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Topic: onair stuff (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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onair stuff
Yahoo Message Number: 110772
Hi, searching and reading and finding out out stuff...always interesting reading about LD's....someday! sigh...
Since I know some of you have Satellite phones...
A friend called my yesterday from way far west Texas middle of nowhere on his sat phone... lost the connections after a few minutes, tho.... the satellites move, signal lost... no biggie, I'll just call him. Found out a few things...
 Calling in the US from his phone was free, he gets minutes each months.
Had to look up how to call a sat phone, seems I need International access.
Called Verizon, no problem the access is free.
But... depending which country owns the satellite you happen to be using right then, air time can cost between $5 - $6  a MINUTE or more.
Which ever country owns the sat can charge whatever they want.
If I happen to use a US sat, no problem, but otherwise a very large bill.

Hope y'all have a great weekend! mary