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Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Yahoo Message Number: 102912
Well I think I have finally found the answer to the mystery of the water/dampness in the lower storage compartments in the rear of our coach.  A little history.  In 2003, when we bought our 1996 30IB the lower compartments were lined with a glue down type carpet as was the way at the time.  We found that there seemed to be a dampness issue and at times others on this site had even noted same. We took her to the" mothership "for this issue and a "physical" exam.  She passed the physical and no one there had any ideas about the wetness. They ran a hose on it thought it was the hinge or the latch or whatever. They drilled some small drain holes but the problem continued. We removed the carpet and had to replace some rotted wood. We installed mud flaps thinking it was water being kicked up. Just recently when it was raining  found water dripping in from under the frame in the shower window. As we had recently ordered some of the new window seal material my hubby pulled the window out and the nightmare has begun! ROT…This obviously had been ongoing for a LONG time.  He noted that the shower window was sealed around the frame from the outside very well but no seal on the inside, so when one would shower water could get into the wall area around the frame. We called Vince at the mothership to discuss this issue, ask for ideas, suggestions etc ( we live in Florida and the mothership is not just around the corner)  He had none. When my husband mentioned the sealing on the frame area from the outside but none on the inside, Vince told my husband that "they depended on  the window shower curtain to keep the water out! "Looking at the rot ( bottom and sides of the area, top is fine and dry) we are assuming that the water has been migrating down and what is below but the lower compartments. We are now in the process of drying it out and have gotten some Get Rot to apply. Once the window is back in then we must rebuild the bottom of the lower compartment. Found material called starboard ( very expensive) that can take moisture to consider for the bottom the compartment. Also wondering what the material the compartments are now lined with? Are they a heavy plastic? Wonder if the MS sells same? Anyone have suggestions? similar issues?


Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 102926
"...He noted that the shower window was sealed around the frame from the outside very well but no seal on the inside, so when one would shower water could get into the wall area around the frame. We called Vince at the mothership to discuss this issue, ask for ideas, suggestions etc ( we live in Florida and the mothership is not just around the corner)  He had none. When my husband mentioned the sealing on the frame area from the outside but none on the inside, Vince told my husband that "they depended on  the window shower curtain to keep the water out!..."

Wow, I never thought about the possibility of water damage when I removed the vinyl shower window curtain and replaced it with Contact window treatment.  Others have done this, too.  Wadya think - should I be using the curtain to prevent water from leaking through that window into the frame?

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 102928
"Chris Horst"  wrote: I never thought about the possibility of water damage when I removed the vinyl shower window curtain and replaced it with Contact window treatment. Others have done this, too. Wadya think - should I be using the curtain to prevent water from leaking through that window into the frame? --- Chris, I put the opaque window treatment on "back when", too, but then Vince cautioned me about the possibility of water leakage into the window frame. I wanted to replace the stiff, awkward, clingy shower curtain anyway, so, I bought a )standard) lightweight 72" vinyl shower curtain, cut it down to fit the shower opening in the TK, then fashioned a window curtain that covered the frame out of the excess shower curtain material. I stuck a small 3M adhesive hook at each top end of the window frame and hung the window curtain from the hooks using the original holes in the shower curtain; the curtain covers all the frame and keeps the water out. When I flush the black tank, I unhook one side of the little curtain, hang it on the other hook, and open the window to feed the hose and flush attachment through.

Works for me!
2003 TK has a new home

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 102932
"When my husband mentioned the sealing on the frame area from the outside but none on the inside, Vince told my husband that "they depended on the window shower curtain to keep the water out!"

Boy, that's a dumb idea! It's a shower!!...with wet water!.  The window should be sealed inside and out from the Factory.  If nothing else, the Owner's Manual should mention that the curtain provides the water seal. Too many folks remove the curtains Our LD still has the inside curtain but I removed it in our old LD after frosting the window.
 Repairing damage behind the shower wall and under the window is just about impossible without removing the exterior sheet aluminum or the shower stall.
I have rebuilt a couple cab-over window areas and tried Get-Rot but was very disappointed with the results. It does not penetrate very deeply, meaning that most of the wood framing does not benefit from this expensive epoxy.
 To repair this, I would be tempted to remove the window and all the framing under it that I could get to. Remove all the insulation too.
Let things completely dry and then apply Get-Rot to the plywood wall paneling to reinforce it. Use a small hotdog-style paint roller to apply the epoxy.
Then rebuild the framing the best you can. Glue new 1"X 2" framing to the paneling with a high or medium-speed epoxy, to speed the process.
Fill in the empty spaces, where the fiberglass insulation used to be, with sheet Styrofoam insulation.
If too much of the framing is gone, the exterior wall should be disassembled so the framing can be accessed. LDs can be disassembled if you are careful. The Factory does it all the time when making extensive repair.
 Newer LD's exterior storage bins are made of plastic, eliminating the rot that eventually affects older LDs. I had to replace the plywood bottoms in some of the bins on our 1983 LD.

Good luck and keep us posted.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 102938
"Chris Horst"  wrote: I never thought about the possibility of water damage when I removed the vinyl shower window curtain and replaced it with Contact window treatment. Others have done this, too. Wadya think - should I be using the curtain to prevent water from leaking through that window into the frame? --- "Chris, I put the opaque window treatment on "back when", too, but then Vince cautioned me about the possibility of water leakage into the window frame. I wanted to replace the stiff, awkward, clingy shower curtain anyway, so, I bought a )standard) lightweight 72" vinyl shower curtain, cut it down to fit the shower opening in the TK, then fashioned a window curtain that covered the frame out of the excess shower curtain material. I stuck a small 3M adhesive hook at each top end of the window frame and hung the window curtain from the hooks using the original holes in the shower curtain; the curtain covers all the frame and keeps the water out. When I flush the black tank, I unhook one side of the little curtain, hang it on the other hook, and open the window to feed the hose and flush attachment through.

Works for me!"
Thanks for the advice, Joan.  I will put something back on.  Fortunately we have not used the shower that much, having used cg showers when available - but I think I'll have a look-see at how that window is sealed.

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 102944
Wadya think - should I be using the curtain to prevent water from leaking through that window into the frame?

 I know a lot of people have removed the curtain, but we never did just for fear of this type of problem (we did...and do...use our shower).

Linda Hylton http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=1167 http://earl-linda.blogspot.com/
Linda Hylton

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 102948
We too removed the curtain from the shower window. It never occured to us that the window would not be sealed.  Fortunately we have only taken a couple of showers in there.  I am going to get a piece of clear light vinyl and attach it with velcro top and bottom. I learn so much here.

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 102950
Interesting that you were also told by Vince about this, as when I read your comment to my husband he commented that Vince told him had had never heard of this issue before...hmm. Also just an FYI I had removed the vinyl window cover and replaced it with one I made from a fabric shower curtin I had cut down to fit the shower.  It covered the window for privacy which in my opinion is why one uses a curtin over a window, NOT to keep the area dry!
 If anyone should pull the window to check wouldbe interested to know what you find re sealing and inside.


Sylvia In process of drying out the wall& frame area before repair can begin :(

Rusting Screws - Will they lead to wet rot?
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 102959
Ouch! After reading this thread we took a look at our shower window. What we found were rusted screws holding the window frame in place on an '06 Anniversary Edition 30IB.

Will the rusted screws eventually lead to wet rot?
 Should we replace the screws with stainless steel screws applying a coating that will prevent galvanic corrosion?

Bob and Kathy, Also in Florida


Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 103020
We too removed the curtain from the shower window
What curtain? We don't have a window curtain.
We have Venetian blinds on the bath window.
We have a shower curtain. We close it. It keeps the water in the shower enclosure. I don't think we have ever gotten water on the window. Are some people taking showers with seals? I have empathy for anyone with water damage, but I have to wonder if this is self-inflicted???

Cheers, Don
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 103021
 I have a MB with the window outside the shower enclosure. When I read the posts about a shower curtain for the window, I supposed that some of LD's floorplans put the window in the side wall of the shower??

