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Western Campground POI List
Yahoo Message Number: 99698
OK, all you western folks, the eagerly-awaited POI list of public campgrounds in the western US is available for your amusement and edification.  It contains over 2500 federal, state, county, local and other public camping facilities in the states of: WA, OR, CA, AZ, NV, ID, MT, WY, UT, NM, and CO. Boy, you folks out west are sure blessed with a myriad of great camping possibilities.

The Western list, along with the Eastern and Central lists, can be downloaded from the infamous Toad Hall web site at www.wxtoad.com
 This list, like my previous Eastern US and Central US lists, was built using a number of POI lists that I combined and then attempted to cull out duplicates and places that did not offer camping.  That being said, you may well find some inaccuracies.  It is intended to be used only as a guide.

I'd also be very interested in adding any other public campgrounds that you may know about.  If you know of some other little out-of-the-way city parks, etc., please email me at wxtoad at yahoo dot com.
 These lists are in Excel format and can be used as is or converted as necessary so you can import them into your GPS system.

Thanks for your encouragement in this endeavor.

Cheers, Ted H.
'02 FL  NE-12 @ Tyndall AFB FL

Western Campground POI List
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 99745
Whew, what a lot of work. Thanks.
Being new to this poi stuff how do you convert it to what ever Germin poi loader understands??

Thanks again, Dave
2004 PleasureWay TD

Western Campground POI List
Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 99746
Being new to this poi stuff how do you convert it to what ever Germin poi loader

Just open it in Excel and save it as a CSV file.


Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 99747
On Mar 1, 2009, at 7:48 PM, David Reed wrote:

Whew, what a lot of work. Thanks.
Being new to this poi stuff how do you convert it to what ever Germin poi loader understands??

Thanks again, Dave
 You need to make a .CSV (meaning Comma Separated Values) file.  Look here at the Garmin site:

If you are using Microsoft Excel there is a way to export a spreadsheet page to a CSV file.

Alex Rutchka, SE #4 '05 MB

Western Campground POI List
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 99751
Being new to this poi stuff how do you convert it to what ever Germin poi loader


Just open it in Excel and save it as a CSV file.

============================================================= Thank Monti, that was easy enough. Saved it as a csv file, poi loader said it went to my sd card.  Put the sd card in the Garmin 265T and turned it on. But so far I couuldn't find the file in it. The learning ocntinues.....ha.

2004 PleasureWay TD

Western Campground POI List
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 99758
Being new to this poi stuff how do you convert it to what ever Germin poi loader understands?? ============================================================= Just open it in Excel and save it as a CSV file.

Monti ============================================================= Thank Monti, that was easy enough. Saved it as a csv file, poi loader said it went to my sd card.  Put the sd card in the Garmin 265T and turned it on. But so far I couuldn't find the file in it. The learning ocntinues.....ha
============================================================ An update: I loaded the file directly to the gps this time and still don't see where the file is located in the unit.

2004 PleasureWay TD

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 99762
On Mar 1, 2009, at 10:22 PM, David Reed wrote:

o o o Thank Monti, that was easy enough. Saved it as a csv file, poi loader said it went to my sd card.  Put the sd card in the Garmin 265T and turned it on. But so far I couuldn't find the file in it. The learning ocntinues.....ha.


I don't have a Garmin that accepts POIs so as to give you secifics, but the comments here:
 Once you download POI files into your Garmin unit, then an option of "Custom POI's" will appear in either "Extras" or in your "My Locations" category.

Check that out.

Alex Rutchka, SE #4 '05 MB, Garmin IQ3600 GPS

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Western Campground POI List
Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 99894
Being new to this poi stuff how do you convert it to what ever Germin poi loader understands?? ============================================================= Just open it in Excel and save it as a CSV file.

Monti ============================================================= Thank Monti, that was easy enough. Saved it as a csv file, poi loader said it went to my sd card.  Put the sd card in the Garmin 265T and turned it on. But so far I couuldn't find the file in it. The learning ocntinues.....ha ============================================================ An update: I loaded the file directly to the gps this time and still don't see where the file is located in the unit.

