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Topic: 2013 Yahoo West GTG- wrap up (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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2013 Yahoo West GTG- wrap up
Yahoo Message Number: 137467
Well, this year's GTG once again had a good turnout of 35 LDs and most seemed to have had a good time. The weather was cool and mostly sunny and both night's potlucks were delicious and plentiful.
It's hard not to have a good time in Morro Bay.
 We had a lot of new faces including Andy, which was a surprise to most.
He and Skylark were by far the most popular rig for Saturday morning's open house. Everyone wanted to see the interior, what I think of as the command center. It was welcome treat.
Saturday afternoon we had several groups spliting off with either Joan Taylor, Steve Bourgholtzer, Andy or myself, with each group having different topics. I would like to spread it out it a little next year, so attendees can hear more than one talk or discussion.
 I would like to thank my wife for being my spokesperson, Joan Taylor for her support and advice and the all the Yahoos that attended for making it a great weekend.
Hope to see you next year.


Now ready to sleep for, I wish, 12 hours.
2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)