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Topic: Transfer Switch Location and Identification (Read 16 times) previous topic - next topic
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Transfer Switch Location and Identification
Yahoo Message Number: 86220
Where is the external power/generator transfer switch located in a 2001 RB? Is it behind the circuit breaker/converter box below the oven? (At least I would guess that location, and it is where I would look first, but it is easier to ask the experts before I dig in.

Also how do I identify the out wires from the transfer switch?

I plan to install a Progressive Industries Model EMS-HW30C surge protector http://www.progressiveindustries.net/EMSHW30C.asp http://www.progressiveindustries.net/PDF/HW30CPDF.pdf between the output of the transfer switch and the main circuit breaker/converter in order to protect against surges from either the shore power or the generator.

Any comments or suggestions from the experts?

Thanks. All help appreciated.

Barry (P.S. When I received the surge protector, there was some shipping damage due to the failure of a screw holding one of the circuit boards in, which allowed some of the components to rattle around. I called Progressive, and they were VERY helpful, and are shipping a new unit with a free RMA certificate to return the unit, even though they are wholesale only, not dealers. They could easily have told me to contact the seller to get me off their backs. I call that good customer service.)

P.P.S (I posted this Thursday in the Technoz group, but did not get any response.  Perhaps because of the holiday.)

Re: Transfer Switch Location and Identification
Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 86265
I haven't had any response to my request for the transfer switch location (either here or on Techsnlz).

Surely someone

Re: Transfer Switch Location and Identification
Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 86324
Hi Barry,
 I redid the power control panel in my 2000 RB to install the Prosine 2000 inverter.  That meant taking the power control center completely out of the cabinet below the oven.

The transfer switch in mine is part of the power control center attached to the outside back wall of the  CB box.  It took a long time to find it.
 Sorry i didn't get back o you sooner.  We just got back from a short trip to seeing the cranes at Bosque del Apache.

Safe travels,

Dave N Albuquerque

2017 TK

Re: Transfer Switch Location and Identification
Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 86333

Thanks for the reply and the good information.
 As I understand you, the transfer switch comes out with the circuit breaker box?  Does the box come out easily or did you work with the box in?  Is the output line of the transfer switch easy to identify?  Was room for the surge protector behind the circuit box any problem?

I hope you had good crane watching.
 We showed our LD to someone in ABQ once when we were visiting my mother there. He had a bus-conversion class A at the time as I remember it, and was considering a LD.  Was that you by any chance?


2001 Red RB, TX Where are we?  http://map.datastormusers.com/user1.cfm?user=122

Re: Transfer Switch Location and Identification
Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 86338
As I understand you, the transfer switch comes out with the circuit breaker box?
Yes, it is fastened to the outside back of the circuit breaker box.

Does the box come out easily or did you work with the box in?
It comes out with the circuit breaker box.  There was some resistance because of the 120 VAC wires attached to the transfer switch but that was all.

Is the output line of the transfer switch easy to identify?
Well, it was a bit of a puzzle but you can eliminate some because they go into the circuit breaker box, and I had access to my generator AC line so with a continuity tester I was able to sort it out.  Also once the box is out you can remove the cover of the transfer switch and see what is what inside.

Was room for the surge protector behind the circuit box any problem?
In my 2000 RB there is quite a bit of room behind the circuit breaker box/converter.

I hope you had good crane watching.
We did.  It was marvelous.  We've lived in Albuquerque for over 30 years except when  for the six years we were full time and have never visited the bird sanctuary.

We showed our LD to someone in ABQ once when we were visiting my mother there. He had a bus-conversion class A at the time as I remember it, and was considering a LD. Was that you by any chance?
Well we had a bus conversion but i don't remember this.  When was this?


Take care,

Dave N

2017 TK