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Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #25
Yahoo Message Number: 105950
Nope - that didn't work.  I think my name might be rvtess, that produced nothing,  then it could be Cathi, also, no results, then maybe Bob and Cathi, or maybe ,   Results:  - nuttin' honey.

I love being among the ignorant.  I feel so at home.

Any other ideas?

 I'm probably one of the more ignorant members of this group when it comes to computers but if you type your name in the search field it should show you your messages.

Re: bloated posts
Reply #26
Yahoo Message Number: 105952
"I think I sent a message late last night and had trouble with the computer, actually sent it 2 times in error. Yup, forgot to delete the text. Guilty -  I am probably the only offender."
 Not at all! That happens to all of us from time to time, myself included--usually when Yahoo decides to go wacky and behaves as if it didn't post the first attempt, so you try again. I can easily delete duplicate posts, so it's no big deal. What I can't do is edit out repeated text from previous messages, which is why that's more of an issue.
 "Why not just remind the person via his personal email when they do something wrong instead of opening up dialoge to everyone?  It feels kind of uncomfortable."
 I understand what you mean. But it's not meant to be a public flogging, just a reminder. I have to do this periodically, because people who aren't familiar with "netiquette" join the group, so the problem crops up again and again. To be honest, if I sent a private email every time... well, I'd have little time to do anything else. :-)
 "Actually I can't seem to figure out how to use the forum? There are some questions that may or may not be answered, then there is chit chat, celebrations, announcements, sitings..."
 Well, here's my rule of thumb. If I have a question, first I try the FAQs, the Links, and the archives. If I can't find anything there, I post the question, giving as many specifics as possible, to make it easier for others to diagnose and make suggestions. And if nobody replies... well, then probably nobody knows the answer. Sometimes that does happen, though not very often in this group. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #27
Yahoo Message Number: 105956
Nope - that didn't work.  I think my name might be rvtess, that produced nothing,  then it could be Cathi, also, no results, then maybe Bob and Cathi, or maybe rvtess@...,  Results:  - nuttin' honey.
r ideas?

 Go to the searchable archives.  The link is located on the home page.  The type in RVTess and you will get results.  The link is in the paragraph that is titled SEarching: IN BOLD TYPE.

Terry R
23.5 TK

Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #28
Yahoo Message Number: 105957
"Nope - that didn't work. I think my name might be rvtess, that produced nothing..."
 Cathi, it's not your fault that your search came up empty. Yes, your Yahoo "handle" is rvtess. The problem is that Yahoo's search feature has been broken for months--it can't find anything posted since March of 2009 (!). I've put this group's name on the list to be upgraded to a supposedly new and improved search feature, but haven't heard anything about when it'll happen.
 Meanwhile, you can use Art's Archive, which is maintained independently of Yahoo, but contains the same messages. It's up to date as of July 4th, so it's not quite current, but July beats March! :-)

 I'm sorry we don't have a really robust search capability at the moment. It's embarrassing, not to mention annoying. Heck, my little "Travels with Andy" website has far better searching than this one does, thanks to a simple Google plugin. But Yahoo and Google are big rivals, so that'll never happen here.
 We just have to hope they get their own search engine fixed soon... and in the meantime, drop a few bucks in Art's donation box in gratitude for his providing an alternative.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: bloated posts - and back to the screws again
Reply #29
Yahoo Message Number: 105958
Thanks Andy.  I'm getting it.  It's the hard-headed Sicilian gene.
 And if nobody replies... well, then probably nobody knows the answer. Sometimes that does happen, though not very often in this group. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
How is it that no one knows what to do about all those screws?
 Didn't anybody ever paint their older rigs?  Can you just paint over the rusted screws?  Isn't this kind of a thing that most "guys" should know about?
 My hubby is not a "Mr. Fix-it".  Yup - kind of crazy to buy this little "project" - but we love it.  So I am always looking for just the right Mr. Handyman looking for work.  If I have a general idea what I am talking about before I negotiate the fee for the job, I can usually get a better deal.
 So, back to the screws.  There's maybe 300 of them on my 22ft '84 LD and 30 pct are rusted or have a rust ring around the heads, and most of the others don't have paint on them anymore.  In asking other "guys" they said - oh-oh, don't try to remove them - they may break off at the heads and you won't be able to get the screw stems out.

