ignition. That's the "tick-tick-tick" noise you hear when the fridge is trying to light.

Andy Baird

Travels with Andy
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 146528
Hi Andy, Thanks for the suggestion.  "Lucy" is an '84, but we replaced the fridge a few years ago, so it is a newer model.  I've tried lighting the burners for a while, but I'm still having the problem.  I'll report back when I get it figured out.
Have a great day, Kathy
 PS.  I'm going to do my best from now on, not to totally run out of propane!

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 146530
Kathy, Seelevel gauges are available for your propane as well as other holding tanks. I recommend them highly over the idiot lights LD supplies.
For example it's nice to know your propane is at 20% as opposed to "how much of the 1/4 tank is left?" Also when boondocking takes the worry out of "will my black water tank overfill?"


Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 146535
This is still very frustrating.  The check light on my Dometic refrigerator is still coming on.  It doesn't come right on, but it waits about 5 minutes after I turn on the fridge. It's my birthday tomorrow, but think I'm gonna have to find a place to plug in instead of relying on my solar panel and batteries! As usual, I'll be back to let you know how I fix it, so I may be able to help someone else that has the same problem.
Have a good Holiday everybody! Kathy

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 146536
Hi Bob, Thanks!  I will look into the Seelevel gauges! Where can I find them?  An RV supply? Kathy

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 146537
Kathy, you can order the See Level from Best Converter:

SeeLevel Gauges

The basic model that monitors the fresh, grey and black tanks is the 709; the rest of the 709 series offers additional monitoring capabilities. Randy at Best Converter's customer service is very helpful.

Also look at message number 143940; Larry may post an 'addendum' to this thread.
  Re: your refrigerator not staying lit: Since you mentioned that you had completely run our of LPG prior to having the tank filled; it's very possible that whoever filled the tank *overfilled* it and damaged the diaphragm. (Yes, the tank is supposed to have an OPD valve to prevent overfilling, but these do occasionally fail.) LPG  pressure variations can lead to inconsistent delivery of propane to the refrigerator and cause it to work poorly or not at all.

It's also very possible that the LP gas regulator should be replaced and/or burner tube and/or burner jet is/are clogged.

I suggest that you have a qualified RV service tech check this out (and do a pressure test on your LPG system), and, if you do, please post the diagnosis and 'fix'; thanks.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 146538
Hi Joan, Thanks for the info.  Since my furnace and water heater are working OK, could it still be that he overfilled the propane?  Wouldn't that cause the other appliance to have problems, too? Thanks again, Kathy :-)

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 146539
Kathy, I got mine at www.adventurerv.net For some reason they are not sold at many retailers. Good product.
Install will involve some drilling and running wires. If your husband doesn't want to do it any good RV shop can handle it. Larry Wade installed mine for grey, black water, and propane.


Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 146541
Hi Bob, I don't have a husband!   I guess I'm gonna take it to my favorite RV center! Thanks for the info! Kathy

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 146542
Ok now I am wondering are you the Kathy I met at Quartzite in Jan.? If so I want to thank you for checking on me. I got real sick there, but doing fine since. I hope you are as well.

Bob email bobmoore14@gmail dot com

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 146543
"If your husband doesn't want to do it any good RV shop can handle it."

As far as I know, one doesn't have to be male to install SeeLevel gauges. I'm sure Kathy could do this job herself. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 146544
Agree completely. But your missing something here. It starts with a B Andy, and ends with a T. Leads to J and Y and the letter in the middle.


Re: Dometic check light keeps coming on after refilling empty propan
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 146545
Hi Bob and Andy! No, I wasn't in Quartzite in January, although I have been there before! Was there a Lazy Daze thing going on there?  I'm glad you're doing better now.
 I probably could install the gauges!  I used to be a parts puller at a wrecking yard several years ago, but upgraded to a delivery driver.  I am pretty mechanically inclined!
 I'm not as concerned with the gauges right now as I am getting this refer to work again.
I plugged in to a friends electrical outlet in her shed a little while ago, just to see if maybe just getting it running for a while might help it keep running on gas.  Unfortunately, she left to walk her dog before I realized the breakers aren't turned on in the shed (and the door is padlocked and she has the key).
 So, she should be back soon and I'll get the fridge going on electric for awhile, then I'll see what happens when I unplug....who knows?  It might work!  I dunno!

I gotta keep the beer cold!

Bye for now...talk soon, Kathy

Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 146547
Well, after plugging in "Lucy" for a while, after i disconnect the electricity, the refrigerator decided to keep working! It's been quite a while now, and the "check" light hasn't come on.  So, I'm not sure what all this means, but I am very happy to have the refrigerator working as normal again.
Thanks to everybody for their input! Have a nice Memorial Day! Kathy