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Topic: Enlightenment !! (Read 1 time) previous topic - next topic
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Enlightenment !!
Yahoo Message Number: 103952
I'm pleased to report that today I tackled the installation of LED tail-lights on our new-to-us '05 RB and the results were completely successful!  I owe a debt of gratitude for my success to Terry Tanner and Larry Wade.

I ordered one of Terry's LED kits and had printed off his installation instructions.  The kit includes all materials necessary to complete the job; Terry has even drilled the new mounting holes in the LED flanges and glued together the gaskets for each light,   Terry's instructions, which can found on his Techsnoz Group, are fantastic- very detailed, clear and easy to understand.  I went along step-by-step and had no problems at all.  Hey, if I can do this, anyone can!

I had read a lot about the shortness of the wires behind the OEM  light cans and was a bit nervous about that.  I had purchased three sets of clamping forceps and believe me, they saved the day.  With their help, I managed not to lose any wires into the dreaded Black Hole.  I started on the left side of our RB, figuring that if I had problems there, I could at least recover thanks to the inside access.  The first one took me quite a while, but after that it went fairly quickly.  On the right side, when I pulled out the inner OEM light, there was only about an inch of wire on the three leads - not much to work with, but I managed to hang on to them.

As followed Terry's steps, I paused to test each one before and after soldering and taping the wires.  Each one worked as advertised on the first try - now there's a fist-pump for you!

Larry is responsible for my having the intestinal fortitude to tackle this project.  Last year he installed LED's in our FL, so I paid attention and he was an excellent teacher.

So I do thank Terry and Larry for my success in achieving the lofty state of Enlightenment.

Ted H.

'05 RB,  NE-12

Charlton, MA


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