Any ideas?


Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #31
Yahoo Message Number: 105960
On Sep 18, 2009, at 11:15 PM, Bob & Cathi T wrote:

Any other ideas?

Cathi, most mail programs have a feature that automatically saves a copy of your outgoing messages in a separate mailbox, e.g, "sent." May I suggest you check your mail settings to make sure that your "sent" mailbox option has been selected.  For example, my MAC mail program has the following mailboxes, and the program files messages appropriately:  "inbox," "drafts," "sent," "trash," "junk."

2003 RB

Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #32
Yahoo Message Number: 105961
Oh, this is perfect Terry.  Now I have my reading material for the evening.  Thanks - it works.


Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #33
Yahoo Message Number: 105962
Hmmmm No this isn't working.  My posts are not sent from my email account.  They are sent from the group page.  When I go to my email account and look in the "sent" folder, only my personal emails are in there.
 But I was able to find all of them in the searchable archives as previously suggested by Terry.  It's easy and I can find all the questions I asked and the answers to them.

thanks again.

--- In lifewithalazydazerv@yahoogroups.com, Lorna Dunham

Re: bloated posts - and back to the screws again
Reply #34
Yahoo Message Number: 105964
"Didn't anybody ever paint their older rigs? Can you just paint over the rusted screws?"
 Here's what I'd do. First, get a small wirebrush and remove the loose rust. If you have a Dremel tool or similar small powered rotary tool, you can get itty bitty wirebrushes for those that will make the job go quickly... well, as quickly as can be expected with 300 screws. :-)  The object is not to get ALL the rust off, just the loose, flaky stuff. A light touch with the tiny spinning wirebrush on each screw should do it.
 Now get yourself some Rust-Oleum brand "Rust Reformer" or similar solution. This is a milky-looking liquid chemical that converts rust to an inert form that will not rust any further. You can dab it onto the screw heads with a small artist's brush. (best bet: buy a pack of a dozen or so cheap ones and throw them away when done; the Rust Reformer will ruin them for any other use.)
 When it has dried, you can paint over the screw heads and be pretty confident that you won't see "bleed-through" rusting later on.
 P.S.--Don't be tempted to use "Naval Jelly," which is often advertised as a rust treatment. It's jellied phosphoric acid, and while it will remove rust if you dip, say, a rusty tool handle into it, in your case it would sink into the minute gaps around the screws and eat away the screw and the roofing over the long run. Naval Jelly can be useful, but only in a situation where it's possible to *completely* remove it after the treatment is finished--preferably by scrubbing with baking soda to ensure that all acid is neutralized. You can't do that here, so stick with Rust Reformer.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: bloated posts - and back to the screws again
Reply #35
Yahoo Message Number: 105966
"How is it that no one knows what to do about all those screws? Didn't anybody ever paint their older rigs?  Can you just paint over the rusted screws?  Isn't this kind of a thing that most "guys" should know about?"

 I'm not a guy, and I can't say I'm an expert on this in the least. But when you'd asked about the screws earlier, I'd answered the following:

"On my rig, we removed the rusty ones and replaced them. But they weren't all rusty, so left the ones that weren't."
 None of them broke off, so I think whoever mentioned that to you might have been surmising that it *could* happen. In my experience, that wasn't a problem.

But if you're really concerned about that happening, there are rust converters that you can brush on the heads which turn the rust to a primer, and you can then paint over that. Walmart carries one, though the brand name escapes me at the moment. You might try Googling "rust converter" to see what you can find on the brand others might recommend.

Fern Horst
Formerly owned:
1979 TK - "Dorie" (2007-2012)
2003 MB - "Absaroka" (2012-2019)

Re: bloated posts - and back to the screws again
Reply #36
Yahoo Message Number: 105968
Thanks Fern I have been looking for the answer to my question, that's why I looked back at my question - but I guess I missed it.  Both good suggestions and I feel better now about the rust converter.

