A DVD question November 26, 2007, 04:58:38 pm Yahoo Message Number: 86351Another question here Its a quickie: if you were buying a new DVD for your LD, would you get one that runs on AC or 12volt? I dont have an inverter yet.Judy Wms.[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Re: A DVD question Reply #1 – November 26, 2007, 05:05:12 pm Yahoo Message Number: 86352Unless absolutely forced to, I would buy nothing electronic for the LD that did not run on 12 volts.-Dave '06 MB, Indianapolis
Re: A DVD question Reply #2 – November 26, 2007, 05:08:02 pm Yahoo Message Number: 86353"if you were buying a new DVD for your LD, would you get one that runs on AC or 12volt? I don't have an inverter yet."If you don't have an inverter, then you don't have 120VAC unless you're plugged in or running your generator. If you want to watch a movie without doing one of those two things, then you should either buy an inverter or buy a player that runs on 12VDC.Andy Baird http://www.andybaird.com/travels/
Re: A DVD question Reply #3 – November 26, 2007, 05:21:36 pm Yahoo Message Number: 86355On Mon, 26 Nov 2007 14:58:30 -0800, "Judy Williams" windermere@...> wrote these inspiring words:Quoteif you were buying a new DVD for your LD, would you get one that runs on AC or 12volt? Having a 12v TV and another 12v outlet close by, I thought a 12v DVD was a "no-brainer". However, after finding the selection of 12v DVD's to be both limited and pricey, I asked Steve Newton and his advise was get 120v DVD. [I then wanted to ask him why they did not put a 120v outlet there, but I was able to suppress that question]So we got a well-rated Phillips DVD from Wal-Mart and an small inverter. Total cost $55.Still looking for some good movies to watch.Cheers, Don
Re: A DVD question Reply #4 – November 26, 2007, 05:52:01 pm Yahoo Message Number: 86358Quote Another question here It's a quickie: if you were buying a new DVD for Quoteyour LD, would you get one that runs on AC or 12volt? I don't have an inverter yet.Judy Wms. Judy, you don't say how old your TV is. It may become obsolete like mine Feb 2009 without digital turner or converter. You might want to look at the new 12V combo TV's with new tuner and DVD player. Check this link. http://www.roadtrucker.com/electronics-4.htm Joe Hamm-San Jose
Re: A DVD question Reply #5 – November 26, 2007, 06:20:32 pm Yahoo Message Number: 86360On Nov 26, 2007, at 18:17, Don Malpas wrote: QuoteHaving a 12v TV and another 12v outlet close by, I thought a 12v DVD was a "no-brainer". You may be able to use your laptop for DVDs too. My 17-inch MacBook Pro even has decent sound (although I know many notebooks do not).