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Topic: Plumbing Question (Read 9 times) previous topic - next topic
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Plumbing Question
Yahoo Message Number: 129297
As I don't have the original manual for my '06 MB, can someone tell me if the bathroom sink goes into the black, or gray tank ?

Question after reading this on the Born Free forum; "It is a common practice for all coach manufacturers to pipe the lavatory to the black water tank. This is done to make sure solids do not build up without an adequate water supply to facilitate dumping. That is the reason for a larger black water tank. All our coaches (11) were plumed in that manner."

Dave W
20 + MH's since 1977 incl...
FMC, 2x GMC's, Foretravel, 2x LD
1996 LD RB under restoration, my project to keep me off the streets.

Re: Plumbing Question
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 129306
"can someone tell me if the bathroom sink goes into the black, or gray tank?"
 I don't know what the rest of the industry does, but Lazy Daze plumbs both sinks and the shower to the gray tank. The black tank is only connected to the toilet. The tanks are sized so that in most cases, they fill up at about the same rate--at least, they do in my midbath. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Plumbing Question
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 129326
On my 2005 MB the grey water plumbing starts at the kitchen sink.  Then it goes through the wall to the bathroom and collects from the bathroom basin.
From there it turns toward the outer wall (driver side).  When it reaches the outer wall it turns toward the rear of the RV.  Just aft of the shower it enters the side of a "tee."  The grey water vent pipe is attached to the top of this tee and the pipe goes upwards and out through the roof.  The bottom side of this tee connects to the top of a second tee.  The side of this second tee is the connection to the shower drain.  The bottom of this second tee goes to the grey water tank; a run of about 5 feet with a couple of turns.  It is not the greatest plumbing scheme as the last five feet to the grey water tank acts both as a "water carrying" pipe and a vent pipe.

If your rig is like mine, the shower will not drain easily of the rig is parked in a "nose down" position.


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