============================================================== Yea, finally sucess!!  Thanks to all for the help....
2004 PleasureWay TD

Western Campground POI List
Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 99902
I did it!  I can't believe I loaded all 5502 of Ted's campground POI's into my Garmin Streetpilot 2720 in like 10 minutes - a stunning success!
 If anyone else is also intimidated by this process, here's what I did:  (easy)

1.  Went to Ted's website and found his campground files under "Camping Info" on the left:  http://www.wxtoad.com  
2.  Saved all three of Ted's cg files to my computer hard drive- they're Excel files – didn't even need to open them first, just right-click each link and "Save As" and kept them as Excel files  
3.  Returned to that file folder on my computer and opened each of the 3 Excel files one at a time and saved them as file type. CSV (put these CSV files in a separate folder)- I had to scroll down to see that file type option.

4.  Went to the POI Loader website and downloaded that little program starter to my desktop  http://tinyurl.com/POI-Loader  
5.  Doubleclicked on POI Loader program starter on my computer desktop to begin the little program wizard  
6.  Searched the house and found my A/C plug for the GPS device (has that funny GPS angle on the end).  Hooked between wall and GPS - turned on GPS. (you don't need this if the GPS unit has battery power)  
7.  Found a cord with a USB end for the computer and a micro-USB for the side of my GPS unit and plugged them in  
8.  Went to the computer and clicked thru the little program's questions.  It found my GPS automatically, then I browsed to find my CSV folder (that I made in step #3)  
9.  Clicked "next" and one second later, it said I had done it!

10.  I picked up the GPS, clicked on Find > Extras > Custom POI's and there are the 3 files!  I clicked on Central and it says that Brazos Bend State Park is the closest!  Whoo-hoo!
 11.   Then I unhooked the micro-USB from the Streetpilot and hooked it into the Nuvi 650 (that I bought for Ned and then kept).  It has a battery, so doesn't even need an A/C cord.  (The GPS wouldn't really come on all the way until we finished with the computer cord, but thats ok)
 12.   Went to  my computer's Programs file > POI Loader and doubleclicked – it started the POI Loader program wizard and 1 second later, 5502 campgrounds are loaded onto the Nuvi!
 13.   Unplugged the micro-USB from the Nuvi so Nuvi would come on all the way on battery power, clicked Where To > Extras > Custom POI's and there they are!  Amazing!
 Hooray!  Hooray for Ted!  Thanks to all the helpers in this thread too.

Tessa in TX

Western Campground POI List
Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 99903
Tessa, thanks for the detailed step-by-step instructions, and thanks to Ted for the work involved in putting together the POI list!  Great resource.

Sharon N.

Crossville, TN

Western Campground POI List
Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 99907

Great to see you back on the Group!  Glad you got the POI's successfully loaded.  If you don't mind, I'd like to add your excellent detailed instructions to my web site, for those who use a similar GPS system.  And thanks for your kind words.


Ted H.


@ St Andrews SP FL

Toad Hall http://www.wxtoad.com/>

Posted by: "teresadhill"
 I did it! I can't believe I loaded all 5502 of Ted's campground POI's into my Garmin Streetpilot 2720 in like 10 minutes - a stunning success!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 99911
Okay, I saved and opened the XL files, but when I try to save them as CSV (comma delimited), I get a pop up warning screen that says:
 The selected file type does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets.
To save only the active sheet, click OK.
To save all sheets, save them individually using a different file name for each etc. etc.
 Help, what's going on, besides the fact that I have a stormy relationship with computers.

all the best,

"Yonder" '05 MB
"WLDBLU" glider trailer

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 99913
Bumper, I got that message too.  I don't know what it means, but pressed "OK" and it all worked fine.
Hope that helps, Tessa

Western Campground POI List
Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 99914
Of course you can use my instructions for whatever you like- change them around if it helps.  It does seem that I forgot that warning message that Bumper mentioned, so you might want to include that (I just clicked "OK" and all worked fine).
 Also, I was going to test to see if I can change the file name (when I save it as a CSV file) if I can use a different name.  It seems to save the POI name on the GPS exactly as I saved the file name.  While I like the names you chose, I might rename others

Western Campground POI List
Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 99916
Okay, I saved and opened the XL files, but when I try to save them as CSV (comma delimited), I get a pop up warning screen that says:
 The selected file type does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets.
That warning need not concern you in this case.  It means that the .csv file doesn't have the data to support the full functionality of the .xls file.  So *if* you did any fancy computing, then that would be lost when you save .csv.  But you didn't.

