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Topic: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!! (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Yahoo Message Number: 144937
Hi Group,

My buddy Chris Horst from Colorado is having problems posting to his Yahoo! Groups and asked me to pass this message on to the Lazy Daze group. This is his request:

"I read all messages on the web. To access a message, normally I just click on the topic (subject line) and it opens. Now when I try to reply, the message box below the message opens but it will not accept my cursor thus not allowing me to type anything in the box. Further, when I click on the new topic box, when it opens, it will allow me to type in a new topic in the subject line, but won't allow me to type in the message area. Woe is me!"

"I am signed in to Yahoo. I use an Apple MacBookPro. It is happening to me in other Yahoo Groups. Has anyone else had these problems? I have not queried Yahoo yet?"

So please help Chris...... unless you never want to hear from him again. ;-)

Steve K.
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 144938
I use a MacBook Pro as well.  Running on latest (Mavericks, i.e. version 10.9.1) OS and using the latest Firefox (version 27.0) browser.  Clearly, things work for me.

So, sorry for being of no help!

Alex Rutchka. SE #4 '05 MB

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 144944
Thanks for posting my issue, Steve.
 I have discovered it appears to be a Safari problem. In Firefox I have no problems so I will access the LD forum in Firefox until I find out what the issue is with Safari. Andy suggested making sure JavaScript was enabled and it is (in Safari) so that doesn't seem to be the problem.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 144951
I had this problem as well, but in both Safari and Firefox.  In each, I thought I was signed in to Yahoo, but had to re-sign-in whenever I wanted to post a reply to the group.  Certainly not as seamless as the "old" Yahoo.  -- Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 144952
+1 for resigning in on yahoo.  I use Safari from a newish (2012) iMac that I keep up to date when software changes are published.
John 07 MB
Currently: 2008 36' Tiffin Open Road
Previously: 2007 Mid Bath

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 144953
Well, resigning in whilst in Safari did not cure the problem. In addition to the issues I've mentioned, when I click on a message subject, it turns light gray and then I have to hit the reload/refresh arrow in the URL subject line before the message will open. Clearly something is awry. I will ask Yahoo. Argh.

Thanks for your responses.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 144958
 The new Yahoo has so many problems and they seem to be adding new ones everyday.
Can't tell you how many of my postings have disappeared or have gone blank in the process of writing them. Guess I should write them in a word processing program and then paste them to the site but years of working directly off the website is a hard habit to overcome...and that's on my PC.
The iPads have even more problems. Many times, half way through writing a response, the screen stops responsing, not even copying is allowed so another message goes down down the drain.
To say that this is very frustrating is an understatement and is the main reason why spend more time in other forums where the software isn't a hindrance.
How Yahoo managed to so screw up a well established technology is amazing. And they have also applied their magic to Flickr too, making it more difficult to use. What a company!

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 144964
And too do this they hired a new CEO and paid her millions, she then made everyone come in to work rather than work from home. And there seems no way for anyone to tell any one that cares how broke much of yahoo is!

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 144965
We have been down this road many times before.  I will just reiterate what my experience has been.  I belong to about 35 Yahoo groups.  I have never had a problem with Yahoo.  I rarely go to a Yahoo website unless I want to read a file.  I do all my receiving and sending of messages using Microsoft Outlook as my e-mail program.  Just as I am doing with this one.  If you want to stop having problems with Yahoo, use an e-mail program with individual e-mails as your option.


Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 144967
Certainly sucks big time on an iPad !
20 + MH's since 1977 incl...
FMC, 2x GMC's, Foretravel, 2x LD
1996 LD RB under restoration, my project to keep me off the streets.

Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 144968
Dick That"s fine and the way I usually do it. However that is not what you are supposed to have to do. That is the catch.. It is supposed to work on the web as well and it sorta does, but not near as well as before they "Fiixed it" . And even though it works fine for me as an email reflector( which sure don't need the servers Yahoo has) when I go to look at the for sale adds they have made that much more diffulcult than it was previously. And yes I also can do it but you can see by the questions that some can't..  And I also belong to many groups and the complaints are on all of them. This isn't a user problem and just because it works the way we use there is no excuse for it not working as it is supposed to...


Re: Yahoo! problems.. Please Help!!!
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 144969
If I had to pay a subscription to use Yahoo that would be different.  I could easily get irritated with them.  But my philosophy with free programs is to take it as provided and try to make the best of it.  Offer suggestions if they would be accepted or just live with it if they won't.  The other part of that philosophy with regard to something provided to us without charge is that everyone is free to come up with their own program that does exactly what they want.  If you can't, then just try to be happy with theirs.  I really don't understand complaining about something that is free.