Cathi -

Re: bloated posts - and back to the screws again
Reply #38
Yahoo Message Number: 105978
How is it that no one knows what to do about all those screws?
 So, back to the screws.  There's maybe 300 of them on my 22ft '84 LD and 30 pct are rusted or have a rust ring around the heads, and most of the others don't have paint on them anymore.  In asking other "guys" they said - oh-oh, don't try to remove them - they may break off at the heads and you won't be able to get the screw stems out.

Any ideas?
Yes, I guess I need to come out of my usual lurk mode for a minute.
 My issue wasn't paint prep - it was chasing leaks. But my solution to the "how to get the screws out" question might be useful.
 In my seemingly unending quest to find the sources of leaks in my '92 Mid Bath I had sealed everything except the screws in trying to stop a leak in the cabover. Those darned screws wouldn't budge until I remembered the old hand impact driver in the back of the drawer. Bang bang bang and out they came with nary a broken screw. It was magic!

Here's a link to a short article on how a hand impact driver works:

Amazon sells them - search the Automotive section for "hand impact driver"
 And yes, I'm pretty sure some of those rusty screws were leaking. Time and testing will tell. I put in new stainless steel screws with a dab of caulk in the hole.


Re: bloated posts
Reply #39
Yahoo Message Number: 105980
Hi, Cathi,

As one of the Group, I'd like to apologize for anything said here that has made you feel you've been "reprimanded".  I've been a member of this forum for 8 years, and in general I've found it to be a very congenial and helpful group.  My feeling is that there are no "stupid" questions - some folks are brand-new to RV'ing and LD's and thus are much more likely to have some simple, basic questions.  Yes, we have two archives sources - the basic Yahoo search and the MUCH better archives that Art maintains for us.  But some new folks might not be aware of that, so in my mind, they should be "forgiven" for asking a question that's already been asked and either gently informed about the archives.or..given the answer to their question.

Andy's suggestion of not re-sending long, lengthy is just a matter of "netiquette" and as moderator he has to mention it periodically.
Please don't take personal offense to it and simply take it as a bit of internet education.   Although this forum does have a moderator or three, it really is a pretty much unregulated group - in some forums, every post must be approved by the moderator before it appears - I would hate to see that approach here.  But that's why you see the variety of posts that you mention - it's a just a little community with folks with a common interest - LD's.

And absolutely not - you are NOT a bother !!   All of us long-timers were once newbies ourselves, and we perhaps need to do a better job of remembering that.  So cheer up and stay active with us.  And good luck with your rig.

Ted H.

This is the second time I was reprimanded. The first time was about asking questions that were already asked. I am new to forums in general - just learning.  Actually I can't seem to figure out how to use the forum? There are some questions that may or may not be answered, then there is chit chat, celebrations, announcements, sitings, I can't seem to find my place here.
 I need help with my LD and it seems this forum readily shares info, but somehow I feel uncomfortable to ask, getting the feeling I am being a bother?


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: find one's previous messages?
Reply #40
Yahoo Message Number: 105988
Meanwhile, you can use Art's Archive, which is maintained independently of Yahoo, but contains the same messages. It's up to date as of July 4th, so it's not quite current, but July beats March! :-)
Actually the archive is up to Sept. 8.  The dates and message counts require manual edits, and I'm often too lazy to do it!

Art (Currently in north-eastern California headed toward Oregon.)
Art and Barbara
Settled in Atterdag Village of Solvang
2015-2022 fulltime in a 2016 Tiffin Allegro Bus 37AP
2002-2015 2002 LD MB
Art's blog

Re: bloated posts - and back to the screws again
Reply #41
Yahoo Message Number: 105993
And yes, I'm pretty sure some of those rusty screws were leaking. Time and testing will tell. I put in new stainless steel screws with a dab of caulk in the hole.

Thanks John, your advice, like the others, is encouraging.

Re: bloated posts
Reply #42
Yahoo Message Number: 105995
Hi, Cathi,
As one of the Group, I'd like to apologize for anything said here that has made you feel you've been "reprimanded".

Thanks Ted.  I'm over it. And see how quick I learn.  I just deleted the greater portion of your message, and I also taught another group participant how to do it.
 I have found the info on this site amazingly helpful and rave about it all the time.  Thanks again.