 Is there enough memory (on my nuvi 755) for lots of these poi's?  Or do have to buy a card?


Western Campground POI List
Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 99924
I did it!  I can't believe I loaded all 5502 of Ted's campground POI's into my Garmin Streetpilot 2720 in like 10 minutes - a stunning success!
Tessa is
a) smarter than me
b) was lucky to be using a Garmin
c) both of the above.

The correct answer, of course, is c).  I have a TomTom 330S.  Using the Excel spreadsheet Ted prepared, I converted his file to a cvs file by using "save as."  So far so good, I guess.  I then went to www.poieditor.com and used their tool to convert the cvs file to a ov2 file, which is the TomTom format.  This created a file on my computer) that had the coordinates, but no place names.  Highlighting a coordinates entry with the cursor caused a little marker to pop up just fine on google maps (while on the poieditor site), but there was no way to tell what campground was there.  Anyone have any ideas how to do this correctly so that the names appear in the file as well, so that I would be able to search by name once it gets loaded into the GPS?  I didn't try to load the no-name file into the GPS device.  Thanks, Jon
(Former) ‘06 TK “Albatross.” And (former) Vespa 250.   Alas, no more; both are gone.😕 Great memories remain! 😄

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 99933
From: teresadhill

Bumper, I got that message too. I don't know what it means, but pressed "OK" and it all worked fine.
Hope that helps, Tessa

 Well it would have! I went ahead and muddled my way through the process this morning (after I yelped for help). Got it up and running all by myself - - - aren't I good?!  (Hangs head in shame knowing full well he's not very good with computers at all.)
 But, I'm not half bad with electronics, things mechanical, welding, metal working, machine tools, composites, bicycles, gliders, airplanes, inventing, and I cook a mean cheeseburger (g).

bumper Yonder
"Yonder" '05 MB
"WLDBLU" glider trailer

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 99969
Jeez... is that ALL you can doooo? ? ? ? ??  Man, I'm lucky i can breath and walk at the same time....waaaa, sob, sniff. Gene in orlando

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 100079
OK, I must be doing something wrong here.  When I try to download the POI, my computer (MacBook) does not recognize my GPS.  I have a Garm

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 100080
 Garmin POI Loader does not work with the Garmin 2620.  Look here for a discussion:

These folks should know.
 It's true for my old Garmin IQ3600 as well.  I just bought a Nuvi just to be able load Ted's (and other's) POIs.

Alex Rutchka
SE #4

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 100081
In order to load POI's into a GPS, you must be able to access the memory files or, in most cases, a plug in chip or memory card.  Having had a 2620, I know that is not possible with that model. Technology has marched on and even though I never had a problem with my "old" 2620, I really did want to be able to add POI's, so I sold the old unit on ebay and got a new one.

Larry in south Texas

 OK, I must be doing something wrong here.  When I try to download the POI, my computer (MacBook) does not recognize my GPS.  I have a Garmin 2620, and the computer recognizes it fine when I download updates to the software, but when I try to do the POI, it doesn't see it.
Anyone?  Anyone?
2001 MB
* Not to be confused with Larry W (3000 of my posts are actually from expert Larry W due to Yahoo transition mis-step)

Re: Western Campground POI List
Reply #22
Yahoo Message Number: 100084
"When I try to download the POI, my computer (MacBook) does not recognize my GPS. I have a Garmin 2620, and the computer recognizes it fine when I download updates to the software, but when I try to do the POI, it doesn't see it."
 I'm a novice at this, and I've never used Garmin POI Loader, but I have used Garmin's Roadtrip 2.0.1 Mac OS X software to move collections of waypoints to and from my Garmin StreetPilot 2610. The POIfactory discussion that Alex was kind enough to point to says this is the only way to move locations from a computer onto the 2610 and 2620 models.
 I guess if you were doing it with hundreds of locations, it could be cumbersome, but with a dozen or two (the most I've tried), Roadtrip works fine. I've also used it to transfer locations to my GPS from Google Maps.

Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Andy Baird
2021 Ford Ranger towing 2019 Airstream 19CB
Previously: 1985 LD Twin/King "Gertie"; 2003 LD Midbath "Skylark"