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Topic: Has anyone installed Solar Panels, Charger, Inverter from Costco? (Read 17 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Solar Panels from Costco
Reply #25
Yahoo Message Number: 89008
The weakest link I see in the Costco package is the 175 watt inverter.
That is way too small. I would think at least 500 watt inveter should be used as a minimum. That's what we use in our stick and brick to run our computers.
 Our local Costco has the 70 something watt version of the solar panels sold seperately and I'm looking at buying one but will wait a little while for better weather. We are in a forest and don't get any sun this time of year anyway but when spring comes we may very well buy our solar panel from Costco. They are close, have a liberal return policy, usually have the best price, and since we do our own work that's the way we'll go. If one panel is inadequate we will add more as needed.

Michelle & Cathy 1982 22' LD