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Propane alarm inquiry
Yahoo Message Number: 108258
We had what I hope is an unusual predicament this weekend.
 Our nephew went camping with us in our RB and as boys are want to do, he ate way too many rich snacks.  Since it was very cold outside, all vents and windows were closed. This is rather embarrassing but I have to ask, so here it goes, can human flatulence cause the propane alarm to sound?   He had considerable personal gas; yes lots of personal gas and the propane alarm kept going off, much to our dismay.  And when we finally convinced him to use the toilet, the alarm rang non-stop!  I was able to open the overhead vents and a window and the alarm did turn itself off and we all breathed a bit deeper.
 A quick Internet search came up with alarms going off due to canine flatulence but I couldn't find anything about young human flatulence.  So, I'm wondering, have any of you ever heard of such a thing or should I have our alarm checked?  Thanks in advance for any insight you can give me into this dilemma.  We want to invite him back and just want to be prepared.
'O6 IB Anniversary Model
Sue, My Copilot
Carlie, our canine princess

Re: Propane alarm inquiry
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 108262
The "propane detector" is not specific to propane; it actually detects a wide range of VOCs (volatile organic compounds), not only flatulence (methane) from all species but paint fumes, hair spray, etc.
 On the other hand, propane alarms are more prone to false alarms as they age, and have a lifespan of about 5 years.  Use a compressor to blow out any dust, and check the back for any info on date of manufacture or recommended replacement.


Re: Propane alarm inquiry
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 108263
Somehow I know I'm going to regret this, but....
 My answer would be yes, the flatulence could be the cause on the alarm going off. Please note this is not from personal experience, yet :).
Most of the air expelled during the "gas event" is nitrogen, which means that it is _primarily_ swallowed air. However, studies have shown (pity the researcher) that up to about 10% is methane. From my organic chemistry, I recall that the lower (meaning starting with 1 carbon atom, then 2, etc.) "-anes" are methane, ethane, propane, etc. The difference between methane and propane is 2 carbon atoms and several hydrogen atoms. I believe the propane detector  would detect a compound that resembles propane; ie, it could not differentiate among the smaller "-anes". I think it would respond to any of them. Hence,  my believe,
Former 2009 MB owner

Re: Propane alarm inquiry
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 108264
"We had what I hope is an unusual predicament this weekend.
 Our nephew went camping with us in our RB and as boys are want to do, he ate way too many rich snacks.  Since it was very cold outside, all vents and windows were closed. This is rather embarrassing but I have to ask, so here it goes, can human flatulence cause the propane alarm to sound?  He had considerable personal gas; yes lots of personal gas and the propane alarm kept going off, much to our dismay.  And when we finally convinced him to use the toilet, the alarm rang non-stop!  I was able to open the overhead vents and a window and the alarm did turn itself off and we all breathed a bit deeper. "
Jules, LOL.  You made my morning.  Make sure your nephew brings his own Beano on the next trip.  Our dogs have set ours off.  Your could be malfunctioning due to age, too.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Propane alarm inquiry
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 108279
 I don't currently own a Lazy Daze but we had problems with our detector on a cold night when we had our trailer buttoned up tight. The detector is mounted to the base of our dinette seating, which had access via an outside storage door. We opened the door just a bit so any gases/vapors would exit and that solved the alarm problem. Maybe my bad breathe or snoring set it off? Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry