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Topic: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb (Read 3 times) previous topic - next topic
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stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Yahoo Message Number: 102720
have no idea what this is for..  hopefully i want feel stupid..
 the locked panel is above the sewage outlets on the drivers side...  behind the panel, looks like a 4" diameter white pvc pipe with holes in it with a capped end?  what is this used for??

Re: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 102722

"have no idea what this is for..  hopefully i want feel stupid..
 the locked panel is above the sewage outlets on the drivers side...  behind the panel, looks like a 4" diameter white pvc pipe with holes in it with a capped end?  what is this used for??"

Who are you?  Who, who, who, who?  I guess you didn't get the hint in my last message. (-:  How 'bout signing your posts; we are a friendly group and promise not to show up in your driveway.

Chris Horst
2002 30' IB
Arvada, CO
Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 102724

"have no idea what this is for..  hopefully i want feel stupid..
 the locked panel is above the sewage outlets on the drivers side...  behind the panel, looks like a 4" diameter white pvc pipe with holes in it with a capped end?  what is this used for??"
that might help...

rob beam 1994 26.5 rb durham, nc


 Who are you?  Who, who, who, who?  I guess you didn't get the hint in my last message. (-:  How 'bout signing your posts; we are a friendly group and promise not to show up in your driveway.

Chris Horst 2002 30' IB Arvada, CO

Re: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 102727
 My guess, and it is just that, is that it is the storage place for you dump hose.  It is near your holding tank outlet(s), right?

Alex Rutchka
'05 MB

Re: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 102730
the locked panel is above the sewage outlets on the drivers side...  behind the panel, looks like a 4" diameter white pvc pipe with holes in it with a capped end?  what is this used for??"

Who are you?  Who, who, who, who?  I guess you didn't get the hint in my last message. (-:  How 'bout signing your posts; we are a friendly group and promise not to show up in your driveway.
Signatures are a gracious note, but unnecessary.  Every member's name appears on the right-hand side of the post and you can click on it to see if they've left any useful information in their profile.  We're talking to Rob B, age 32, from Durham NC.
 I agree with an earlier comment that it sounds like storage for the sewer hose.

Joanne in Boston NE-44

Re: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 102731
Signatures are a gracious note, but unnecessary.  Every member's name appears on the right-hand side of the post and you can click on it to see if they've left any useful information in their profile.  We're talking to Rob B, age 32, from Durham NC.
 I agree with an earlier comment that it sounds like storage for the sewer hose.

Joanne in Boston NE-44
I learned something new - never knew that link to the Yahoo profile.  Thanks, Joanne.  However, I still like the "gracious note".

Formerly: 2002 30' IB

Re: stumped.. access panel 94 26.5 rb
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 102732

Signatures are a gracious note, but unnecessary.  Every member's name appears on the right-hand side of the post and you can click on it to see if they've left any useful information in their profile.  We're talking to Rob B, age 32, from Durham NC.
 I agree with an earlier comment that it sounds like storage for the sewer hose.

Joanne in Boston NE-44
 I learned something new - never knew that link to the Yahoo profile.  Thanks, Joanne.  However, I still like the "gracious note".

geeezz...  didnt think everything had to be so formal

"if it concerns you that much look to the right" 1994 26.5 rb actually just turned 39:)

Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 102739
Hey Bumper, with a capital B...

Regarding e-mails with no capitalization of sentences.
 I chatted with a group of fairly well educated people,  and one woman writer ALWAYS wrote her messages with absolutely no capitalization.  I assumed she was minimally educated,  from a lower strata then the norm.
Turned out she was a TEACHER, retired,  and apparently unused to and uneducated as far as computers were concerned.
 It's interesting how the manner of writing suggests that people might be different from actually what they are.   Bye.  FrancesM

Re: Capitalization
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 102740
Hey Bumper, with a capital B...

Regarding e-mails with no capitalization of sentences.
 I chatted with a group of fairly well educated people,  and one woman writer ALWAYS wrote her messages with absolutely no capitalization.  I assumed she was minimally educated,  from a lower strata then the norm.
Turned out she was a TEACHER, retired,  and apparently unused to and uneducated as far as computers were concerned.
 It's interesting how the manner of writing suggests that people might be different from actually what they are.  Bye.  FrancesM
i know this is directed at me, it is just the way i learned... grew up at the start on the "mainstream" internet...  aol..etc...  this is how we chatted in chat rooms... i never took a typing class eithier.. i dont spell very well at times... i still chicken peck "pretty fast though"... sometimes i catch myself typing without looking..lol.. once i realize i am doing it i mess up...  so yes if you look at my typing and catorgorize me as a certain person , you may or may not be pleasantly surprised when and if you ever meet me... i have found out though...  in the buisness that i own, i never judge people by the way they are dressed or what they drive.. how they talk.. how they walk.. how they carry themselfes..how they look.. i have seen people come in my store and write out a check for 10k-15k and not even bat a eye.. and you would never guess they have that type of money...  ooooooopppps almost forgot

rob beam durham nc...

Re: Capitalization
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 102744
"one woman writer ALWAYS wrote her messages with absolutely no capitalization. I assumed she was minimally educated, from a lower strata then the norm. Turned out she was a TEACHER, retired, and apparently unused to and uneducated as far as computers were concerned"

Probably not the teacher you would want your children taught by! Written communications on the web should not be any different than in regular life.
Why would it be? This isn't Twitter.
 Proper punctuation was invented to make written communications clearer and easier to understand. Capitalization is a better way of telling the reader when a new sentence has begun. It's much harder to see a period.
Using a word processing program to check your postings is always a good idea. They may not be perfect but they catch most mistakes.
If your computer does not have a word processor, free ones are available.
OpenOffice.org http://www.sun.com/software/openoffice/.

The members of this group spend thousands of hours each year helping newbies as well as older members. Writing clearly and concisely makes it easier for all of us.

2003 23.5' Front Lounge, since new.  Previously 1983 22' Front Lounge.
Tow vehicles  2020 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, 2001 Jeep Cherokee
Photo Collection: Lazy Daze

Re: Capitalization
Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 102745
I see this from two sides.
 As a person who reads a lot of messages, I try hard not to judge people's intelligence by their writing skills. I have a couple of very smart, somewhat dyslexic friends who act as good reminders of that. :-)
 On the other hand, as a person who posts a lot of messages (and watches the activity in this and other discussion groups), I know from experience that a message that's written clearly is much more likely to get a response. e e cummings style all-lowercase writing (or its opposite, the dreaded ALL CAPS MESSAGE)... long run-on text blocks with no paragraphs... missing punctuation... they all make text harder to read.
 That's why books, magazines and (especially) s aren't printed that way. They *want* you to read what they've written, so they make it easy to read. (On the other hand, when a company *doesn't* want you to read something, they use ALL CAPS--just look at the ingredients list on a prepared frozen meal sometime. ;-)
 Simply put, clear writing gets results--here, as anywhere. And when you're asking a question, results are what you want, right?
 Similarly, a first-name signature, while not strictly necessary, helps make a message feel more personal... and again, that makes it more likely that somebody will reply.
 It's simple, really. When reading messages, be tolerant. And when posting, put your best foot forward. :-)

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"

Re: Capitalization
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 102746

Hey Bumper, with a capital B...

Regarding e-mails with no capitalization of sentences.
It's interesting how the manner of writing suggests that people might be different from actually what they are.  Bye.  FrancesM

so yes if you look at my typing and catorgorize me as a certain person , you may or may not be pleasantly surprised when and if you ever meet me... i have found out though...  in the buisness that i own, i never judge people by the way they are dressed or what they drive.. how they talk.. how they walk.. how they carry themselfes..how they look.. i have seen people come in my store and write out a check for 10k-15k and not even bat a eye.. and you would never guess they have that type of money...  ooooooopppps almost forgot

rob beam durham nc...

I think you and Francis misinterpreted Bumper's note.

....."most find it easier to read sentences with traditional capitalization of the first word of the sentence and the word "I" etc.".....
 He was not denigrating or judging anyone I think he was pointing out that for readability purposes capitalization and punctuation help for effective communication.

Terry R
23.5 TK

Re: Capitalization
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 102748
Turned out she was a TEACHER, retired,  and apparently unused to and uneducated as far as computers were concerned.

 Being a teacher is no guarantee of knowing correct grammar, spelling, or punctuation...and has nothing to do with knowledge, or lack thereof, of computers.
 Have you ever watched Jay Leno's "Jaywalking" skits?  I never knew there were so many uneducated people in this country...and the really scary part is the number of those people who say they're going to school to become teachers!!! :-0

Linda Hylton http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=1167 http://earl-linda.blogspot.com/
Linda Hylton

Re: Capitalization
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 102749
e e cummings style all-lowercase writing (or its opposite, the dreaded ALL CAPS MESSAGE)...

 I would much rather read a message that is written in all lower case letters than one written in all capital letters.  Trying to wade through a paragraph written in all caps is very difficult...at least for me.

Linda Hylton http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=1167 http://earl-linda.blogspot.com/
Linda Hylton

Re: Capitalization
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 102751
Linda, sure have to agree!  I was really hoping that those were actors, that Americans were not that dumb, but alas, it does appear that our educational system in the last few dozen years has turned out more street smart people than book smart people. My granddaughter, 17 years old, an A-B honor student, favorite subject is history, American history.  She is going to start this fall at the University of Texas and thinks, at this point in her young life, that she wants to be a history teacher. I don't know what text books they use or the level of expertise of their teachers, but her base knowledge of history is dismal, and she was one of the best of her class. Really sad!

Larry in South Texas
2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)

Re: Capitalization
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 102752
Regarding e-mails with no capitalization of sentences.
Unix programmers never used caps. A form of identity.
I played in that pond and still catch myself not using caps.

Now, about those people who use all CAPS!

Cheers, Don
Don & Dorothy
Sold our LD in June of 2023

Our boring always non-PC travel blog
Traveling Dorothy

Re: Capitalization
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 102754
I agree with you completely, as I usually do.  It's interesting to note, however, that two major users of typed letters always used all caps.  That being the military and Western Union.  The military used and taught newbies to type on what was called a "Mill."  It was simply a typewriter that could only type capital letters.  Telegrams too were always in all caps.  There must have been a good reason for it at the time.  Both are only memories now.  I think the military used it because it was faster to type Morse code.
The teletype machines probably used all caps because it was less complex mechanically than having to shift for the beginning of each sentence.  All caps or all lower case - I hate reading them both.


Re: Capitalization
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 102760
< Dick was saying >.. the military and Western Union.  The military used and taught newbies to type on what was called a "Mill."  It was simply a typewriter that could only type capital letters.  Telegrams too were always in all caps.  There must have been a good reason for it at the time.
I think this topic is an example of the march of technology.  Back in the day when W.U. strung wires along the railroad, signal bandwidth was hard to come by.
 Now we could type characters in a multitude of different "glyphs" (the letters we type with).  Happily including Don's cool wave sig.
 Signal bandwidth we have now-a-days gives us you-tube where we used to struggle to send all-caps train orders.  And they say there's no such thing as progress. 8-)
