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Off topic slightly...rodent control
Yahoo Message Number: 135085
We have notice a problem with mice and rats this year.  We have had a couple of rats/mice not only in kennel building, house, attic, two car garage and now in extra storage shed where the LD and old style LandCruiser is kept. (LD is my baby, LC is my hubby's.) Never never had this problem but everyone in area is saying they are problem this year due to warm winter. Our property backs up to large field and creek bed so good habitat for these nasty critters. Anyway, we tried everything, sticky traps, live traps and kill traps.  Nothing worked.  We bought this electric trap that kills with a ZAP....and it works!!  This is the style we bought since it can be taken apart easily and cleaned.  http://www.amazon.com/Rodent-Terminator-Kills-Sized-Rats/dp/B006ZNOX6I/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1352727159&sr=8-3&keywords=electronic+rat+trap
 We put it out each night and take it up every morning Except for closed garages where dogs can't go..  It will also kill squirrels, chipmunks and small kitten size animals.  It works so well we have ordered another one.  Easy easy.

Just FYI for anyone with mice problem, or rats.

AlaDar Beagles
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 135090
We have notice a problem with mice and rats this year. .) Never >never had this problem but everyone in area is saying they are >problem this year due to warm winter.. Anyway, we tried everything, >sticky traps, live traps and kill traps.  Nothing worked.  We bought >this electric trap that kills with a ZAP....and it works!!
 We put it out each night and take it up every morning Except for closed garages where dogs can't go..  It will also kill squirrels, chipmunks and small kitten size animals.  It works so well we have ordered another one.  Easy easy.
Thanks for the info Darlene! I wonder if anyone ( hint, hint D.M.) could improve it by adding a lazer targeting device? I'm sorry, I couldn't help it! ;-)
 Steve K. (still relying on mothballs and fabric softener sheets to deter rodents during LD storage)
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control-- Moth balls??
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 135093

 Steve, Fabric sheets (which ones?).. moth balls ...do they work? will do anything to keep critters away! Darlene
 A few years ago, we had lots of shredded leaves and other nesting materials on top of our engine; thankfully no damage due to chewing. The only thing that was chewed on was the air filter.
 Since then, prior to putting the cover on for the winter, I've been putting mothballs (in empty perscrition bottles with holes in the lids) and fabric softener sheets in each exterior storage compartment. I also make small bags of mothballs out of old pantyhose that I put in the engine compartment and genset compartment. I also use put a screen (made from old pantyhose)in the air cleaner assembly to prevent the critters from getting to the air filter. I then put a note on the instrument cluster reminding me how many bags of mothballs are in the engine compartment and genset so I can make sure to find them all before I start the engine in the spring.
 Since I've started doing that, I have not had a single rodent incident. (We never did have intrusion into the rig, only the truck engine and the genset).
 One other thing I do is put a screen over the exhaust pipe and the genset exhaust to keep critters from entering those areas.
 Whether or not my procedures work or the hawks have caught all the red squirrels and mice in the area, I don't know. But I still see rodents in the area and so far, knock on wood, I haven't had a problem for years.

Good luck! Steve K. (ready to raid the old pantyhose stash, this week)
Steve K

2003 Mid-bath

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 135123
We tried mouse/rat poison pellets for a while this summer and noticed that the smell attracted the little critters so that they, and their little friends would be drawn in to do some damage in the several days it took them to expire. We finally found a solution that seemed to us to be 100% effective, granulated fox urine (I'm serious). We sprinkle it on the ground all around the front of our LD and on the sides back to just aft of the front tires. We also use 4 or 5 small cloth bags of moth balls that we spread hang around the engine compartment. We go through that ritual of mothballs and fox urine at every overnight stop.
 The granulated fox urine is expensive, but a whole lot less than having electrical cables repaired or replaced.

Skip G.

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 135125
granulated fox urine (I'm serious). We sprinkle it on the ground all around the front of our LD and on the sides back to just aft of the front tires.mothballs and fox urine at every overnight stop.

The granulated fox urine is expensive, but a whole lot less than having electrical cables repaired or replaced.
Hmmmm. Fox urine may be hard to come by, but we do have a lot of coyotes around here (a major den within 200meters of our house).
Does anyone know how to entice some of them to pee around my LD? ;^) Tom

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 135126
Harvesting fox/coyote urine brings up mental images that I just don't want to think about.

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 135130
Thanks for the helpful tip.  Here's a link for fox urine at Amazon.
 I have also heard that Bounce dryer sheets work well for rodent control.  Apparently it was the "original scent" that worked best, but I can't find them anymore.  Probably because the scent was too strong (just the thing that mice hated).  Does anyone know which Bounce scent works as well, or is Bounce not effective anymore? http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=bounce+dryer+sheets

Thanks, Lisa
As an Amazon Associate Lazy Daze Owners' Group earns from qualifying purchases.

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 135138
Well I'm sure some of you we're thinking it, but human urine is also reported to be effective. I'd rather buy a case of "Old Milwaukee" than fox urine. Tastier too.

And you won't have to remember to put the seat down. :-)   YMMV

Re: Off topic slightly...rodent control
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 135139
We had a lot of  trouble with mice in an earlier motorhome;  The only thing we could find to solve the problem was a crawling insect spray called "Bioganic Crawling insect killer"  One sprays it on the tires—It has a wintergreen odor which the mice do not like which keeps them from crawling up the tires to get into the rig.  It was the only thing that worked for us.  One needed to spray the tires  every couple of days.   It is not available anymore and do not know whether the product replacement will work?  We did not try spraying the tires with diluted wintergreen extract  but would wonder if that might not work.    John