"Yonder" '05 MB
"WLDBLU" glider trailer

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 103023
Don Malpas  wrote: We have a shower curtain. We close it. It keeps the water in the shower enclosure. I don't think we have ever gotten water on the window. Are some people taking showers with seals? I have empathy for anyone with water damage, but I have to wonder if this is self-inflicted??? --- Don, the 23.5' TK and the 30' LDs have a window *in the shower wall*; when showering, it's very difficult to avoid getting some water on the window or around the frame of this window, with or without the company of marine mammals. ;-)

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 103024
... We have a shower curtain. We close it. It keeps the water in the shower enclosure. I don't think we have ever gotten water on the window. ..
Don, the OP has a 30 IB. This floor plan, like several others, has a window in the shower enclosure.

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 103025
Yes..The 30' has a seperate shower with a window in the outside wall area. The Venetian blind is located on the window in toilet/sink area which is actually across the hall from the shower. You may want to take a look at the 30' floorplan to better understand.
 The window in the shower area has a curtain over it as well as a shower curtain .
 So self inflicted I think not...Poor design possibly..Seals ( elephant or other type) in the shower as much as I would have liked to have brought one home from a trip to CA..wasn't possible


Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 103055
Why, in the name of sense, is there a window in the shower stall? What possible purpose could it serve? This may be a good thread to send to the MS as a strong suggestion for change! JMHO Steve

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 103061
"fiverwheel"  wrote:
 Why, in the name of sense, is there a window in the shower stall? What possible purpose could it serve? This may be a good thread to send to the MS as a strong suggestion for change! --- All Lazy Daze bath areas in all models have a window. The window's *location* is determined by the *size* and *configuration* of the bath area. The 23.5' and the 30' are the only models with a window in the shower wall. In the 23.5' TK, the bath area is very compact and the only other section of outside wall has a cabinet mounted on it. In the 30' models, the bath is separated into a toilet and washbowl area (with its own window) and a shower stall across the "passage"; the window in the shower stall obviously provides ventilation for the shower area.
 The floor plan layouts of the various models on the Lazy Daze website show the placements of the bath window in each model. I have a TK; having the window in the shower stall has posed *no* problem.  For me, this is a non-issue.  If folks have a strong objection to having a window in the shower stall, they might want to select a model other than a TK or a 30'. YMMV.

2003 TK has a new home

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 103063
"Why, in the name of sense, is there a window in the shower stall? What possible purpose could it serve?"
 It lets in light and air. :-) These are very small showers in the models we're talking about, and the shower is the only practical place to put a window. If you were in one, you'd understand. The design flaw isn't that they put a window in the shower; it's that they didn't seal it properly.
 If I were had one of these now (I did once--my 1985 T/K, Gertie), I'd either stretch a sheet of heavy clear vinyl over the window interior side or put a hinged piece of clear polycarbonate over it. Either way, it'd be shielded from shower splash, but you'd still be able to open the window for ventilation.
 By the way, in case you're wondering, the reason so many of us removed the vinyl curtains from the shower window was that they extend several inches into the shower, making a tiny space feel even tinier. That, and they look cheap and ugly.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 103065
As Andy said it comes in handy for sunlite, fresh air, running a water hose thru for flushing the commode, and perhaps for the bold and beautifull at the swingers jamboree.......

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 103085
The 23.5' and the 30' are the only models with a window in the shower wall.
 My 2007 26.5 RB has a window in the shower. It stays "curtained" at all times but I will check the window closely tomorrow.


Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long) - shower window leakage
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 103118
On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 19:11:05 -0000, "jctaylor1941" wrote:

Don, the 23.5' TK and the 30' LDs have a window *in the shower wall*; when showering, it's very difficult to avoid getting some water on the window or around the frame of this window, with or without the company of marine mammals. ;-)
I had no idea. I agree that is a design flaw. It should be sealed.
Darn glad we choose a MB with the window outside the shower.

Cheers, Don
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Wet Rot and Frustration ( long)
Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 103144
"...and perhaps for the bold and beautifull at the swingers jamboree......."

OK, I get it now! LOL Steve